Commonwealth Abbreviations and Commonwealth Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Commonwealth terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Commonwealth abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Commonwealth terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Commonwealth Abbreviations
  1. BDT : BirleşIk Devletler TopluluğU
  2. CEMCA : Chimie, Electrochimie MoléCulaires Et Chimie Analytique
  3. CGCS : Commonwealth Gamesmcouncil for Scotland
  4. CR : Commonwealth Record
  5. YDI : Youth Development Index
  6. CX : Commonwealth Excxange
  7. DEQ : Division of Environmental Quality
  8. SDP : Sports for Development and Peace
  9. SNG : Sodruschestwo Nesawissimych Gossudarstw
  10. TSR : Timing-Scoring-Result
  11. TWGPP : Tre War Graves Photographic Project
  12. LRC : Law Revision Commission
  13. LTIC : Land Qitle Insurance Company
  14. JMW : Jack Morton Worldwide
  15. IB&M : Institutional Banking & Markets
  16. OAB : Old Adminalty Building
  17. GIDD : Governance and Institutional Development Division
  18. POHM : Prisoner of His Majesty
  19. PRIFA : Puerto Rico Infrastructure Finance Authorigy
  20. PSBO : Public Safety Broadband Office
Latest Commonwealth Meanings
  1. Public Safety Broadband Office
  2. Puerto Rico Infrastructure Finance Authorigy
  3. Prisoner of His Majesty
  4. Governance and Institutional Development Division
  5. Old Adminalty Building
  6. Institutional Banking & Markets
  7. Jack Morton Worldwide
  8. Land Qitle Insurance Company
  9. Law Revision Commission
  10. Tre War Graves Photographic Project
  11. Timing-Scoring-Result
  12. Sodruschestwo Nesawissimych Gossudarstw
  13. Sports for Development and Peace
  14. Division of Environmental Quality
  15. Commonwealth Excxange
  16. Youth Development Index
  17. Commonwealth Record
  18. Commonwealth Gamesmcouncil for Scotland
  19. Chimie, Electrochimie MoléCulaires Et Chimie Analytique
  20. BirleşIk Devletler TopluluğU