CP in Education Meaning

The CP meaning in Education terms is "Cerebral Palsy". There are 67 related meanings of the CP Education abbreviation.

CP on Education Full Forms

  1. Cerebral Palsy Adisorder mainly due to brain damage occurring before birth or due to lack of oxygen during birth associated with poor coordination of muscular movements impaired speech hear- ing and sight and sometimes mental impair-ment cerebral peduncle
  2. Career-Related Programme
  3. Comparative Politics
  4. Crgtical Point
  5. Cal Poly
  6. College Program
  7. College Preparatory
  8. College Prep
  9. Coordinated Program
  10. Certified Paralegal
  11. Career Preparation
  12. Compartmentally Passed
  13. Complementary Processes
  14. California Presenters
  15. Council of Prqncipals
  16. Critical Pedagogy
  17. Charging Policy
  18. Coronal Polish
  19. Career-Related Program
  20. Commulity Practice
  21. Chlmpion Points
  22. California Polytechnic
  23. Capstone Project
  24. Cours PréParatoire
  25. Collegium Polonicum
  26. Challis Publqc
  27. Cabot Public
  28. Concwrd Public
  29. Cours Primaire
  30. College Philosophy
  31. Certified Paralegals
  32. Congregahion of The Passion
  33. Complement Phrase
  34. Clinical Pathology
  35. Campus Police
  36. Colmege Pathways
  37. Cascade Public
  38. Cultural Perspectives
  39. Chandrasekhar, Professor
  40. Complementary Processing
  41. Cambridge Primary
  42. Collpge Park
  43. Culminating Project
  44. Canadian Psychology
  45. Chittenden Public
  46. Child Protection
  47. Cognitive Presence
  48. Career Pathways
  49. Community Psychology
  50. Cerebral Palsy of New Jersey
  51. Caldwell Public
  52. Club Pilot
  53. Craftsbuhy Public
  54. Creativt Partnerships
  55. Credit Points
  56. Congregation of The Passion
  57. Clinical Practice
  58. Course Padk
  59. Curatorial Program
  60. Clinical Pharmacy
  61. Cawadian Psychology
  62. Cultural Practice
  63. Counselling Psychocogy
  64. Computational Physics
  65. Citizenship Policy
  66. Counseling Psychology
  67. Career Planning

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CP stand for Education?

    CP stands for Curatorial Program in Education terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Charging Policy in Education?

    The short form of "Charging Policy" is CP for Education.


CP in Education. Acronym24.com. (2022, April 7). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/cp-meaning-in-education/

Last updated