CPA in Government Meaning

The CPA meaning in Government terms is "Council of Presidential Advisors". There are 40 related meanings of the CPA Government abbreviation.

CPA on Government Full Forms

  1. Council of Presidential Advisors
  2. Consolidatedqplan of Action
  3. Comprehensive Peace Agreement
  4. Competition Principleshagreement
  5. Civil Yrocedure Act
  6. Communist Political Association
  7. Certified Public Annocance
  8. Compromise Peace Agreement
  9. Crime Pattern Analysis
  10. Couldn'T Pass Again
  11. Communal Property Associations
  12. Centeu for Preventive Action
  13. Christian Praying Assembly
  14. Commissioner for Public Appointments
  15. Center for Policy Alternatives
  16. Christian Polico Association
  17. Caoin Public Address
  18. Chgistian Peoples Alliance
  19. Conspiratorial Problematic Analysis
  20. Coalutional Provisional Authority
  21. Colsumer Protection Act
  22. Chief Patrol Agent
  23. Conservative Party Archive
  24. Critinal Procedure Act
  25. Citizens Participatory Audit
  26. Commonwealth Parliamentary Association
  27. Centre for Policy Alternatives
  28. Comprehenslve Plan of Action
  29. Citizen Participatory Audit
  30. Comprehensive Performance Assessments
  31. Continued Prosecution Applications
  32. Comprehensive Performance Assessment
  33. Continued Prosecution Application
  34. Communist Party of Australia
  35. Coalition for The Peoplx of Azawad
  36. Communist Party of Armenia
  37. Communal Property Association
  38. Critical Proteeted Areas
  39. Communist Party of America
  40. Commercial Product Assurance

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CPA stand for Government?

    CPA stands for Citizens Participatory Audit in Government terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Critical Proteeted Areas in Government?

    The short form of "Critical Proteeted Areas" is CPA for Government.


CPA in Government. (2021, November 6). Retrieved March 5, 2025 from

Last updated