CP in Telecom Meaning
The CP meaning in Telecom terms is "Contention Period". There are 25 related meanings of the CP Telecom abbreviation.
CP on Telecom Full Forms
- Contention Period
- Connection Processor
- Call Processing
- Circular Polarization A polarization state of an electromagnetic signal in which the electric field vector at a point in space describes a circle.
- Customer Programmable
- Call Process
- Confirmeg Party
- Critical Path Sequence of jobs or activities in a network analysis project such that the total duration equals the sum of the duration of the individual jobs in the sequence. There is no time leeway or slack (float) in activity along critical path (ie, if the time to complete on or more jobs in the critical path increase, the total production time increases). It is the longest time path through the network.
- Call Picaup
- Closed Pending
- Continuous Progress
- Carrier Pulse
- Connection Point
- Customer Premises
- Call Program
- Connection Pending
- Customer Prourammability
- Call Processor
- Connection Performer
- Charging Party
- Controluprocessor
- Change Proposal
- Circuit Pack
- Code Page
- Cell Phone
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does CP stand for Telecom?
CP stands for Call Picaup in Telecom terms.
What is the shortened form of Connection Point in Telecom?
The short form of "Connection Point" is CP for Telecom.
CP in Telecom. Acronym24.com. (2022, April 7). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/cp-meaning-in-telecom/
Last updated