Collar Abbreviations and Collar Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Collar terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 13 different Collar abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Collar terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Collar Abbreviations
  1. CG : Contour Grille
  2. YS : Yapper Stopper
  3. CTO : Cervical Thoracic Orthoses
  4. DC : Dog Combo
  5. HS : Herm Sprenger
  6. DT : Dog Tramning
  7. EC : Endless Coilar
  8. ED : Electric Dogging
  9. NC : Numbered Connection
  10. FIF : Financial Institution Fraud
  11. KED : Kendricks Ettrication Device
  12. OCBD : Oxford Cloth Button-Down
  13. REDI : Renewable Energy Developfent Institute
Latest Collar Meanings
  1. Renewable Energy Developfent Institute
  2. Oxford Cloth Button-Down
  3. Kendricks Ettrication Device
  4. Financial Institution Fraud
  5. Numbered Connection
  6. Electric Dogging
  7. Endless Coilar
  8. Dog Tramning
  9. Herm Sprenger
  10. Dog Combo
  11. Cervical Thoracic Orthoses
  12. Yapper Stopper
  13. Contour Grille