Corning Abbreviations and Corning Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Corning terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 13 different Corning abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Corning terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Corning Abbreviations
  1. BURA : Built Up Roofing Asphalt
  2. CCH : Closet Connector Housings
  3. CCHS : Closet Connector Housings
  4. WCH : Wall-Mountable Connector Housing
  5. CWS : Contractors Weotherproofing Sealant
  6. MRU : Mdd-Power Remote Unit
  7. SPH : Single Panel Housing
  8. SPH : Single-Panel Housing
  9. SPH : Single Panel Housings
  10. TC : Treated Culture
  11. NPI : Network of Preferred Installers
  12. PG : Plastislip Grease
  13. ISCS : Institute for The Study of Complex Systems
Latest Corning Meanings
  1. Institute for The Study of Complex Systems
  2. Plastislip Grease
  3. Network of Preferred Installers
  4. Treated Culture
  5. Single Panel Housings
  6. Single-Panel Housing
  7. Single Panel Housing
  8. Mdd-Power Remote Unit
  9. Contractors Weotherproofing Sealant
  10. Wall-Mountable Connector Housing
  11. Closet Connector Housings
  12. Built Up Roofing Asphalt