CP in Business & Finance Meaning

The CP meaning in Business & Finance terms is "Charter Party". There are 22 related meanings of the CP Business & Finance abbreviation.

CP on Business & Finance Full Forms

  1. Charter Party A written contract between the owner of a vessel and the person desiring to employ the vessel (charterer), setting forth the terms of the arrangement, freight rate and ports involved.
  2. Control Panel The Control Panel is a feature of the Windows operating system that allows the user to modify system settings and controls. It includes several small applications, or control panels, that can be used to view and change hardware or software settings. Some examples of hardware control panels are Display, Keyboard, and Mouse settings. Software control panels include Date and Time, Power Options, Fonts, and Administrative Tools.
  3. Commercial Paper Commercial paper is another form of short term financing issued by businesses to investors for a 2 to 270 day period.
  4. Common Parent
  5. Charter-Party
  6. Certificate of Participation
  7. Compliance A terminology that means to act according to a rule, request or command. It is adopted by the main organizations in the world and this program has the aim to avoid potential deviations in regards to business handling. Or The state of being in accordance with regulated standards or The state of an implementation that fully meets each and every requirement of the standards specification.
  8. Canadian Airlines
  9. Convertible Preferred
  10. Compass Airlines
  11. Commercial Property
  12. Canadian Pacific Railway Limited
  13. Contingency Plan A contingency plan is implemented if some unfortunate event takes place. It is a 'plan B'.
  14. Carriage Paid
  15. Computer Paragraph
  16. Compact Precision
  17. Clare Pendar
  18. ComRes Pavingstone
  19. Credit Points
  20. Change Proposal
  21. Canadian Pacific Railway
  22. Certification Phase

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CP stand for Business & Finance?

    CP stands for Charter-Party in Business & Finance terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Computer Paragraph in Business & Finance?

    The short form of "Computer Paragraph" is CP for Business & Finance.


CP in Business & Finance. Acronym24.com. (2022, April 7). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/cp-meaning-in-business-finance/

Last updated