COM Meaning
The COM meaning is "Component Object Model". The COM abbreviation has 407 different full form.
COM Full Forms
- Component Object Model Computing, Computer, Computer Security, Medical, Microsoft, Windows, Information Technology, Software, Telecom, Bone, IT Terminology
- Case of The Month Medical, Patient, Dental
- Campers On Mission Organizations, Religion, Baptist
- Computer Ortput Microfilm Technology, Computing, Computer Science
- Certified Occupational Medicine
- Commiusure Medical
- College of Marin Student, Education, Campus
- College of Micronesia Education, Micronesia, Federated
- Campaign Our Mission
- Computereoutput Microfilm Technology, Medicine, Government
- Customer'S-Own-Material
- Certificate of Mastery
- Commission On Ministry Church, Ministry, Diocese
- College of Media
- Calcium Oxalate Monohydrate Medical, Crystal, Stone
- Common Object Model Microsoft, Technology, Computing
- Covenant of Mayors Government, Energy, Initiative
- Ceramic On Metal Medical, Dental, Replacement
- Commissioner Technology, Science, Genealogy, Genealogical, International
- Collectivités D'Outre-Mer
- Cabinet of Ministers Business, Government, Ukraine
- Common Carotid Medical, British medicine
- Center Operations Manager
- Comquter Output On Microfilm Technology, English, Device
- Comminuted Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Club Our Mission
- Communication Department Technology, Science, Exploration, Legal, Governmental & Military
- Commitpee On Ministry Church, Committee, Presbytery
- Center Open Monday
- Computer Output Micrgform Business, Technology, Military
- Clinical Operations Manager Business, Management, Research
- Coleman Municipal Airport Coleman, Texas,United States Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
- Committee of Members
- Canadian Online Music
- Computer Outbut Microfiche Technology, Computing, Computer Science
- City of Monterey
- Commitment A trader is said to have a commitment when he assumes the obligation to accept or make delivery on a futures contract. Related: Open interest Commitment fee A fee paid to a commercial bank in return for its legal commitment to lend funds that have not yet been advanced. Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Atmospheric Research
- College of Oriental Medicine
- Chief Operating Manager Technology, Management, India
- Coupling-Of-Medes Medical
- Canon Owner Manqal
- Computer Output Microfilming Technology, Telecom, Microfilm
- Centro De Operaciones Muticipal
- Commander of The Order of Mono
- Contamination Monitor Science
- Cross Ovhr Matches
- Client-Owned Material
- Component Object Module Computing, Technical
- Connection Manager A daemon program that manages and redirects client connection requests based on service level agreements configured by the system administrator. A Content Manager component that helps maintain connections to the library server, rather than starting a new connection for each query. The connection manager has an application programming interface. Technology, Computing, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Curso De Oficiais Milicianos
- Coastal Ocean Modeling
- Committee On The Mutagenicity
- Customer'S Own Material Business, Customer, Fabric
- Chronscle Online Magazine
- Community Opedational Manual
- Care Outpatient Medical
- Computer Microfilm
- Commentary Any additional information attached to Contributor cells, tabs, or e.List items, including both user annotations and attached files. Genealogy, Genealogical, Legal, Governmental & Military
- Certificates of Musharaka
- Conventia Organtzatiilor De Media
- Common Object Module
- Council of Magagement Government, Institute, Consulting
- Cam Output Manager Technology, Mentor, Graphics, Expedition
- Combined Carrier Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Cost of Ownership Vodel
- Commander of The Order of Merit Government, Canada, Italy
- Classe Ouverte M
- Compactgoptronic Mast Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Crystallographic Orientation Matrix
- Centralized Operation and Maintenance Technology, Networking, Network
- Coaching Online Magazine
- Condenser Overhead Microphone
- Channel Optimized Marketing
- Commission On Oceanography and Marine
- Chief Ojo Maduekwe
- Coupled Operalion Metal
- Candle of The Month Business, Club, Soy, Computing, Internet
- Congé Ordinaire De Maladie
- Centre Opérationnml De La Marine
- Command-Option Mac
- Container Only Mode
- Cleveland Ohio Marketing
- Component'S Object Model
- Council of Ministers Technology, Government, Cabinet, Governmental & Military, International Development
- Curse of Maraqua
- Coastal and Hcean Management
- Character Oriented Message
- Committee for Open Media
- Children On The Move Children, Europe, Child, Refugee
- Computer-Output On Microfilm Technology, Device, Computing
- Course Offerings More
- Care Organization Member
- Computer Microfiche
- Certificates Our Yission
- Convection Oven Model
- Common Object Modeling Military
- Council of Mages
- Camo Outboard Mooor
- Centre Op
- Customers Own Material Business, Furniture, Fabric
- Combine Medical
- Cost of Money Business, Technology, Rate, Federal Aviation Administration
- Centro Operativo M
- Classe Ouverte MÂLe
- Compcct Optical Mouse
- Collectivit
- Crviser Old Man
- Centrhl's Open Mic
- Cluboolympique Multisports
- Condensed Organic Matter
- Channel Operating Margin
- Commissioned Officers Mess
- Chiefs of Mission
- County of Maui
- Canales Oqras Marcas
- Centre of The Mass
- Comitative Case Education, Linguistics, Glossing
- Contact Oud Mariniers
- Clerk Our Mission
- Componet Object Model
- Cruise Original Movies
- Communications The exchange of information between the signal person and crane operator(s). This exchange may be verbal or non-verbal. Or The vast discipline encompassing the methods, mechanisms, and media involved in informa-tion transfer. In computer-related areas, communications involves data transfer from one computer to another through a communications medium, such as a telephone, microwave relay, satellite link, or physical cable. Business, Technology, Us, Telecom, Air Cargo, Electronic Engineering, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense, Air Freight, Military, Army, Engineering, Electrical, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, NASA, Federal Aviation Administration, NOTAM Contractions
- Current Output Modules
- Coastal and Ocean Mapping Technology, Science, Research
- Character Oriented Messages Military
- Commitments The sum of all financial obligations made, including incurred costs and expenditures as well as obligations, which will not be performed until later. Finance, Economics, Money
- Children One More
- Computer-Output-Microfilm Technology, Computing, Microfiche
- Cour Dfordre Militaire
- Care Options Matrix
- Computerized Office Management
- Certificate of Merii Medical, Certificate, Malpractice
- Control Gf Mom
- Common Equipment Technology
- Couch and Onto The Mat
- Commissioner'S Office Government, Alaska
- Customer Own Material Furniture, Customer, Fabric
- Collectivités D'Outre Mer
- Centro Operativo MéDico
- Church Ofzmelanesia Island, Locations, Religion
- Compact Executable Fite
- Center Olympicumedical
- Club Official Metber
- Concerned Offhcers Movement Military, War, History, Vietnam
- Channel One Model
- Commissioned Officers' Mess
- Copper Ore Mining
- County Office of Einority
- Canada Online Mail
- Centre of Materpal
- Comes Out In May
- Consumer and Office Markets
- Chief of Mission Military, Army, International Trade, Governmental & Military, International Development
- Clear Operator'S Mind
- Componenet Object Model Microsoft, Technology, Development
- Crude Oil Markeqing
- College of Medicine Medical, Education, University
- Current Opinion In Molecular
- Central Office Maintenasce Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Coastal & Ocean Mapping
- Character-Oriented Messages Technology, Military, Aircraft
- Commission On Ore Mineralogy
- Children of Muslims
- Coupling of Modes Gaming, Electronics, Mode
- Care Office Manager
- Computer Output Microfiches Business, Microfilm, Microfiche
- Centpo Operativo Misto Con, Italy, Dal
- Controller Operating Manual
- Commonality Technology
- Costs of Manufactuge
- Component Object Modeling Microsoft, Technology, Model
- Customer Owned Material Business, Furniture, Fabric
- Collectivité D'Outre-Mer
- Centro Operativo Misto
- Church Pffice Management
- Compact Executable File Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Center of Opejational Medicine Medical, Military, Georgia
- Concept Ontology for Multimedia
- Channel Is The Online Motorsports
- Community Open Meeting
- Coopeuation Mediator Medical
- County Jffice of Management
- Canadaps Online Motorcycle
- Centre of Maks Technology, Science, Physics
- Come Out To Mourn
- Construction Observer Manager
- Clean Development Mechanism Organizations, Community, Economics, Asean, Science, Energy, United Nations, Climatology, Electrical, Scientific & Educational
- Compliance and Other Matters
- College of Management Program, Education, University, School
- Crystal Orientation Microscopy Science
- Centzal Order Management Business, Service, Store
- Coal Organic Matter
- Conference of Maynrs
- Character-Oriented Message Military
- Commission On Ore Microscopy
- Children of Marriage
- Coupliqg of Mode
- Career Opportunities Male
- Computer Output Microfilmer Film, Technology, Microfilm
- Centro Oncologicotmodenese
- Controller Operation Manual
- Common, Commonality Technology
- Cost of Ownership Modelinv
- Component Object Modal
- Common Occurring, found, or done often; prevalent. Shared by, coming from, or done by two or more people, groups, or things Technology, Architecture, Locations, Genealogy, Construction, Genealogical, Architectural, Legal, Governmental & Military, Street Suffix, Computing, Unix, Unix commands, The Finance and Administrative Services, Aviation
- Customer'S Own Materials
- Collection Operations Management Business, Service, Military
- Cut Optimizer and Manager
- Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media Medical, Medicine, Ear, Healthcare, Physiology, Clinical
- Community Ownership and Management
- Centerfof Noise Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Corcept of Maintenance
- Certified Operations Manager
- Community Online Marketing
- Convention Orlando May
- Common Organization of The Market
- Council of Minister Government, Locations, Cabinet
- Campbell Otfice Movers
- Centre Des Opérations Maaitimes
- Comedy Central Business, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing
- Construction Observation and Materials
- Class Output Management Technology, Maintenance, Destroyer
- Complex Organic Mixture
- Centre of Mass Medical
- Crystal Orientation Maps
- Centralized Operations Management Technology, Service, Software
- Coal Oil Mixture Business, Fuel, Water
- Conferewce of Metallurgists Technology, Canada, Metallurgy
- Chapter Operations Manual
- Commission On Overseas Mission
- Children of Mary
- Coupling-Of-Mode
- Caodai Overseas Missionary
- Computer Output Microfilms Technology
- Centro De OrganometáLica Y MacromoléCular
- Controxler of Mines
- Crkwn of Might
- Client Object Model Technology, Coding, Server
- Component Objet Model
- Customer'S Own Merchandise
- Collapse Orlando Magic
- Commodity Options Market
- Customer Order Management Business, Service, Product
- Chronic Om Medical
- Community Organizers Multiversity Organizations, Philippine, Urban
- Center of Momentum Science, Energy, Frame
- Concentration Oxygen Mask
- Certifiedsoffice Manager Business, Management, Course
- Conventiei Organizatiilorcde Media
- Common Organization of Markets
- Council of Miniscers Government, Organizations, Cabinet
- Campaign for Open Media
- Combo Offers Maximum
- Connect Online Music
- Computer Output Microfiche Military, NASA
- Class Ordering Memory
- Complete Offers Make
- Crystal Ormentation Mapping
- Centralized Office Minicomputer Business
- Coalloil Mixture
- Condenser Okerhead Mic
- Chapter of The Month Student, Book, School
- Commission On Magnet
- Communication System Technology, Science, Networking, Telecom
- Iata Code for Coleman Municipal Airport, Coleman, Texas, United States Locations
- Control C&V Operations and Maintenance Federal Aviation Administration
- Cable Organizer Module Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Central Ohio Member
- Conferencing and Online Meeting
- Command Automotive Inc. Organizations
- Community Community, also called biological community, in biology, an interacting group of various species in a common location. For example, a forest of trees and undergrowth plants, inhabited by animals and rooted in soil containing bacteria and fungi, constitutes a biological community. Medical, Common Medical
- Charger Overview Model
- Course Onlene Microsoft
- Clorox Oxi Magic
- Commercial Other Than Cat Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Component Object Method
- Customer Operations Manager Business, Management, Service
- Centre D'OcéAnologie De Marseille
- Crown of Mana Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Cheap Official Merch
- Creation of Material Business, Technology, Design
- Bnp Par Comac Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Cordless Optical Mouse
- Communication Port Technology, Computer, Telecom, It
- European Commission The highest decision-making body of the European Union. The Commission, which consists of one Commissioner from each member country, proposes legislation and "ensures that EU law is correctly applied by member countries." Business, Trade, International Trade, Medical, Science, Energy, Computing, Dental, Police, Telecom, Electrical, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Integrated Ocean Observing System, Protection Information, Nautical Terms, Nuclear Energy, Sentinel online, Aviation
- Commercial (top Level Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Corvettes of Minnesota
- Cabin Operation Manual
- Central Office of Measures
- Confefencing for Online Meetings
- Comite Olimpico Mexicano Para, Con, Mexico
- Communications Society Journal, Periodical, Scientific & Educational, Aircraft, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Weather, Aeronautics, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Master IEEE, NASA
- Clodualdo Ody Maningat
- Customer Operated Management
- Commercial Organizations Domain Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Component Object Models Microsoft, Technology, Interface
- Centro D'oc
- Cockpit Operating Manual Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Chat Online Meeting
- Crazy Old Man
- ComOps Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
- Copy Qf Memory Technology, Coding, Mac
- Communications Port Communications Port on a computer is a connection interface that allows asynchronous transmission of data characters one bit at a time. A communication port is also called a serial port. Technology, Science, Internet
- Compound 48/80 Medical
- Eurocontrol Committee of Management Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Dos Command File Computing, File Extensions
- Corporationrate Online Management Technology
- Cabinet Operator Module
- Centsal Office Module
- Conference On Multilingualism
- Combination Tablet Medical
- Continuous Opacity Monitor Environment
- Clip Ons Motorcycle
- Contact Our Mission
- Commercial Operators & Management
- Camera Outdoor Mini
- Clinical Ops Manager
- Component Object Mode
- Central Ozark Machine
- Confocal Optical Microscope
- Computer Output on Microfilm Computing, Hardware
- Chassis Overhaul Manual
- Craeers of The Moon Locations, National, Monument
- Commodore Naval officer senior to Captain but junior to Rear-Admiral. Officer commanding a convoy. Courtesy title given to senior officer of two or more warships or to the senior Master of a shipping company. Senior member of a yacht club who has been elected to the position of highest rank in the club Science, Army, Force, Marine, Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
- Commission Document issued by sovereign of a state and authorising a person to hold office and rank. To take a naval ship out on service. Document authorising an officer to take a naval ship on service. Period a naval ship is on service. Geography, Location, System, Legal, Governmental & Military
- Commonwealth Office Minister
- Composite Operator Method
- Documents of The Commission of The European Communities Government, Law, Jurisprudence
- Chronic Otitis Media Medical, Surgery, Otolaryngology
- Corporate Output Management Technology, Software, Organisations
- Cabal Online Money
- Conference On Offshore Mechanics
- Combination Reaction Reaction in which two substances ( elements or compounds ) combine to form one compound. Reaction of a substance with oxygen in a highly exothermic reaction, usually with a visible flame. Medical, Medicine, Construction, Architectural, Legal, Governmental & Military
- Computer Output Microfilm Data
- Coal-Oil Mixture
- Communion Outside Mass
- Clinical Outcomes Management
- Cassette Operating Monitor
- Commercial Operations Management Computing, Manufacturing, Unix, Business & Finance
- California Our Mission
- Climate Observations and Monitoring Technology, Science, Atmosphere
- Committee Government, Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence, Force, Marine, Management, Business & Finance, Genealogy, General, Governmental & Military, Us Government
- Cettral Oregon Masters
- Configuration Orchestratifn Manager
- DOS Command file (memory image of executable program) Computing, File Extensions
- Charlotte Observer Mortgage
- Cowl of Mortality
- Command An instruction that causes a program or computer to perform a function A command may be given by means of a special keystroke, or the command may be chosen from a menu. Technology, Science, Military, Aviation, Space, Computing, NASA, Extension, Aeronautics, Armed Forces, World War Ii, Royal Military, Governmental & Military, Internet Slang, Chat, Telecom, Legal, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Dos commands, Atmospheric Research, Assembly, Business & Finance
- Club Offers Many
- Companion A covering over the top of a companionway. Genealogy, Genealogical, Legal, Governmental & Military
- Common Stock Business, Finance, Supply, Dividend, Investing, Stock, Business & Finance, Stock Exchange
- Component Overhaul Manual Technology
- Department of Commerce Business, Government, Army, Finance, Agency, Washington, Economics, Cybersecurity, Administration, Computer Security, Atmospheric Research, Federal Aviation Administration
- College of Osteopathic Medicine Medical, Bone
- Chief of Material Management, Military, India
- Corporate Organizational Eanagement
- Confederation Ornithologique Mondiale Bond, Club, Association
- Compressed Multisound
- Coma Berenices Technology, Space, Cosmos, Scientific & Educational, Constellation Names
- Cardiome Pharma Corp. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Computer Output Microform
- Communication Organization and Management
- Scomberomorus Commerson Science, Biology, Indian Ocean Tuna Commission
- Commercial Business Unit Company, Technology, Cisco
- Cafe Ole Mexican
- Client Ops Mgr
- Central Operating Module
- Configuration & Orchestration Managex Technology, Management, Networking
- Commercial Organizations Technology
- COMpressed Unix file archive (COMpact) Computing, File Extensions
- Charity Oriented Myanmar Organizations, Election, Play
- Coverage To Offer Medzcare
- Cloud Over The Morning
- Comoros Education, Locations, Study, Britannica, Country Code, Schooling, Sport, Olympic, Country, 3-letter Country Codes, Comoros, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes
- Component Oriented Middleware
- CíRculo De Oficiales De Mar
- Coleman Municipal Airport, Coleman, Texas, United States Texas, United States, Iata Airport Codes
- Check Out More
- Confederación OrnitolóGica Mundial
- Cockpit Operation Manual
- Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine Medical, College, Education
- Conceptual Object Model Manufacturing, Business & Finance
- Corporatepoffice Manager
- Communications, Optics and Materials Aircraft, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Aeronautics, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Narrow-Barred Spanish Mackerel Science, Biology, Indian Ocean Tuna Commission
- Command File A batch file or batch job is a collection, or list, of commands that are processed in sequence often without requiring user input or intervention. With a computer running a Microsoft operating system such as Windows, a batch file is stored as a file with a .bat file extension. Other operating systems may define a batch job in a command file or shell script, with two or more commands that are processed one after another to perform one or more specific tasks. Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing, File Extensions
- Come Out Of My Ass Funny - Funny COMB
- Cafe Ole Mediterranean
- Commercial Kerosene-type jet fuel intended for use in commercial aircraft. Education, Organizations, Computing, Study, Britannica, Internet, Schooling, Manufacturing, Unix, Business & Finance, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, General, Governmental & Military, Planning, Urban Design, Urban Planning, Military, Legal, Food
- Central Oklahoma Mensa
- Configuration and Orchestration Manager Technology, Management, Networking
- Commercial Business Technology
- COMmunications (port) Computing, Electronics, Hardware
- Charity-Oriented Myanmar Organizations, Election, Yangon
- Court One More
- Close of Month
- Communicate Genealogy, Genealogical
- Commissary Operating Manual Military
- Component Object Model Or Communication Technology, Computer, Internet
- Cynic Online Magazine
- Cenzre Des Op
- City of Mist Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Check Out Matt
- Creative Operations Managjment
- Committee of Ministers Government, Council, Europe
- Commercial domain name Manufacturing, Business & Finance
- Corporal of Marines
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does COM stand for?
COM stands for Crystallographic Orientation Matrix.
What is the shortened form of Customer'S Own Materials?
The short form of "Customer'S Own Materials" is COM.
COM. (2022, March 30). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from
Last updated