COM in Technology Meaning

The COM meaning in Technology terms is "Computer Ortput Microfilm". There are 59 related meanings of the COM Technology abbreviation.

COM on Technology Full Forms

  1. Computer Ortput Microfilm
  2. Communication Department
  3. Computereoutput Microfilm
  4. Common Object Model
  5. Commissioner
  6. Comquter Output On Microfilm
  7. Computer Output Micrgform
  8. Computer Outbut Microfiche
  9. Client Object Model
  10. Conferewce of Metallurgists
  11. Centralized Operation and Maintenance
  12. Class Output Management
  13. Component Object Modeling
  14. Computer Output Microfilmer
  15. Cam Output Manager
  16. Common Occurring, found, or done often; prevalent. Shared by, coming from, or done by two or more people, groups, or things
  17. Chief Operating Manager
  18. Componenet Object Model
  19. Computer Output Microfilms
  20. Connection Manager A daemon program that manages and redirects client connection requests based on service level agreements configured by the system administrator. A Content Manager component that helps maintain connections to the library server, rather than starting a new connection for each query. The connection manager has an application programming interface.
  21. Common Equipment
  22. Character-Oriented Messages
  23. Compact Executable File
  24. Combined Carrier
  25. Computer Output Microfilming
  26. Council of Ministers
  27. Commonality
  28. Cost of Money
  29. Centre of Maks
  30. Computer-Output On Microfilm
  31. Coastal and Ocean Mapping
  32. Communications The exchange of information between the signal person and crane operator(s). This exchange may be verbal or non-verbal.  Or The vast discipline encompassing the methods, mechanisms, and media involved in informa-tion transfer. In computer-related areas, communications involves data transfer from one computer to another through a communications medium, such as a telephone, microwave relay, satellite link, or physical cable.
  33. Common, Commonality
  34. Central Office Maintenasce
  35. Computer-Output-Microfilm
  36. Centralized Operations Management
  37. Creation of Material
  38. Component Object Models
  39. Commercial Organizations Domain
  40. Communication Port
  41. Corporationrate Online Management
  42. Commercial Business Unit
  43. Communications Port Communications Port on a computer is a connection interface that allows asynchronous transmission of data characters one bit at a time. A communication port is also called a serial port.
  44. Corporate Output Management
  45. Command File A batch file or batch job is a collection, or list, of commands that are processed in sequence often without requiring user input or intervention. With a computer running a Microsoft operating system such as Windows, a batch file is stored as a file with a .bat file extension. Other operating systems may define a batch job in a command file or shell script, with two or more commands that are processed one after another to perform one or more specific tasks.
  46. Cable Organizer Module
  47. Copy Qf Memory
  48. Commercial Organizations
  49. Component Overhaul Manual
  50. Configuration & Orchestration Managex
  51. Commercial Business
  52. Eurocontrol Committee of Management
  53. Climate Observations and Monitoring
  54. Component Object Model Or Communication
  55. Command An instruction that causes a program or computer to perform a function A command may be given by means of a special keystroke, or the command may be chosen from a menu.
  56. Commercial Other Than Cat
  57. Configuration and Orchestration Manager
  58. Coma Berenices
  59. Communication System

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does COM stand for Technology?

    COM stands for Computer-Output-Microfilm in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Computer Output Microfilms in Technology?

    The short form of "Computer Output Microfilms" is COM for Technology.


COM in Technology. (2022, March 30). Retrieved February 24, 2025 from

Last updated