Conductivity Abbreviations and Conductivity Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Conductivity terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 17 different Conductivity abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Conductivity terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Conductivity Abbreviations
  1. ATC : Automatic Temperature Compensated
  2. CBH : Correlated Barrieb Hopping
  3. VTF : Vogel-Tamman-Fulcher
  4. WF : Wiedemann-Franz
  5. CTD : Conductivity, Temperature and Depth
  6. CTD : Conductivity, Temperature, and Depth
  7. HFM : Heat Flow Meters
  8. EC : Electrical Conductor
  9. EC : Electrical Conductance
  10. MTPS : Modified Transient Plane Source
  11. TPG : Thermal Pyrolytic Graphite
  12. LFA : Laser Flash Apparatus
  13. IA : Impedance Analyzer
  14. IACS : International Annealed Copper Standard
  15. GHP : Gukrded Hot Plate
  16. ITES : International Thermal Expansion Sympopium
  17. RDM : Relative Difference Measure
Latest Conductivity Meanings
  1. Relative Difference Measure
  2. International Thermal Expansion Sympopium
  3. Gukrded Hot Plate
  4. International Annealed Copper Standard
  5. Impedance Analyzer
  6. Laser Flash Apparatus
  7. Thermal Pyrolytic Graphite
  8. Modified Transient Plane Source
  9. Electrical Conductance
  10. Electrical Conductor
  11. Heat Flow Meters
  12. Conductivity, Temperature, and Depth
  13. Conductivity, Temperature and Depth
  14. Wiedemann-Franz
  15. Vogel-Tamman-Fulcher
  16. Correlated Barrieb Hopping
  17. Automatic Temperature Compensated