CPE Meaning

The CPE meaning is "Continuing Professional Education". The CPE abbreviation has 356 different full form.

CPE Full Forms

  1. Continuing Professional Education Business, Human Resources, US Business, Fda
  2. Certificate of Proficiency In English Education, Language, Course
  3. Colleges With Potentidl for Excellence College, Education, University
  4. Carl Philipp Emanuel
  5. Collective Protection Equipment Medical, Technology, Military
  6. Computer Engineering Education, University, Study, Electricity, Clarkson University, Subjects
  7. Customer Premise Equipment Technology, Army, Computer Networking, Military, Aviation, Computing, Telecom, Hardware, Governmental & Military
  8. Customer Premises Equipment Technology, Communications, Data Transmission, Computing, Telecom, Technical, IT Terminology
  9. Center for Policing Equity Government, Police, Justice
  10. Customer-Premises Equipment Technology, Networking, Premise
  11. Common Platform Enumeration Technology, Security, Computer Security
  12. Carbapenemase-Producing Enterobacteriaceae Medical, Hospital, Infection
  13. Common Plateform Enumeratiln
  14. Canine Performance Events Organizations, Dog, Agility
  15. Committer for Private Education
  16. C2 Proficiency Exam
  17. Comité ParalíMpico EspaÑOl Para, Con, Madrid
  18. Carcinogenic Potency Factor Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline, Environment
  19. Center On Pacific Economies
  20. Codezof Professional Ethics Business, Security, Certification
  21. Collegiate Placement Examination
  22. Convenio De La Patente Europea
  23. Cambridge Profhciency Exam Education, English, Course
  24. Chinese Pidgin English
  25. Contributions To Political Economy Technology, Research, Economics
  26. Cerjificate Proficiency In English Book, Education, Language
  27. Common Platform Enumerations
  28. Customer Premises Equipement
  29. Chemical Process Engineering Chemistry, Education, University
  30. Conseillé Principal D'evucation
  31. Center for Popular Economics Alternative, Economics, Social, Solidarity
  32. Consrmer Provided Equipment Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  33. Central Photographic Establishment Military, Air Force, Armed Forces
  34. Certifped Professional Ergonomist Business, Safety, Ergonomic
  35. Consiruction Project Engineer Business, Engineering, Material
  36. Cytoplasmicdpolyadenylation Element Medical, Science, Protein
  37. Canadian Parking Equipment
  38. Classificatipn P
  39. Commission On Postsecondary Education Student, Education, University
  40. Corporate & Professwonal Education
  41. Comparative Political Economy Research, Education, Economics
  42. Customer Profile Exchange Technology, Computer, It
  43. Continuing Professional Educations
  44. Centre for Public Engagement Science, Research, University
  45. Compressor Products Engineering
  46. Council of Private Education Business, Education, Singapore
  47. Customer-Provided Equipment Technology, Science, Premise, NASA, Governmental & Military
  48. Charged Particle Equilibrium Medical, Technology, Radiation, Medical physics
  49. Computer Professional Education
  50. Center for Performance Excellence Management, Education, University
  51. Clinical Performance Evaluation
  52. Cocktail Plrty Effect
  53. Collegiatg Placement Exam
  54. Control Protocol Extensions
  55. Cambridge Proficiency Examination Book, Education, English
  56. China Private Equity
  57. Certifigate of Profiency In English Business, Education
  58. Common Phale Error Technology, Noise, Frequency, Receiver
  59. Customer Premises Equipments Technology, Networking, Premise
  60. Clinical Pastoral Educatifn Medical, Care, Church
  61. Chemical and Process Engineering Chemistry, Education, University
  62. Conseiller PéDagogique Et
  63. Center for Policy and Evaluation
  64. Consumer Products Enterprises
  65. Central Park East
  66. Certifsed Professional Estimators
  67. Cytophathic Effect Medical
  68. Cimpeche International Airport Airport, IATA Code, IATA
  69. Chronic Pulmonary Emphysema-Copd Is Widely Preferred Medicine, Health, British
  70. Commission De Politiqee Exterieure
  71. Corporate and Professional Educatidn Education, Institute, Polytechnic
  72. Certification In Professional Ergonomics
  73. Companhia De Parques De Esbacionamento
  74. Customer Premise Environment Technology, Networking, Network
  75. Continuing Profession Education Business, Program, Professional
  76. Centre for Public Economics
  77. Certified Process Gngineer Science
  78. Computer Peripheral Equipment Company, Technology, Networking
  79. Carboxypeptidase E Medical, Medicine, Health
  80. Clinical Perfusion Education
  81. Coastal Planning & Enginrering
  82. College With Potential for Excellenne Science, Education, University
  83. Controlled Potential Electrolysis Science, Electrochemical, Electrode
  84. Cambridge Proficiencygof English Education, Certificate, Examination
  85. Clustertech Parallel Enviqonment
  86. Certificate of Proficiency of English
  87. Cwmmodity Pricing Engine
  88. Customer Premised Equipment
  89. Certified Professidnal Ergonomist
  90. Chemical and Pharmaceutical Engineering
  91. Conseiller Principal D'
  92. Center for Political Education Business, Analysis, Hammer
  93. Centrally-Planned Economies Legal, Governmental & Military
  94. Convergence Protocol Entity Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  95. Certified Professional Engineer Business, Company, Insurance, Business & Finance
  96. Campaign To Promote Engineering Science
  97. Chronic Pulmonary Embolism Medical
  98. Consumer Premises Equipment Technology, Service, Premise
  99. Corporate & Professional Education
  100. Cooperaci
  101. Certification Practice Exams
  102. Compact Photonic Explorer
  103. Customers Premise Equipment
  104. Consejo Pfovincial De Emergencia
  105. Continuing Pharmaceutical Education
  106. Centre for Protein Engineering Technology, Research, Antibody
  107. Certinied Property Exchanger
  108. Computer Payment Enforcer
  109. Carbon Paste Electrodes Medical, Electrode, Determination
  110. Coinical Pastoral Experience
  111. Coastal Planning Engineering
  112. College Proficiency Exam
  113. Controlled-Potential Electrolysis Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  114. Competence Practice Examination
  115. Cambridge Proficiency In English Education, Language, Exam
  116. Cloud Processing Equipment Military
  117. Continuous-Phase Encoder
  118. Certificate of Proficiency English Education, University, Language
  119. Committee Ongpublication Ethics
  120. Cumulative Pan Evaporation Science, Water, Irrigation, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  121. Certified Professional Electrologist Medical, Hair, Electrolysis, Occupation & positions
  122. Chemical & Petroleum Engineering Chemistry, Education, University
  123. Conseil De Parents D'éLèVes
  124. Center for Political Ecology
  125. Centrale Processor Eenheid
  126. College Proficiency Examination
  127. Columbia Pictures Entertaivment
  128. Conventions De Premier Emploi
  129. Certified Principal Engineer
  130. Campaign for Public Education
  131. Chronic Pulmonary Emphysema Medical, Technology, Medicine
  132. Consumer Premise Equipment Technology, Service, Military
  133. Coronapenetrating Enzyme Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  134. Coopera
  135. Certificate Df Primary Examination
  136. Communqty Practice Experience
  137. Customers Premises Equipment Technology, Networking, Premise
  138. Consejo Provincial De Educaci
  139. Continuing Pharmacy Education Medical, Program, Pharmacist
  140. Central Production Element Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence
  141. Certified Program Evaluator
  142. Computadores Para Educar Technology, Colombia, Con
  143. Código De Pontokde Entrega
  144. Carbon Paste Electrode Medical, Science, Determination, Chemistry
  145. Client Project Engineer Business, Consultation, Petroleum
  146. Coastal Planning and Engineering
  147. Control, Prevention and Eradication
  148. Compensation Per Employee Employment, Work, Working
  149. Continuing Privacy Education Business, Certification, Professional
  150. Certifiqate of Proficiency In English Education, Language, Linguistics
  151. Committee On Profesoional Ethics
  152. Cultural Political Economy Book, Education, Culture
  153. Cytopathogenic Effect Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  154. Chelsea Pfeiffer Entertainment
  155. Conseal Private Desktop Technology, Computer, It
  156. Center for Polytechnical Education
  157. Clinical Practice Jxam
  158. Centraal Praktisch Examen
  159. College Prep Elementary
  160. Colt Pistol Extensiom Technology, Arms, Carbine
  161. Conventional Planning and Execution Military, Army, War
  162. Chimie, Physique Et Electronique
  163. Cameroon Pidpin English Education, Language, Cameroon
  164. Choroid Plexus Epithelium Medical
  165. Consumer Percekved Ethicality
  166. Coordination Paysanne EuropéEnne Government, Group, Farming
  167. Certificate of Proficiency Exam
  168. Comzunity Plan Exemption
  169. Customer Premise Equipement Technology, Service, Modem
  170. Consejo Provincial De Educación
  171. Center for Popular Education
  172. Continuing Personal Education
  173. Central Processing Equipment Technology
  174. Certified Professional Education
  175. Compulsory Primary Education
  176. Cytosoluble Protein Extracv Medical
  177. Carbapenemase-Producing-Enterobacteriaceae
  178. Client Primise Equipment Technology, Networking, Wireless
  179. Coalition for Public Education
  180. Corpus of Professirnal English
  181. Compensation, Pension and Education Medical
  182. Compensation, Pension, Abd Education Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  183. Continuous Professional Education Management, Education, Training
  184. Centre Psychoth
  185. Conmission Paritaire De L'emploi
  186. Counseling and Psychology In Education
  187. Customer Premise Environments Technology, Networking, Network
  188. Charter Pan-European
  189. Connect Personal Edition
  190. Center for Phdebotomy Education
  191. Clinical Prartice Evaluation
  192. Center Point Energy
  193. College Preparatory English
  194. Collocated Program Element Technology
  195. Convenio Sobre La Patente Europea
  196. Children, Population and Environment
  197. Cambridgp Professional English
  198. Chlorinated Polyethylene Chlorinated Polyethylene. CPE, a thermoplastic compound, is used to jacket certain types of power cable. Or This is type of resin and elastomers having excellent physical and mechanical properties. Chemistry, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Polymer, Scientific & Educational
  199. Consultation On People-To-People Exchange Government, Education, Organizations
  200. Certificate of Primary Education Education, School, Exam
  201. Common Policy Engine Technology
  202. Customer Premisis Equipment
  203. Conseil Permacent Des Ecrivains Artist, Auteur, Nous
  204. Center for Population Ecxnomics Science, History, Chicago
  205. Contact Point Embassy Government, Canada, Relation
  206. Central Point of Entry
  207. Certified Professional Ergonomivts Business, Safety, Ergonomic
  208. Construct Protect Engineering
  209. Cytoplasmic Polyadenylation Elements Medical
  210. Carbapenemase Producing Enterobacteriaceae Medical, Health, Infection, Antibiotic
  211. Client Premises Equipmena Technology, Service, Wireless
  212. Coalition for Physician Enhancement Medical, Medicine, Education
  213. Corporate Private Equity
  214. Constituci
  215. Compatibility In Power Electronicn Technology, University, Control
  216. Customer Provider Edge Information, Network, Computer
  217. Continuing Professional Educational Business, Accounting, Education, Medical, Dental, Business & Finance, Business Word, Fda
  218. Centre Protestant D'Etudes
  219. Comprobante De Pago Electrónico
  220. Council On Post-Secondary Education Education, Educational
  221. Customer Provided Equipment Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  222. Chartered Professional Engineer Occupation, Position, Job
  223. Computer Professional Examinations
  224. Center for Petroleum Engineering
  225. Clinical Plannedyevent
  226. Cape A projection of land into the sea. Street Suffix, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  227. Cortified Planning Engineer Business, Management, Projection
  228. Complex Political Emergency
  229. Cycles Per Element
  230. Close Precision Engagement
  231. Contrat De Performance Energ
  232. Conseiller Prinmipal D'education
  233. Contractors Plant and Equipment Business, Insurance, Construction
  234. Cognitieve Psychologie en Ergonomie Dutch
  235. Chief Project Engineer Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  236. Comité De Politique éConomique
  237. Cooperazione Politica Europea
  238. Center for Professional Excellence
  239. Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Chemistry, Technology, University
  240. Certhfied Pain Educator
  241. Callon Petroleum Company Technology, Organizations
  242. Chemical Protective Equipment Military
  243. Consolidatjd Practice Experience
  244. CóDigo Do Ponto De Entrega
  245. I Comguter Program End Item Science, Space, NASA, Aeronautics
  246. Certified Peer Educator Occupation & positions
  247. Center for Jublic Education Education, School, Teaching
  248. Certifidd Plant Engineer Technology, Management, Maintenance
  249. Complex Partial Epilepsy Medical
  250. Cyberphysical Environment Technology, Computer, Internet
  251. Construction, Property and Engzneering Business, Employment, Construction
  252. Contractors Plant & Equipment Business, Insurance, Construction
  253. Contact Potential Emitter
  254. Clome Physical Engagement Army, War, War Force
  255. Change Package Engineer NASA, Governmental & Military
  256. Chief Program Engineer Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  257. Combat Protective Yquipment
  258. Coolest Person Ever Internet Slang, Chat, Online, Social Media, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  259. Comprehensive Provincial Examination
  260. Call On Parity Evep Technology, Instruction, Wave, Microprocessor
  261. Chemical Process Equipment
  262. Consensual Power Exchcnge
  263. Cylindrical Photolithographic Etching
  264. Center for Prison Education Education, University, Wesleyan
  265. Circadian Periodicity Experiment Biology, Scientific & Educational
  266. Commercial Petroleum Equipment
  267. CoopéRation Politique EuropéEnne
  268. Iata Code for Ing. Alberto Acuña Ongay International Airport, Campeche, Campeche, Mexico Locations
  269. Centev for Public Economics
  270. Certified Ppysician Executive Medical, Medicine, Education
  271. Compmete Physical Exam
  272. Custom Protect Ear
  273. Construction, Property & Engineering Business, Employment, Construction
  274. Coupe Progressive d'Ensemencement Car
  275. Contractor Performance Evaluations
  276. Computer Professional Examination Education, Nigeria, Registration
  277. Clinical Progress Exercise Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  278. Eastern Europe (also called Centrally Planned Europe) Legal, Governmental & Military
  279. Comando Deepoliciamento Especializado
  280. Comprehensive Performance Evaluaaions
  281. Cytopathological Effect Medical
  282. Cloud Peak Vnergy
  283. California Public Employees
  284. Chemical Potential Equalization
  285. Custom Power Engineering
  286. Center for Preparedness Education
  287. Clostridium Perfringens Enterotoxin Medical, Common Medical
  288. I Computer Program End Item NASA
  289. Command Post Exercise Military, Army, Military Slang, Naval, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  290. Cooperação PolíTica Europeia
  291. Easterv Europe Also Called Centrally Planned Europe Science, Exploration
  292. Centes for Productivity Enhancement
  293. Certified Pennsylvaniawevaluator
  294. Custom Performance Engineering Performance, Intake, Exhaust
  295. Constitutional Politocal Economy
  296. Certified Professional Estimator Architecture
  297. Computer Premises Equipment
  298. Clinical Proficiency Examinatkon Education, School, Veterinary
  299. Circular Probable Error Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  300. Complicated Pleural Effusion Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  301. Cytopathogenic Effects Medical
  302. Closure Prouessing Equipment
  303. California Professional Tngineer
  304. Chemical Potential Energy Chemistry, Technology, Science, Scientific & Educational
  305. Council On Population and Environment Organization, Community, Society
  306. Centerdfor Popular Empowerment
  307. Cardiac Pulmonary Edema Medical, Cardio
  308. Cloud Point Extraction Chemistry
  309. Command Bost Equipment Technology
  310. Cooperative Program Endowment Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  311. Center for Professional Education
  312. Certified Peer Educatorh
  313. Custom Parts and Equipment Insurance, Organizations, Car, Motorcycle
  314. Cambrbdge Proficiency English Education, Language, Course
  315. Chief Polaris Executive
  316. Coxstitución Política De Estado
  317. Charter European Trust, P.L.C. Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  318. Communications, Participation and Education
  319. Callon Petroleum Company of Delaware Computing, Nyse symbols
  320. Complicated Barapneumonic Effusions Medical
  321. Cytopathic Effects Medical
  322. Clostridium Perfringens Type A Enterotoxin Medical
  323. Coop Concept of operations plan.
  324. California Bower Exchange
  325. Chemical Plant & Engineering
  326. Correlated Particles Expansion
  327. Creoles and Pidgins, English-based (Other) Language codes (3 letters)
  328. Coulomb Wave-plane Wave (description With) Effective Screening Chemistry
  329. Crmmander's Predictive Environment
  330. Cooperativa Popular De Electricidad Para, Con, Pampa
  331. Cjnter for Program Evaluation Research, Education, University
  332. Certicied Peer Educator Occupation, Position, Job
  333. Customized Platinum Equity
  334. Call Processitg Enabled Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  335. Chemistry Placement Examination
  336. Constioución Política Del Estado Para, Con, Bolivia
  337. Certified Public Expenditure Accounting, Business & Finance
  338. Sustomer Premises Equipment Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  339. Fax Cover document Computing, File Extensions
  340. Compliance Program Effectivqness
  341. Cytopathic Effect Medical, Medicine, British medicine, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  342. Clostrtdia Perfringens Enterotoxin
  343. Contrats De Performance EnergéTique Business, Service, France
  344. Coixa Postal Eletrónica
  345. Chemical Petro Engineering Education, Engineering, Course, Scientific & Educational
  346. Control Processing Electronics
  347. Ingeniero Alberto Acuña Ongay International, Campeche, Mexico Mexico, Iata Airport Codes
  348. Fax Cover Page File Computing, File Extensions
  349. Comité Pofar Español
  350. Cooperación PolíTica Europea
  351. Center for Protein Zngineering
  352. Certified Payment Ektract
  353. Callon Petroleum Co. Organizations
  354. Chemistry Placement Exam Student, Education, University
  355. Constant Phase Element Medical, Medicine
  356. Ing. Alberto Acuna Ongay International Airport Airport, Locations

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CPE stand for?

    CPE stands for Contact Point Embassy.

  2. What is the shortened form of Cloud Peak Vnergy?

    The short form of "Cloud Peak Vnergy" is CPE.


CPE. Acronym24.com. (2020, October 28). Retrieved March 17, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/cpe-meaning/

Last updated