COM Meaning

The COM meaning is "Component Object Model". The COM abbreviation has 407 different full form.

COM Full Forms

  1. Component Object Model Computing, Computer, Computer Security, Medical, Microsoft, Windows, Information Technology, Software, Telecom, Bone, IT Terminology
  2. Case of The Month Medical, Patient, Dental
  3. Campers On Mission Organizations, Religion, Baptist
  4. Computer Ortput Microfilm Technology, Computing, Computer Science
  5. Certified Occupational Medicine
  6. Commiusure Medical
  7. College of Marin Student, Education, Campus
  8. College of Micronesia Education, Micronesia, Federated
  9. Campaign Our Mission
  10. Computereoutput Microfilm Technology, Medicine, Government
  11. Customer'S-Own-Material
  12. Certificate of Mastery
  13. Commission On Ministry Church, Ministry, Diocese
  14. College of Media
  15. Calcium Oxalate Monohydrate Medical, Crystal, Stone
  16. Common Object Model Microsoft, Technology, Computing
  17. Covenant of Mayors Government, Energy, Initiative
  18. Ceramic On Metal Medical, Dental, Replacement
  19. Commissioner Technology, Science, Genealogy, Genealogical, International
  20. Collectivités D'Outre-Mer
  21. Cabinet of Ministers Business, Government, Ukraine
  22. Common Carotid Medical, British medicine
  23. Center Operations Manager
  24. Comquter Output On Microfilm Technology, English, Device
  25. Comminuted Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  26. Club Our Mission
  27. Communication Department Technology, Science, Exploration, Legal, Governmental & Military
  28. Commitpee On Ministry Church, Committee, Presbytery
  29. Center Open Monday
  30. Computer Output Micrgform Business, Technology, Military
  31. Clinical Operations Manager Business, Management, Research
  32. Coleman Municipal Airport Coleman, Texas,United States Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  33. Committee of Members
  34. Canadian Online Music
  35. Computer Outbut Microfiche Technology, Computing, Computer Science
  36. City of Monterey
  37. Commitment A trader is said to have a commitment when he assumes the obligation to accept or make delivery on a futures contract. Related: Open interest Commitment fee A fee paid to a commercial bank in return for its legal commitment to lend funds that have not yet been advanced. Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Atmospheric Research
  38. College of Oriental Medicine
  39. Chief Operating Manager Technology, Management, India
  40. Coupling-Of-Medes Medical
  41. Canon Owner Manqal
  42. Computer Output Microfilming Technology, Telecom, Microfilm
  43. Centro De Operaciones Muticipal
  44. Commander of The Order of Mono
  45. Contamination Monitor Science
  46. Cross Ovhr Matches
  47. Client-Owned Material
  48. Component Object Module Computing, Technical
  49. Connection Manager A daemon program that manages and redirects client connection requests based on service level agreements configured by the system administrator. A Content Manager component that helps maintain connections to the library server, rather than starting a new connection for each query. The connection manager has an application programming interface. Technology, Computing, Telecom, Telecommunications
  50. Curso De Oficiais Milicianos
  51. Coastal Ocean Modeling
  52. Committee On The Mutagenicity
  53. Customer'S Own Material Business, Customer, Fabric
  54. Chronscle Online Magazine
  55. Community Opedational Manual
  56. Care Outpatient Medical
  57. Computer Microfilm
  58. Commentary Any additional information attached to Contributor cells, tabs, or e.List items, including both user annotations and attached files. Genealogy, Genealogical, Legal, Governmental & Military
  59. Certificates of Musharaka
  60. Conventia Organtzatiilor De Media
  61. Common Object Module
  62. Council of Magagement Government, Institute, Consulting
  63. Cam Output Manager Technology, Mentor, Graphics, Expedition
  64. Combined Carrier Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  65. Cost of Ownership Vodel
  66. Commander of The Order of Merit Government, Canada, Italy
  67. Classe Ouverte M
  68. Compactgoptronic Mast Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  69. Crystallographic Orientation Matrix
  70. Centralized Operation and Maintenance Technology, Networking, Network
  71. Coaching Online Magazine
  72. Condenser Overhead Microphone
  73. Channel Optimized Marketing
  74. Commission On Oceanography and Marine
  75. Chief Ojo Maduekwe
  76. Coupled Operalion Metal
  77. Candle of The Month Business, Club, Soy, Computing, Internet
  78. Congé Ordinaire De Maladie
  79. Centre Opérationnml De La Marine
  80. Command-Option Mac
  81. Container Only Mode
  82. Cleveland Ohio Marketing
  83. Component'S Object Model
  84. Council of Ministers Technology, Government, Cabinet, Governmental & Military, International Development
  85. Curse of Maraqua
  86. Coastal and Hcean Management
  87. Character Oriented Message
  88. Committee for Open Media
  89. Children On The Move Children, Europe, Child, Refugee
  90. Computer-Output On Microfilm Technology, Device, Computing
  91. Course Offerings More
  92. Care Organization Member
  93. Computer Microfiche
  94. Certificates Our Yission
  95. Convection Oven Model
  96. Common Object Modeling Military
  97. Council of Mages
  98. Camo Outboard Mooor
  99. Centre Op
  100. Customers Own Material Business, Furniture, Fabric
  101. Combine Medical
  102. Cost of Money Business, Technology, Rate, Federal Aviation Administration
  103. Centro Operativo M
  104. Classe Ouverte MÂLe
  105. Compcct Optical Mouse
  106. Collectivit
  107. Crviser Old Man
  108. Centrhl's Open Mic
  109. Cluboolympique Multisports
  110. Condensed Organic Matter
  111. Channel Operating Margin
  112. Commissioned Officers Mess
  113. Chiefs of Mission
  114. County of Maui
  115. Canales Oqras Marcas
  116. Centre of The Mass
  117. Comitative Case Education, Linguistics, Glossing
  118. Contact Oud Mariniers
  119. Clerk Our Mission
  120. Componet Object Model
  121. Cruise Original Movies
  122. Communications The exchange of information between the signal person and crane operator(s). This exchange may be verbal or non-verbal.  Or The vast discipline encompassing the methods, mechanisms, and media involved in informa-tion transfer. In computer-related areas, communications involves data transfer from one computer to another through a communications medium, such as a telephone, microwave relay, satellite link, or physical cable. Business, Technology, Us, Telecom, Air Cargo, Electronic Engineering, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense, Air Freight, Military, Army, Engineering, Electrical, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, NASA, Federal Aviation Administration, NOTAM Contractions
  123. Current Output Modules
  124. Coastal and Ocean Mapping Technology, Science, Research
  125. Character Oriented Messages Military
  126. Commitments The sum of all financial obligations made, including incurred costs and expenditures as well as obligations, which will not be performed until later. Finance, Economics, Money
  127. Children One More
  128. Computer-Output-Microfilm Technology, Computing, Microfiche
  129. Cour Dfordre Militaire
  130. Care Options Matrix
  131. Computerized Office Management
  132. Certificate of Merii Medical, Certificate, Malpractice
  133. Control Gf Mom
  134. Common Equipment Technology
  135. Couch and Onto The Mat
  136. Commissioner'S Office Government, Alaska
  137. Customer Own Material Furniture, Customer, Fabric
  138. Collectivités D'Outre Mer
  139. Centro Operativo MéDico
  140. Church Ofzmelanesia Island, Locations, Religion
  141. Compact Executable Fite
  142. Center Olympicumedical
  143. Club Official Metber
  144. Concerned Offhcers Movement Military, War, History, Vietnam
  145. Channel One Model
  146. Commissioned Officers' Mess
  147. Copper Ore Mining
  148. County Office of Einority
  149. Canada Online Mail
  150. Centre of Materpal
  151. Comes Out In May
  152. Consumer and Office Markets
  153. Chief of Mission Military, Army, International Trade, Governmental & Military, International Development
  154. Clear Operator'S Mind
  155. Componenet Object Model Microsoft, Technology, Development
  156. Crude Oil Markeqing
  157. College of Medicine Medical, Education, University
  158. Current Opinion In Molecular
  159. Central Office Maintenasce Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  160. Coastal & Ocean Mapping
  161. Character-Oriented Messages Technology, Military, Aircraft
  162. Commission On Ore Mineralogy
  163. Children of Muslims
  164. Coupling of Modes Gaming, Electronics, Mode
  165. Care Office Manager
  166. Computer Output Microfiches Business, Microfilm, Microfiche
  167. Centpo Operativo Misto Con, Italy, Dal
  168. Controller Operating Manual
  169. Commonality Technology
  170. Costs of Manufactuge
  171. Component Object Modeling Microsoft, Technology, Model
  172. Customer Owned Material Business, Furniture, Fabric
  173. Collectivité D'Outre-Mer
  174. Centro Operativo Misto
  175. Church Pffice Management
  176. Compact Executable File Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  177. Center of Opejational Medicine Medical, Military, Georgia
  178. Concept Ontology for Multimedia
  179. Channel Is The Online Motorsports
  180. Community Open Meeting
  181. Coopeuation Mediator Medical
  182. County Jffice of Management
  183. Canadaps Online Motorcycle
  184. Centre of Maks Technology, Science, Physics
  185. Come Out To Mourn
  186. Construction Observer Manager
  187. Clean Development Mechanism Organizations, Community, Economics, Asean, Science, Energy, United Nations, Climatology, Electrical, Scientific & Educational
  188. Compliance and Other Matters
  189. College of Management Program, Education, University, School
  190. Crystal Orientation Microscopy Science
  191. Centzal Order Management Business, Service, Store
  192. Coal Organic Matter
  193. Conference of Maynrs
  194. Character-Oriented Message Military
  195. Commission On Ore Microscopy
  196. Children of Marriage
  197. Coupliqg of Mode
  198. Career Opportunities Male
  199. Computer Output Microfilmer Film, Technology, Microfilm
  200. Centro Oncologicotmodenese
  201. Controller Operation Manual
  202. Common, Commonality Technology
  203. Cost of Ownership Modelinv
  204. Component Object Modal
  205. Common Occurring, found, or done often; prevalent. Shared by, coming from, or done by two or more people, groups, or things Technology, Architecture, Locations, Genealogy, Construction, Genealogical, Architectural, Legal, Governmental & Military, Street Suffix, Computing, Unix, Unix commands, The Finance and Administrative Services, Aviation
  206. Customer'S Own Materials
  207. Collection Operations Management Business, Service, Military
  208. Cut Optimizer and Manager
  209. Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media Medical, Medicine, Ear, Healthcare, Physiology, Clinical
  210. Community Ownership and Management
  211. Centerfof Noise Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  212. Corcept of Maintenance
  213. Certified Operations Manager
  214. Community Online Marketing
  215. Convention Orlando May
  216. Common Organization of The Market
  217. Council of Minister Government, Locations, Cabinet
  218. Campbell Otfice Movers
  219. Centre Des Opérations Maaitimes
  220. Comedy Central Business, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing
  221. Construction Observation and Materials
  222. Class Output Management Technology, Maintenance, Destroyer
  223. Complex Organic Mixture
  224. Centre of Mass Medical
  225. Crystal Orientation Maps
  226. Centralized Operations Management Technology, Service, Software
  227. Coal Oil Mixture Business, Fuel, Water
  228. Conferewce of Metallurgists Technology, Canada, Metallurgy
  229. Chapter Operations Manual
  230. Commission On Overseas Mission
  231. Children of Mary
  232. Coupling-Of-Mode
  233. Caodai Overseas Missionary
  234. Computer Output Microfilms Technology
  235. Centro De OrganometáLica Y MacromoléCular
  236. Controxler of Mines
  237. Crkwn of Might
  238. Client Object Model Technology, Coding, Server
  239. Component Objet Model
  240. Customer'S Own Merchandise
  241. Collapse Orlando Magic
  242. Commodity Options Market
  243. Customer Order Management Business, Service, Product
  244. Chronic Om Medical
  245. Community Organizers Multiversity Organizations, Philippine, Urban
  246. Center of Momentum Science, Energy, Frame
  247. Concentration Oxygen Mask
  248. Certifiedsoffice Manager Business, Management, Course
  249. Conventiei Organizatiilorcde Media
  250. Common Organization of Markets
  251. Council of Miniscers Government, Organizations, Cabinet
  252. Campaign for Open Media
  253. Combo Offers Maximum
  254. Connect Online Music
  255. Computer Output Microfiche Military, NASA
  256. Class Ordering Memory
  257. Complete Offers Make
  258. Crystal Ormentation Mapping
  259. Centralized Office Minicomputer Business
  260. Coalloil Mixture
  261. Condenser Okerhead Mic
  262. Chapter of The Month Student, Book, School
  263. Commission On Magnet
  264. Communication System Technology, Science, Networking, Telecom
  265. Iata Code for Coleman Municipal Airport, Coleman, Texas, United States Locations
  266. Control C&V Operations and Maintenance Federal Aviation Administration
  267. Cable Organizer Module Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  268. Central Ohio Member
  269. Conferencing and Online Meeting
  270. Command Automotive Inc. Organizations
  271. Community Community, also called biological community, in biology, an interacting group of various species in a common location. For example, a forest of trees and undergrowth plants, inhabited by animals and rooted in soil containing bacteria and fungi, constitutes a biological community. Medical, Common Medical
  272. Charger Overview Model
  273. Course Onlene Microsoft
  274. Clorox Oxi Magic
  275. Commercial Other Than Cat Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  276. Component Object Method
  277. Customer Operations Manager Business, Management, Service
  278. Centre D'OcéAnologie De Marseille
  279. Crown of Mana Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  280. Cheap Official Merch
  281. Creation of Material Business, Technology, Design
  282. Bnp Par Comac Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  283. Cordless Optical Mouse
  284. Communication Port Technology, Computer, Telecom, It
  285. European Commission The highest decision-making body of the European Union. The Commission, which consists of one Commissioner from each member country, proposes legislation and "ensures that EU law is correctly applied by member countries." Business, Trade, International Trade, Medical, Science, Energy, Computing, Dental, Police, Telecom, Electrical, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Integrated Ocean Observing System, Protection Information, Nautical Terms, Nuclear Energy, Sentinel online, Aviation
  286. Commercial (top Level Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
  287. Corvettes of Minnesota
  288. Cabin Operation Manual
  289. Central Office of Measures
  290. Confefencing for Online Meetings
  291. Comite Olimpico Mexicano Para, Con, Mexico
  292. Communications Society Journal, Periodical, Scientific & Educational, Aircraft, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Weather, Aeronautics, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Master IEEE, NASA
  293. Clodualdo Ody Maningat
  294. Customer Operated Management
  295. Commercial Organizations Domain Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  296. Component Object Models Microsoft, Technology, Interface
  297. Centro D'oc
  298. Cockpit Operating Manual Aviation, Governmental & Military
  299. Chat Online Meeting
  300. Crazy Old Man
  301. ComOps Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  302. Copy Qf Memory Technology, Coding, Mac
  303. Communications Port Communications Port on a computer is a connection interface that allows asynchronous transmission of data characters one bit at a time. A communication port is also called a serial port. Technology, Science, Internet
  304. Compound 48/80 Medical
  305. Eurocontrol Committee of Management Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  306. Dos Command File Computing, File Extensions
  307. Corporationrate Online Management Technology
  308. Cabinet Operator Module
  309. Centsal Office Module
  310. Conference On Multilingualism
  311. Combination Tablet Medical
  312. Continuous Opacity Monitor Environment
  313. Clip Ons Motorcycle
  314. Contact Our Mission
  315. Commercial Operators & Management
  316. Camera Outdoor Mini
  317. Clinical Ops Manager
  318. Component Object Mode
  319. Central Ozark Machine
  320. Confocal Optical Microscope
  321. Computer Output on Microfilm Computing, Hardware
  322. Chassis Overhaul Manual
  323. Craeers of The Moon Locations, National, Monument
  324. Commodore Naval officer senior to Captain but junior to Rear-Admiral. Officer commanding a convoy. Courtesy title given to senior officer of two or more warships or to the senior Master of a shipping company. Senior member of a yacht club who has been elected to the position of highest rank in the club Science, Army, Force, Marine, Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
  325. Commission Document issued by sovereign of a state and authorising a person to hold office and rank. To take a naval ship out on service. Document authorising an officer to take a naval ship on service. Period a naval ship is on service. Geography, Location, System, Legal, Governmental & Military
  326. Commonwealth Office Minister
  327. Composite Operator Method
  328. Documents of The Commission of The European Communities Government, Law, Jurisprudence
  329. Chronic Otitis Media Medical, Surgery, Otolaryngology
  330. Corporate Output Management Technology, Software, Organisations
  331. Cabal Online Money
  332. Conference On Offshore Mechanics
  333. Combination Reaction Reaction in which two substances ( elements or compounds ) combine to form one compound. Reaction of a substance with oxygen in a highly exothermic reaction, usually with a visible flame. Medical, Medicine, Construction, Architectural, Legal, Governmental & Military
  334. Computer Output Microfilm Data
  335. Coal-Oil Mixture
  336. Communion Outside Mass
  337. Clinical Outcomes Management
  338. Cassette Operating Monitor
  339. Commercial Operations Management Computing, Manufacturing, Unix, Business & Finance
  340. California Our Mission
  341. Climate Observations and Monitoring Technology, Science, Atmosphere
  342. Committee Government, Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence, Force, Marine, Management, Business & Finance, Genealogy, General, Governmental & Military, Us Government
  343. Cettral Oregon Masters
  344. Configuration Orchestratifn Manager
  345. DOS Command file (memory image of executable program) Computing, File Extensions
  346. Charlotte Observer Mortgage
  347. Cowl of Mortality
  348. Command An instruction that causes a program or computer to perform a function A command may be given by means of a special keystroke, or the command may be chosen from a menu. Technology, Science, Military, Aviation, Space, Computing, NASA, Extension, Aeronautics, Armed Forces, World War Ii, Royal Military, Governmental & Military, Internet Slang, Chat, Telecom, Legal, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Dos commands, Atmospheric Research, Assembly, Business & Finance
  349. Club Offers Many
  350. Companion A covering over the top of a companionway. Genealogy, Genealogical, Legal, Governmental & Military
  351. Common Stock Business, Finance, Supply, Dividend, Investing, Stock, Business & Finance, Stock Exchange
  352. Component Overhaul Manual Technology
  353. Department of Commerce Business, Government, Army, Finance, Agency, Washington, Economics, Cybersecurity, Administration, Computer Security, Atmospheric Research, Federal Aviation Administration
  354. College of Osteopathic Medicine Medical, Bone
  355. Chief of Material Management, Military, India
  356. Corporate Organizational Eanagement
  357. Confederation Ornithologique Mondiale Bond, Club, Association
  358. Compressed Multisound
  359. Coma Berenices Technology, Space, Cosmos, Scientific & Educational, Constellation Names
  360. Cardiome Pharma Corp. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  361. Computer Output Microform
  362. Communication Organization and Management
  363. Scomberomorus Commerson Science, Biology, Indian Ocean Tuna Commission
  364. Commercial Business Unit Company, Technology, Cisco
  365. Cafe Ole Mexican
  366. Client Ops Mgr
  367. Central Operating Module
  368. Configuration & Orchestration Managex Technology, Management, Networking
  369. Commercial Organizations Technology
  370. COMpressed Unix file archive (COMpact) Computing, File Extensions
  371. Charity Oriented Myanmar Organizations, Election, Play
  372. Coverage To Offer Medzcare
  373. Cloud Over The Morning
  374. Comoros Education, Locations, Study, Britannica, Country Code, Schooling, Sport, Olympic, Country, 3-letter Country Codes, Comoros, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes
  375. Component Oriented Middleware
  376. CíRculo De Oficiales De Mar
  377. Coleman Municipal Airport, Coleman, Texas, United States Texas, United States, Iata Airport Codes
  378. Check Out More
  379. Confederación OrnitolóGica Mundial
  380. Cockpit Operation Manual
  381. Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine Medical, College, Education
  382. Conceptual Object Model Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  383. Corporatepoffice Manager
  384. Communications, Optics and Materials Aircraft, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Aeronautics, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  385. Narrow-Barred Spanish Mackerel Science, Biology, Indian Ocean Tuna Commission
  386. Command File A batch file or batch job is a collection, or list, of commands that are processed in sequence often without requiring user input or intervention. With a computer running a Microsoft operating system such as Windows, a batch file is stored as a file with a .bat file extension. Other operating systems may define a batch job in a command file or shell script, with two or more commands that are processed one after another to perform one or more specific tasks. Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing, File Extensions
  387. Come Out Of My Ass Funny - Funny COMB
  388. Cafe Ole Mediterranean
  389. Commercial Kerosene-type jet fuel intended for use in commercial aircraft. Education, Organizations, Computing, Study, Britannica, Internet, Schooling, Manufacturing, Unix, Business & Finance, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, General, Governmental & Military, Planning, Urban Design, Urban Planning, Military, Legal, Food
  390. Central Oklahoma Mensa
  391. Configuration and Orchestration Manager Technology, Management, Networking
  392. Commercial Business Technology
  393. COMmunications (port) Computing, Electronics, Hardware
  394. Charity-Oriented Myanmar Organizations, Election, Yangon
  395. Court One More
  396. Close of Month
  397. Communicate Genealogy, Genealogical
  398. Commissary Operating Manual Military
  399. Component Object Model Or Communication Technology, Computer, Internet
  400. Cynic Online Magazine
  401. Cenzre Des Op
  402. City of Mist Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  403. Check Out Matt
  404. Creative Operations Managjment
  405. Committee of Ministers Government, Council, Europe
  406. Commercial domain name Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  407. Corporal of Marines

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does COM stand for?

    COM stands for Crystallographic Orientation Matrix.

  2. What is the shortened form of Customer'S Own Materials?

    The short form of "Customer'S Own Materials" is COM.


COM. (2022, March 30). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from

Last updated