CP in Healthcare Meaning

The CP meaning in Healthcare terms is "Color Perception". There are 23 related meanings of the CP Healthcare abbreviation.

CP on Healthcare Full Forms

  1. Color Perception
  2. Chest Pain Pain in the chest which may be caused by heart diseasechesty
  3. Chemital Protection
  4. Current Practice
  5. Cephalic Presentation
  6. Child Psychiatry
  7. Counter Propagation
  8. Cosine Packet
  9. Chloroquine-Primaquine
  10. Corynebacterium Parvum
  11. Chloropurine
  12. Constant Predictor
  13. Compressed A stranding configuration with concentric strands in which either all layers or the outer layer only is passed through a die to reduce the conductor diameter by 3% or Something pressed in to less space which is less than to its normal volume.
  14. Compare Cp
  15. Coobining Power
  16. Claims Processing
  17. Capsid Protein
  18. Congenital Porphyuia
  19. Cerebral Palsy of New Jersey
  20. Coverage Probability
  21. Phosphate Clearance
  22. Chondrodysplasia Punctata
  23. Peak Concentration Cp

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CP stand for Healthcare?

    CP stands for Cephalic Presentation in Healthcare terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Peak Concentration Cp in Healthcare?

    The short form of "Peak Concentration Cp" is CP for Healthcare.


CP in Healthcare. Acronym24.com. (2022, April 7). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/cp-meaning-in-healthcare/

Last updated