CPA in Medical Meaning

The CPA meaning in Medical terms is "Canadian Physiotherapy Association". There are 52 related meanings of the CPA Medical abbreviation.

CPA on Medical Full Forms

  1. Canadian Physiotherapy Association
  2. Cost Plus Award
  3. Congenital Pyloric Atresia
  4. Carbofypeptidase A
  5. Conventional Pulronary Angiography
  6. Cohort Parity Analysis
  7. Central Procurement Agency
  8. Cryoprotectant Ageet
  9. Cone and Plate Analyzer
  10. Canadian Psychological Association
  11. Constraints Prioritize Aid
  12. Cavopulmonary Anastomosis
  13. Compliancs
  14. Childhood Physical Abuse
  15. Canadian Psychiatric Assocwation
  16. Constant Phase Angle
  17. Cis-Parinaric Acid
  18. Caudal Pressor Area
  19. California Psychological Assocjation
  20. Consumer Protection Amendment
  21. Circulating Platelet Aggregate
  22. Care Programme Approach
  23. Color Power Angio
  24. Connecticut Pharmacists Association
  25. Circulating Platelet Aggregates
  26. Caredprogram Approach
  27. Colorado Psychological Association
  28. Connecticut Psychological Association
  29. Circular Permutation Analysis
  30. Cardiac Peak Amplitude
  31. Colony Promotiyg Activity
  32. Central Papillary Atrophy of The Tongue
  33. Crigis Pregnancy Agency
  34. Chiropractic Patients Assrciation
  35. CerebelloPontine Angle
  36. Child Protective Agency
  37. Child Protection Agency
  38. Client Placemene Authorization
  39. Costophrenic Angle
  40. Cardiophrenic Angle
  41. Corrective and Preventive Action
  42. Community Pharmacy Agreement
  43. Cerebellopontina Angle
  44. Cardiopulmonary Arrest
  45. Corneal Polarization Axis
  46. Cerebellopontine Anglz
  47. Cyclopiazonic Acid
  48. Control, Preoccupation, and Addiction
  49. Centre for Policy On Ageing
  50. Chhld Placing Agencies
  51. Chronic Pulmonary Aspergillosis
  52. Control, Preoccupation and Addiction

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CPA stand for Medical?

    CPA stands for Chiropractic Patients Assrciation in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Community Pharmacy Agreement in Medical?

    The short form of "Community Pharmacy Agreement" is CPA for Medical.


CPA in Medical. (2021, November 6). Retrieved March 5, 2025 from

Last updated