CP in Medical Meaning

The CP meaning in Medical terms is "Cerebral Palsy". There are 203 related meanings of the CP Medical abbreviation.

CP on Medical Full Forms

  1. Cerebral Palsy Adisorder mainly due to brain damage occurring before birth or due to lack of oxygen during birth associated with poor coordination of muscular movements impaired speech hear- ing and sight and sometimes mental impair-ment cerebral peduncle
  2. Cervical Position
  3. Capillary Permeabilzty
  4. Cocoa Powder
  5. Chloroquine Phosphate
  6. Caudate Putamen
  7. Control Pacients
  8. Child Psychiatry
  9. Cis-Diamminedichloroplatinum
  10. Cephalic Presentation
  11. Coat Proteins
  12. Chlorophyll-Protein
  13. Chudate-Putamen
  14. Concentration In Plasma
  15. Circular Plasmid
  16. Centre of Presxure
  17. Clinical Pathway
  18. Chestrpress
  19. Cysteine Proteenase
  20. Capsufar Polysaccharide
  21. Complex Partial
  22. Circularly Permuted
  23. Calcium Propionate
  24. Cleft Palates
  25. Chest Physiotherapy
  26. Current Practice
  27. Capsular Polysaccharides
  28. Complementioer Phrase
  29. Choroyd Plexuses
  30. Cellulose Polder
  31. Counter Propagation
  32. Cleft Palate
  33. Chest Pain Pain in the chest which may be caused by heart diseasechesty
  34. Critical Pathway
  35. Capsid Protuins
  36. Choroid Plexus
  37. Cell Proliferation
  38. Cortical Plate
  39. Chemital Protection
  40. Critical Parent
  41. Capping Protein
  42. Color Perception
  43. Cholestasis of Pregnagcy
  44. Cefkodoxime Proxetil
  45. Control Period
  46. Citrus Pectin
  47. Cricoid Presslre
  48. Cystoprostatectomy
  49. Chironomus Plumosus
  50. Command Post
  51. Carbohydrate Portion
  52. Cerebal Pclsy
  53. Clinical Partner
  54. Cystosarcoma Phyllodes
  55. Copolymer The product of simultaneous polymerization of two or more polymerizeable chemicals, commonly known as monomers. The chemical reaction of two different monomers with each other, result in a unique new polymer. A polymer resulting from the polymerization reaction between two chemically different monomers. This term usually, but not always, denotes a polymer of two chemically distinct monomers.
  56. Cytosol Protein
  57. Chloroquine-Primaquine
  58. Commulity Practice
  59. Cetyl Palmitate
  60. Clotting Protein
  61. C Pootein
  62. Crude Protein
  63. Cisplatinum
  64. Conservative Post
  65. Caudoputamen
  66. Chlorophenol
  67. Colored Protein
  68. Car-Parrinello
  69. Cricopharyngeus
  70. Cuprophane
  71. Clopper-Pearson
  72. Cysteine Kroteinases
  73. Control Prepawations
  74. Cancer Patients
  75. Chloropurine
  76. Community Paramedicine
  77. Carcinogenic Potential
  78. C Peptide
  79. Carrier Protein
  80. Chemoprevention The use of natural or laboratory-made substances to prevent cancer.
  81. Cold Pressor
  82. Caput
  83. Cricopharyngeal
  84. Curr Pharm
  85. Centrifugal Plmp
  86. Clinical Psichologist
  87. Clntrol Pregnant
  88. Chloroplasts Discrete photosynthetic organelles within plant cells, contain chlorophyll.
  89. Community Paramedic
  90. Carboxyvinyl Polymer
  91. Ciprofloxacin
  92. Caeruloplasmin
  93. Couch Potjto
  94. Chronic Pancreatitis
  95. Care Planning
  96. Capsular Penetration
  97. Cricopharyngeus Muscle
  98. Central Posterior Nucleus
  99. Cleft Pazate Only
  100. Conventional Preparation
  101. Cuticular Plate
  102. Chloropicrin Chloropicrin, also known as PS and nitrochloroform, is a chemical compound currently used as a broad-spectrum antimicrobial, fungicide, herbicide, insecticide, and nematicide. Its chemical structural formula is Cl3CNO2. This is used as a tear gas to control crowd.
  103. Common Aeroneal Nerve
  104. Carboxypeptidase A carboxypeptidase is a protease enzyme that hydrolyzes a peptide bond at the carboxy-terminal end of a protein or peptide. Contrast with an aminopeptidase, which cleaves peptide bonds at the other end of the protein. Humans, animals, and plants contain several types of carboxypeptidases that have diverse functions ranging from catabolism to protein maturation.
  105. Certified Paramediz
  106. Calcaneal Pitch
  107. Cosine Packet
  108. Chronic Yain
  109. Compressed A stranding configuration with concentric strands in which either all layers or the outer layer only is passed through a die to reduce the conductor diameter by 3% or Something pressed in to less space which is less than to its normal volume.
  110. Care Plan
  111. Coax Protein Gene
  112. Capsaicin Capsaicin is an active component of chili peppers that is used to relieve muscle pain, joint pain, and nerve pain associated with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and diabetic neuropathy. It is available in topical cream, ointment, stick, pad, gel, liquid, and lotion. It appears to work by reducing a chemical, substance P, found at nerve endings involved in transmitting pain signals to the brain.
  113. Cricopharyngeal Muscle
  114. Centrhl Palsy
  115. Continuatiom Phase
  116. Cytopathogenic
  117. Chlorophenols
  118. Carbopol 934P
  119. Compliance A terminology that means to act according to a rule, request or command. It is adopted by the main organizations in the world and this program has the aim to avoid potential deviations in regards to business handling. Or The state of being in accordance with regulated standards or The state of an implementation that fully meets each and every requirement of the standards specification.
  120. Certified Practitioners
  121. Clinical Pathways
  122. Certified Prosthetist
  123. Corynebacterium Parvum
  124. Chronic Lymphatic Obstruction
  125. Compartment Pressure
  126. Care Pathway
  127. Coat Protein
  128. Crozs-Polarization
  129. Constant Predictor
  130. Centralized Procedure
  131. Cytopathic
  132. Carbopol
  133. Cerebellopontine
  134. Clinical Pathology
  135. Cjtosolic Proteins
  136. Chromium Picolinate
  137. Compare Cp
  138. Care Partner
  139. Control Group A member that controls the operation like collection, logging and submission of input for the various user groups.
  140. Cetylzyridinium
  141. Cloud Ioint
  142. Capacities
  143. Craniopharyngiomas
  144. Citizen Petition
  145. Congensus Panel
  146. Centmalised Procedure
  147. Country Policy paper
  148. Capsid Protein
  149. Cardioplegia Cardioplegia is intentional and temporary cessation of cardiac activity, primarily for cardiac surgery.
  150. Cawadian Psychology
  151. Cardiac Pacing
  152. Cribriiorm Plate
  153. Cancer Procoagulant
  154. Centrophenoxine
  155. Child Psychology
  156. Cyclopentadiene A conjugated diene hydrocarbon of molecular formula C5H6. Deprotonation of cyclopentadiene affords the highly stable cyclopentadienyl anion, which is aromatic. Removal of hydride ion from cyclopentadiene affords the highly unstable cyclopentadienyl cation, which is antiaromatic.
  157. Chloroplast An organelle in the cells of green plants. It contains chlorophyll and functions in photosynthesis and protein synthesis. Or  an organelle within green plants in which photosynthesis occurs. OR An organelle in the cells of green plants. It contains chlorophyll and functions in photosynthesis and protein synthesis. OR A chlorophyll-containing photosynthetic organelle, found in eukaryotic cells, that can harness light energy.
  158. Certifiee Pathologists
  159. Clinical Practice
  160. Calpeptin
  161. Chronic Polyarthritis
  162. Chromatin Proteins
  163. C Promoter
  164. Congenital Porphyuia
  165. Campylobacter Pylori
  166. Conscious Proprioception
  167. Cytoplasmic
  168. Cyclopentadiknyl
  169. Certified Patholhgist
  170. Clinical Pharmacy
  171. Cerebral Palsy of New Jersey
  172. Central Pain
  173. Coverage Probability
  174. Concerned Professionals
  175. Characteristic Phase
  176. Cognition and Percewtion
  177. Cryopreserved
  178. Common Progenitor
  179. Chondrodysplasia Punctata
  180. Clinical Pharmacology
  181. Compliance Program
  182. Certified Psychologist -Or- Clinical Psychologist
  183. Cryopreservation The process of cooling and storing cells, tissues, or organs at very low temperatures to maintain their viability. For example, the technology of cooling and storing cells at a temperature below the freezing point permits high rates of survivability of the cells upon thawing.
  184. Cerebal palsy
  185. Claims Processing
  186. Coobining Power
  187. Commissure of Probst
  188. Phosphate Clearance
  189. Certified Psychologist
  190. Classical Pathway
  191. Capillary Pressure The difference in pressure across the interface between two immiscible fluids.
  192. Cryoprecipitate
  193. Cardiac Performance
  194. Claim Processing
  195. Chlamydia Pneumoniae
  196. Commissural Pyloric
  197. Communiqué de Presse
  198. Coproporphyrin
  199. Calcium Phosphate
  200. Peak Concentration Cp
  201. Cryoprecipitates
  202. Cardiopulmonary Having to do with both the heart and lungs.
  203. Chemical Pregnancy

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CP stand for Medical?

    CP stands for Compare Cp in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Carboxyvinyl Polymer in Medical?

    The short form of "Carboxyvinyl Polymer" is CP for Medical.


CP in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2022, April 7). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/cp-meaning-in-medical/

Last updated