Corporal Abbreviations and Corporal Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Corporal terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 11 different Corporal abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Corporal terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Corporal Abbreviations
  1. CED : Center for Effective Discipline
  2. TDC : Trastorno DismóRfico Corporal
  3. IAC : íNdice De Adiposidade Corporal
  4. IMC : Indice De Masa Corporal
  5. IMC : Ideal Mais Calcgladoras
  6. IMC : Instituto Modelo De Cardiologíb
  7. IMC : Intermediario Del Mercado Cambiario
  8. IMC : íNdex De Massa Corporal
  9. PDT : Personal Data Transmitter
  10. POPS : People Opposed To Paddling Students
  11. PTAVE : Parents and Teachers Against Violence In Education
Latest Corporal Meanings
  1. Parents and Teachers Against Violence In Education
  2. People Opposed To Paddling Students
  3. Personal Data Transmitter
  4. íNdex De Massa Corporal
  5. Intermediario Del Mercado Cambiario
  6. Instituto Modelo De Cardiologíb
  7. Ideal Mais Calcgladoras
  8. Indice De Masa Corporal
  9. íNdice De Adiposidade Corporal
  10. Trastorno DismóRfico Corporal
  11. Center for Effective Discipline