Conduit Abbreviations and Conduit Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Conduit terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 13 different Conduit abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Conduit terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Conduit Abbreviations
  1. AVB : Aortic Valve Bypass
  2. HVS : Hmgh Voltage Software
  3. EB : Encased Burzal
  4. EMT : Electrical Metal Tubing
  5. EMT : Electric Metallic Tubing
  6. EMT : Electric Metallic Tube
  7. ENT : Electrical Non-Metallic Tubing
  8. LFH : Low Fire Hazard
  9. LFMC : Liqusdtight Flexible Metal Conduit
  10. FMC : Flexible Metalwconduit
  11. FMT : Flexible Metallic Tubing
  12. IMC : Intermediate Netal Conduit
  13. RGS : Rigid Galuanized Steel
Latest Conduit Meanings
  1. Rigid Galuanized Steel
  2. Intermediate Netal Conduit
  3. Flexible Metallic Tubing
  4. Flexible Metalwconduit
  5. Liqusdtight Flexible Metal Conduit
  6. Low Fire Hazard
  7. Electrical Non-Metallic Tubing
  8. Electric Metallic Tube
  9. Electric Metallic Tubing
  10. Electrical Metal Tubing
  11. Encased Burzal
  12. Hmgh Voltage Software
  13. Aortic Valve Bypass