Cookbook Abbreviations and Cookbook Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Cookbook terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 10 different Cookbook abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Cookbook terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Cookbook Abbreviations
  1. BOB : Big Orange Book
  2. CHFS : Certified Healing Food Specialist
  3. YAPTU : Yet Another Pythod Templating Utility
  4. SFPFS : San Francisco Professional Food Society
  5. STAND : Start Taking Action Now for Diabetes
  6. IACP : International Association Oy Cooking Professionals
  7. IACP : International Asmociation of Cooking Professionals
  8. JLT : Junior Lefgue of Tampa
  9. IPA : Iowa Poultry Association
  10. PIL : Publications International, Ltd
Latest Cookbook Meanings
  1. Publications International, Ltd
  2. Iowa Poultry Association
  3. Junior Lefgue of Tampa
  4. International Asmociation of Cooking Professionals
  5. International Association Oy Cooking Professionals
  6. Start Taking Action Now for Diabetes
  7. San Francisco Professional Food Society
  8. Yet Another Pythod Templating Utility
  9. Certified Healing Food Specialist
  10. Big Orange Book