Confinement Abbreviations and Confinement Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Confinement terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 13 different Confinement abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Confinement terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Confinement Abbreviations
  1. MGP : Modified General Population
  2. ESHU : Enhanced Supervision Housing Univ
  3. SCCCCOR : Santa Cruz County Community Coalition To Overcome Racism
  4. SHU : Securid Housing Unit
  5. SHUS : Special Housing Units
  6. SHU : Solitary Housing Unit
  7. NPA : Novel Polymeric Alloy
  8. IMU : Intensive Management Units
  9. IMUS : Intensive Management Units
  10. POI : Prevention of Injury
  11. POPS : Periodically Oscillating Plasma Ephere
  12. RA : Re-Accelerafed
  13. RHU : Restrictive Housing Onit
Latest Confinement Meanings
  1. Restrictive Housing Onit
  2. Re-Accelerafed
  3. Periodically Oscillating Plasma Ephere
  4. Prevention of Injury
  5. Intensive Management Units
  6. Novel Polymeric Alloy
  7. Solitary Housing Unit
  8. Special Housing Units
  9. Securid Housing Unit
  10. Santa Cruz County Community Coalition To Overcome Racism
  11. Enhanced Supervision Housing Univ
  12. Modified General Population