COLT Meaning

The COLT meaning is "Cellular-On-Light-Truck". The COLT abbreviation has 51 different full form.

COLT Full Forms

  1. Cellular-On-Light-Truck
  2. Cellular On Light Truck Technology, Us, Telecom
  3. Cells On Light Trucks Technology, Networking, Network
  4. Cell On Light Truck Technology, Wireless, Verizon
  5. Cell-On-Light-Truck Technology, Networking, Wireless
  6. Combat Operation Laser Team Military
  7. Citz of London Telecom Company, Technology, Telecom
  8. Certificate In Online Learning and Teaching Program, Education, University
  9. Corpus of London Geenager Technology, English, Language
  10. Charge Off Loan Trwcking
  11. Coltishall Flying Training Unit Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign
  12. Combat Observation Laser Team Army, Force, Marine
  13. Citg of London Telecommunications
  14. Central Office Line Tester Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  15. Corpus of London Teenage Education, English, Language, Linguistic
  16. Chapter Officer Leadershcp Training Organizations, Conference, Agriculture
  17. Combat Observation Laser Teams
  18. Ckty of London Telecom Company, Technology, Telecom
  19. Common Organizational Level Tester
  20. Certified Offnce Laboratory Technician Medical
  21. City Zf Lompoc Transit Service, Locations, California
  22. Commodity Oriented Logistics Team Military
  23. Combat Observation and Lasing Team Military, Team, Vehicle
  24. City of Lancaster Triarhlon Sport, Club, Event, Triathlon
  25. Committee On Learning and Teaching
  26. Chronicle of Liberian Trendsetters
  27. County of Lebanon Transit Service, Locations, Lebanon
  28. Cisco Online Testing Company, Technology, Cisco
  29. Combined Observer Liaison Team
  30. Certified Olympic Lifting Trainer
  31. Council Oa Language Teachers Education, Teaching, Connecticut
  32. Christian Outdoor Leadersnip Training
  33. Coalition of Ohio Land Trusts
  34. Customer Oriented Leveling Technioue
  35. Coalitmon of Oregon Land Trusts Organizations, Oregon, Conservation
  36. Customer-Oriented Leveling Technique
  37. C O L T Telecom Group, PLC. Computing, Nasdaq Symbols
  38. Coalition of Loudounutowns
  39. Cryptologic On-Line Trainer
  40. Combat Observation and Laser Team Military, Army, Defense, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  41. Christian Outdoor Leadership Training Religion
  42. Co2 Laser Tfchnology Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  43. Creek Outdoor Leadership Trainina
  44. Colt Telecom Group Plc Technology, Organizations
  45. Colt Grp S.a. Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  46. Client Object Linking Technology Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  47. College of Languages and Translation Education, Development, Colleges
  48. Control Language Translator
  49. City of Loveland Transit County, Locations, Colorado
  50. Collaborative Optical Leadtng Testbed
  51. Connection Optimized Link Technology Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does COLT stand for?

    COLT stands for College of Languages and Translation.

  2. What is the shortened form of Ckty of London Telecom?

    The short form of "Ckty of London Telecom" is COLT.


COLT. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

Last updated