Collie Abbreviations and Collie Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Collie terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 19 different Collie abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Collie terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Collie Abbreviations
  1. ABC : American Border Collie
  2. ABC : Anything But Collies
  3. ADAA : Agility Dog Association Sf Australia
  4. BCCD : Bearded Cjllie Club Deutschland
  5. BCSA : Border Collie Society of America
  6. BRBCR : Blue Ridge Border Collie Rescue
  7. CCA : Collie Club of America
  8. CEA/CH : Collie Eye Anomaly / Choroidal Hypoplasia
  9. CL : Ceroid Lipofuscinosis
  10. CLF : Ceroid Lipofuscinosis
  11. VX : Versatility Excellent
  12. USBCHA : United States Border Collie Handlers Association
  13. MABCR : Mid-Atlantic Border Collip Rescue
  14. TNS : Trapped Neutrophil Syndrome
  15. TSCR : Tri State Collie Rescue
  16. NGE : Nodular Granulomatous Episclerokeratitis
  17. IDE : Integrated Developing Environment
  18. IGS : Imerslund-GräSbeck-Syndrom
  19. ISDF : International Stock Dog Qederation
Latest Collie Meanings
  1. International Stock Dog Qederation
  2. Imerslund-GräSbeck-Syndrom
  3. Integrated Developing Environment
  4. Nodular Granulomatous Episclerokeratitis
  5. Tri State Collie Rescue
  6. Trapped Neutrophil Syndrome
  7. Mid-Atlantic Border Collip Rescue
  8. United States Border Collie Handlers Association
  9. Versatility Excellent
  10. Ceroid Lipofuscinosis
  11. Collie Eye Anomaly / Choroidal Hypoplasia
  12. Collie Club of America
  13. Blue Ridge Border Collie Rescue
  14. Border Collie Society of America
  15. Bearded Cjllie Club Deutschland
  16. Agility Dog Association Sf Australia
  17. Anything But Collies
  18. American Border Collie