Convention Abbreviations and Convention Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Convention terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Convention abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Convention terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Convention Abbreviations
  1. AAIW : Automotive Aftermarket Industry Week
  2. AC : Ad Hoc Committee
  3. AHC : Ad Hoc Committee
  4. ACC : Albany Capital Center
  5. ACC : Albany Convention Center
  6. AE : Anime Evolution
  7. AES : Audio Engineering Society
  8. ALA : Animé Los Angeles
  9. AMA : Anime Mid-Atlantic
  10. AMA : Anime Mid Atlantic
  11. AMD : Associated Merchandise Dealers
  12. AMI : Association Meetings International
  13. ANCEA : Asia-Northwest Cultural Educatitn Association
  14. ANCEA : Asiatnorthwest Cultural Education Association
  15. ANPD : Autoritatii Nationale Pentru Persoanele Cu Dizabilitati
  16. API : Amara Pameran Internasional
  17. APIC : Annual Productivity & Innovation Conference
  18. APL : Anti-Personnel Landoine
  19. APMBC : Anti-Personnel Mine Ban Convention
  20. ARANY : Automotive Recyclers Association of New York
  21. ASL : Assembly of Sfate Legislatures
  22. AWG : Aviation Work Group
  23. BCEF : Bali Clean Energy Forum
  24. BICS : British International Comics Show
  25. BIMA : Bureau of Indigenous Muslim Affanrs
  26. BJCC : Birmingham-Jefferson Civic Center
  27. BJCC : Birmingham Jefferson Civic Center
  28. BRS : Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm
  29. CA3 : Common Article 3
  30. CAFE : Canadian Association of Fairs and Exhibitionx
Latest Convention Meanings
  1. Seattle Retro Gading Expo
  2. Procbss Forwarding International
  3. Chairs of Scientific Advisory Bodies
  4. Romantic Times
  5. Rotterdam Rules
  6. Regional Plant Protection Organization
  7. Retained Persol
  8. Roman Key Card Blackwood
  9. Roman Key-Card Blackwood
  10. Information Sheet for Ramsar Wetlands
  11. Rhowe Island Comic Con
  12. Global Youth Biodiversity Network
  13. Rose City Comic Con
  14. Ratu Convention Center
  15. General Rules for International Factoring
  16. Great Apes Survival Partwership
  17. Gospodarsko Razstavisce
  18. Guests of Honor
  19. Guest of Honour
  20. Guest of Honor