Comp. Meaning

The Comp. meaning is "Compound". The Comp. abbreviation has 29 different full form.

Comp. Full Forms

  1. Compound A chemical combination of two or more elements combined in a fixed and definite proportion by weight. OR Any plastic material prepared for subsequent manufacturing processes, specifically in extrusion, molding or calendaring. OR These are chemical combinations of materials which include all the materials necessary for the finished product. They include BMC (Bulk Molding Compounds), SMC (Sheet Molding Compounds) and TMC (Thick Molding Compounds). Medical, Technology, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Legal, Governmental & Military, Common Medical, Reading Prescription, Pharmacy, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  2. Computing Computing is any goal-oriented activity requiring, benefiting from, or creating algorithmic processes - e.g. through computers. Computing includes designing, developing and building hardware and software systems; processing, structuring, and managing various kinds of information; doing scientific research on and with computers; making computer systems behave intelligently; and creating and using communications and entertainment media. Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Journal, Periodical, Scientific & Educational, Atmospheric Research
  3. Composite A structure or an entity made up of distinct components. OR a complex material, such as fiberglass, in which two or more distinct, structurally complementary substances, especially glasses and polymers, combine to produce structural or functional properties not present in any individual components. A composite material is defined as a combination of two or more materials that results in better properties than when the individual components are used alone. Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering, Electrical, The Finance and Administrative Services, Aviation
  4. Compressed A stranding configuration with concentric strands in which either all layers or the outer layer only is passed through a die to reduce the conductor diameter by 3% or Something pressed in to less space which is less than to its normal volume. Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Architecture, Construction, Architectural
  5. Compress or Compression Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  6. Item given for free Business & Finance, Business Word
  7. Comparator A comparator is a device that accepts two analog inputs, compares the inputs, and produces a binary output that is a function of which input is higher. If the non-inverting (+) input is greater than the inverting (-) input, then the output goes high. If the inverting (-) input is greater than the non-inverting (+) input, then the output goes low. When described that way, the comparator resembles a 1-bit ADC. A simple comparator can be achieved using an op amp without negative feedback. Its high voltage gain enables it to resolve very small differences in input voltage. But op amps used this way are generally slower than comparators and lack special features, such as hysteresis and internal references. Application Note 886: Selecting the Right Comparator goes into more details on how comparators work, their specifications, common comparator features, and how to select a comparator that best fits your needs. Aviation
  8. Component (Of tide) That "part of a tidal undulation that is due to an actual tide raising body, or ascribed to an hypothetical harmonic constituent Products, NASA, The Finance and Administrative Services
  9. College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific Medical
  10. Comprehensive Aviation
  11. compressor A device that raises the pressure of a compressible fluid such as air or gas. Compressors create a pressure differential to move or compress a vapour or a gas, consuming power in the process. They may be positive-displacement compressors or nonpositive-displacement compressors. Auto, Military, Governmental & Military, The Finance and Administrative Services
  12. Computation of Rendezvous Targeting NASA, Governmental & Military
  13. Compensate NASA
  14. Composition Composition may be defined as the combination of some different things. it may be the combination of air and fuel in case of engine. Or The act or result of formatting a document. Or The elements or chemical components that make up a material and their relative proportions. Construction, Architectural, Legal, Governmental & Military
  15. Compatible A family of computer models is said to be compatible if certain software that runs on one of the models can also be run on all other models of the family. The computer models may differ in performance, reliability or some other characteristic. These differences may affect the outcome of the running of the software. Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  16. Company A company is an association of persons who bring in capital and undertake a legal business activity. A company may be limited by guarantee or shares. Military, Genealogy, Genealogical, Forum, Internet Slang, Army, Architecture, Computing, Chat, Construction, Architectural, Email, Im, General, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, International business, The Finance and Administrative Services, Legal, Army & Military
  17. Compass Compass is a digital or analogue display that indicates the direction a vehicle is facing. The magnetic compass is used to obtain the direction of the earth's magnetic field at a point. In its simplest form consists of a magnetised needle pivoted at its centre so that it is free to move in a horizontal plane. OR A compass is a scientific instrument that tells the user the direction of magnetic north. NASA, Aviation
  18. Canadian Organization of Medical Physicists Medical, Business & Finance, Professional organizations, Medical physics
  19. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology Computing, Serial Publication
  20. Computer Technically, a computer is a programmable machine. This means it can execute a programmed list of instructions and respond to new instructions that it is given. Today, however, the term is most often used to refer to the desktop and laptop computers that most people use. When referring to a desktop model, the term "computer" technically only refers to the computer itself -- not the monitor, keyboard, and mouse. Technology, Internet Slang, Aviation, Army, Us, Force, Marine, Management, Business & Finance, Journal, Periodical, Scientific & Educational, Military, Governmental & Military, NASA, The Finance and Administrative Services
  21. Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein Chemistry
  22. COMPENSATION In ship construction, is a restoration of strength lost by a member or members being pierced or otherwise weakened. Recompense for a loss sustained. Magnetic adjustment of mariner's compass Management, Business & Finance, Aviation
  23. Complainant Police
  24. Compare Files Computing, Dos commands
  25. Compartment An internal space separated by bulkheads or plating. Space, Study, Cosmos, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Auto, NASA, The Finance and Administrative Services, Aviation, Food
  26. ccompiler Scientific & Educational, Footnote
  27. Classroom Organization and Management Program Management, Business & Finance
  28. Coordinated Multi-Point Transmission and Reception 5G Networks
  29. Complimentary Travel, Tourism

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does Comp. stand for?

    Comp. stands for ccompiler.

  2. What is the shortened form of Compound?

    The short form of "Compound" is Comp..


Comp.. (2023, January 25). Retrieved February 13, 2025 from

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