Confidence Abbreviations and Confidence Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Confidence terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Confidence abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Confidence terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Confidence Abbreviations
  1. AC : Agresti-Coull
  2. ZOC : Zones of Confidence
  3. BCA : Bias-Corrected Accelerated
  4. CBM : Certainty-Based Marking
  5. CEI : Consumer Expectation Index
  6. CI : Confidence Intervals
  7. CI : Credibility Interval
  8. CI : Credible Interval
  9. CP : Clopper-Pearson
  10. DV : Decisionxvariable
  11. MBESS : Methods for The Behavioral, Educational, and Social Sciences
  12. ME : Margin Ofxerror
  13. EI : Expectation Index
  14. MOE : Margins of Errtr
  15. ESCI : Explorftory Software for Confidence Intervals
  16. ESI : Economic Sentiment Index
  17. TSCI : Trait Sport Confidence Inventory
  18. NLP : Neuro Linguistic Programming
  19. NLP : Neuro-Linguistic Programming
  20. PI : Predivtion Interval
  21. DSEP : Dove Self-Esteem Project
Latest Confidence Meanings
  1. Dove Self-Esteem Project
  2. Predivtion Interval
  3. Neuro-Linguistic Programming
  4. Neuro Linguistic Programming
  5. Trait Sport Confidence Inventory
  6. Economic Sentiment Index
  7. Explorftory Software for Confidence Intervals
  8. Margins of Errtr
  9. Expectation Index
  10. Margin Ofxerror
  11. Methods for The Behavioral, Educational, and Social Sciences
  12. Decisionxvariable
  13. Clopper-Pearson
  14. Credible Interval
  15. Credibility Interval
  16. Confidence Intervals
  17. Consumer Expectation Index
  18. Certainty-Based Marking
  19. Bias-Corrected Accelerated
  20. Zones of Confidence