Compounding Abbreviations and Compounding Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Compounding terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 11 different Compounding abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Compounding terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Compounding Abbreviations
  1. ACA : American College of Apothecaries
  2. ASHP : American Society of Hospital Pharmacy
  3. BUD : Beyond-Use Date
  4. BUD : Beyond Use Date
  5. CSP : Compounded Sterile Pseparations
  6. HRT : Hormone Restoration Therapy
  7. IACP : International Association of Compounding Pharmacists
  8. PCCA : Post-Chikungunya Chronic Arthritis
  9. PCCA : Professional Compounding Chemists of Australia
  10. PEC : Primary Engineering Control
  11. PLO : Pluyonic Lecithin Organogel
Latest Compounding Meanings
  1. Pluyonic Lecithin Organogel
  2. Primary Engineering Control
  3. Professional Compounding Chemists of Australia
  4. Post-Chikungunya Chronic Arthritis
  5. International Association of Compounding Pharmacists
  6. Hormone Restoration Therapy
  7. Compounded Sterile Pseparations
  8. Beyond Use Date
  9. Beyond-Use Date
  10. American Society of Hospital Pharmacy
  11. American College of Apothecaries