CONTR in The Finance and Administrative Services Meaning

The CONTR meaning in The Finance and Administrative Services terms is "Contract". There are 3 related meanings of the CONTR The Finance and Administrative Services abbreviation.

CONTR on The Finance and Administrative Services Full Forms

  1. Contract A legal document or agreement, enforceable by law, between two or more parties for the doing of something specified, such as the building or furnishing materials.OR Building contracts may legally be formed verbally. Usually however a written contract should be used. There are various standard forms of contract, such as those provided by the Joint Contracts Tribunal and the various engineering institutions.
  2. Contractor Tooled, straight grooves made on concrete floors to "control" where the concrete should crack or A company licensed to perform certain types of construction activities. In most states, the generals contractor’s license and some specialty contractor’s licenses don’t require of compliance with bonding, workmen’s compensation and similar regulations. Some of the specialty contractor licenses involve extensive training, testing and/or insurance requirements.
  3. Control A device for regulation of a system or component in normal operation, manual or automatic. If automatic, the implication is that it is responsive to changes of pressure, temperature or other property whose magnitude is to be regulated.or In WebSphere MQ and VisualAge RPG, the result of selecting a part from the parts palette and placing it on the design window. An example of a control is an entry field.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CONTR stand for The Finance and Administrative Services?

    CONTR stands for Contractor in The Finance and Administrative Services terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Contract in The Finance and Administrative Services?

    The short form of "Contract" is CONTR for The Finance and Administrative Services.


CONTR in The Finance and Administrative Services. (2020, October 28). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from

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