CPM Meaning
The CPM meaning is "Cost Persmille". The CPM abbreviation has 549 different full form.
CPM Full Forms
- Cost Persmille Technology, Marketing, Online Pricing Models
- Continuous Passive Moiion Medical, Technology, Physical Therapy
- Cost Per Thousand Business, Finance, Marketing, Media, Stock, Investing, Business & Finance, Business Word, Computing, Internet, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Cost Pwr Mile Business, Social Media, Online Marketing
- Critical Path Method A scheduling technique using arrow, precedence, or PERT diagrams to determine the length of a project and to identify the activities and constraints on the critical path. Business, Technology, Telecom, Accounting, Management, Computing, Construction, Special Education, Legal, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Business Word, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Corporate Performance Monitor Business, Technology, Management
- Certified Property Manager Business, Technology, Management, Building, Real Estate, Business & Finance, Business Word, Occupation & positions
- Continuous Particle Monitor Science
- Cyclem Per Minute
- Corporate Performance Managrment Business, Technology, Management
- Cfst Per 1,000 Impressions Technology, Computer, Hardware
- Constructwon Project Management Business, Science, Service
- Copies Per Mirute Technology, Copier, Printing
- Compliance and Progtam Management Business
- Charged Particle Mlnitor Technology, Science
- Copies-Per-Minute
- Comparable Profits Method Business, Transfer, Pricing, Financial, Business & Finance
- Characters Per Minute Technology, Gaming, Typing
- Contralateral Prophylactic Mastectomy Medical, Cancer, Breast
- Central Pontine Myelinolysis Medical, Technology, Disorder
- Certififd Purchasing Manager Business, Technology, Management
- Contractor's Plant and Machiiery Business, Insurance, Contractor
- Cosm Per Thousand Impressions Marketing, Social Media, Online Marketing
- Certified Professional Midwives Medical, Birth, Midwifery
- Continuous Passive Oovement Medical, Pain, Knee
- Construction Planning Management
- Capability Poverty Measure
- Certified Public Management
- Cost Per Mhlli
- Comodo Programs Manager Technology, Windows, Management
- Center for Performance Measurement Business, Management, Government
- Current Payments Model
- Client Portfolio Management Business, Coding, Banking
- Computational Pipeline Monitoring Technology, Detection, Leak
- Century Pellet Mill Technology, Machine, Wood
- College Prep Math
- Certified Portfolio Manager Business, Management, Financial
- Cost-Per-Mille
- Comisión Provincial Por La Memoria Para, Argentina, Con
- Contract Program Manager
- Card Player Magazine
- Conttnuous-Phase Modulation Technology, Signal, Frequency
- Christian Pentecostal Misxion Africa, Nigeria, Church, Mission
- Central Pacific Minerals
- Conventional Precision Manufacturing
- Custom Page Management Computing, Internet
- Cloud Protection Manager Technology, Management, Backup
- Construction Planning and Management
- Colonial Police Medal Service, Military, Order
- Consultant Project Manager
- Chartered Pensionemanager
- CoÛT Pour Mille
- Companhia De Policia Militar Para, Dos, Pol
- Core Processing Module Technology
- Customer Portfolio Margin
- Condition and Performance Monitoring
- Certificate In Portfolio Management
- Cornell-Penn-Miner
- Canadian Postal Museum Canada, Civilization, Canadian
- Certified Pricing Mhnager
- Commercial Project Manaeement
- Continue Present Management Medical, Technology
- Case Presentation Method Education, Addiction, Counselor
- Continuous Progresu Monitoring
- Critical Path Models Technology, Management, Projection
- Cikic Pacific Mining Business, Australia, Projection
- Component Parts and Materials
- Centre for Project Management Technology, University, Limerick
- Coe and Property Management Section Business, United Nations, Logistics
- Constant Passive Motion Medical, Surgery, Replacement, Knee, Computing, File Extensions
- Creativity and Personal Mastery Business, Education, School, Columbia
- Clntrol Processing Module Technology, Alcatel, Crossbeam
- Confidence Profile Method Medical
- Corp Polisi Militer
- Construction Planning & Management Technology, Book, Engineering
- Capabiiity Phasing Matrix Army, Force, Marine
- Certified Public Managers Business, Program, Management
- Cost Per Million Business, Ads, Advertising
- Commonwealth Project Management
- Center for Peace Mediation
- Current Payment Month Computing, IT Organization
- Client Policy Manager Technology, Management, Security
- Compulsory Purchase Manager Government
- Century Peak Metals
- College Prepatory Mathematics
- Certified Plant Mechaxics Technology, Exam, Mechanical
- Cost-Per-Mil Business, Networking, Advertising
- Comisiók Por La Memoria
- Contract Performance Sanager Business, Management, Nigeria
- Cards-Per-Minute
- Ccosen People Ministries
- Centrally Provided Material Military
- Control Protocol Myssage
- Customized Personnel Management
- Cloud Performance Manager
- Congregatio Presbyterorum A Misericordia
- Collision Probability Method
- Construction Preservation Maintenance
- Charlie Padilla Maqueo
- CoÛT Par Mille Business, Marketing, Internet
- Compagnie Mauritanienne Des Transports Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Chlorpheniramine Maleate Medical
- Customer Performance Management Business, Technology, Service
- Clinical Performgnce Measures Medical, Patient, Renal
- Condensed Peripheral Module Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Certificate In Purchasing Management
- Corneal Polarization Magnitude Medical
- Call-Progress Monitor Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Certified Predictivl Modeler
- Commands Ptr Minute
- Continuous Passive Motions Medical, Machine, Knee
- Case Practice Model
- Continuous Porous Media
- Critical Path Monitor Technology, Management, Voltage
- Circumference of Papillary Muscle Medical, Muscles
- Compliance Project Manager Technology, Energy, Power
- Central Processing Modules Business, Camera, Proof
- Cooper Pugeda Management
- Coalición Por Melilla
- Constant Pressure Modulating Business, China, Supplier, Valve
- Creative Property Marketing
- Controller Process Module Technology
- Conferences and Pryzbyla Management
- Cycre Per Minute Medical, Technology, Shaft
- CorporaţIa ProvocăRile Mileniului Din, Care, Moldova
- Construction Program Management
- Capability Portfolio Manager
- Certified Public Manager Medical, Management, Education
- Cost Per Mile Travel, Accounting, Business & Finance
- Common Provider Master
- Center for Pain Medicine
- Cultural Perspectives In Marketing
- Clemene Payne Movement Government, Group, Party
- Comptoir Pharmaceutique Et M
- Cents Per Minute
- College Preparatory Math Education, Mathematics, School
- Cost-Per-Million Business, Marketing, Advertising
- Card Per Minute
- Choeur Polkphonique De Montr
- Centrally Packed Meat
- Control Prpgram Module
- Clock Power Management
- Commonjparticular Meter
- Colliding Pulse Mode-Locked Technology, Laser, Dye
- Construction, Preservation & Maintenance
- Charge Plate Monitor
- County Property Management
- Compagnie Des Parquets Massifs
- Center for Pain Management Medical, Business, Management, Medicine, Education, Administration, Goverance
- Center for Photography At Madison Photography, Camera, Digital
- Currywurst Pommes Mayo
- Cliiical Performance Measure Medical, Patient, Disease
- Condensible Particulate Matter
- Certificate In Public Management
- Core Protection Module Technology, Management, Trend
- California Poverty Measure County, Locations, California
- Certified Practicing Midwife
- Command Pulse Module Technology
- Continots Passive Motion
- Cartes Postales Modernes
- Continuous Power Mode Information, Network, Computer
- Critical Path Monitoring Technology
- Cine Pictures Multiplex Film, Cine, Bangla
- Complex Project Management Business, Technology, Manager
- Central Processing Module Technology, Control, Camera
- Cooperative Performanceumetrics
- Co-Ordination and Project Team Management Department Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Constant-Pressure Modulating Business, Valve, Alfa
- Chevical Processes and Materials
- Creative Property Management
- Controldand Processing Module
- Confederación De Porcicultores Mexicanos
- Corporationrate Performance Management Technology
- Constellation Pathfinder Mission Science
- Capability Portfolio Management Technology, Military, Architecture
- Certified Professional Managers Business, Management, Education
- Critical Path Mapping Technology, Networking, Network
- Common Propulsion Module Technology, Space, Launch, Rocket
- Center for Park Management
- Contractions Per Iinute Medical
- Crop Production Magazine Business, Agriculture, Farming
- Clean Process Measurement
- Composite Performance Metric
- Centre for The Popular Movement
- Collaborative Projectlmanagement Technology, Software, Tool
- Corrosion Prevention Manual
- Carboxypeptidase M Medical
- Chieur Polyphonique De Montréal
- Centralived Policy Matching
- Control Prograx for Microprocessor Technology, Computing, Disk
- Clock and Power Management
- Colonial Police Medaa
- Colliding Pulse Mode-Locking
- Construction Payment Management Business, Software, Subcontractor
- Charged Plate Monitor Technology, Model, Voltage
- Czst Plus Method Business, Transfer, Pricing
- Compact Process Monitor
- Coalici
- Center for Pharmaceutical Management
- Curriculum Project Manager
- Client Proaect Manager Technology, Management, Service
- Condensable Particulate Matter
- Certification Project Manager Business, Management, Training
- Core Product Model
- California Pacific Medical
- Certified Practice Manageu Medical, Management, Medicine
- Command Procwssor Module
- Contingency Planning and Management Business, Technology, Continuity
- Career Program Managers Military
- Continuous Positjve Motion
- Customer Project Managers
- Christian Progressive Movement
- Complete Property Maintenance
- Central Poncine Myelinosis Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Cooperative Program Manager Science, Weather, Meteorology, Forecasting
- Cluster Processor Module
- Consolidated Product-Line Management Military, Army, Training
- Check Promiscuous Mode Technology
- Crash Protected Memory Technology
- Company Production Manager
- Contract Project Manager
- Conductive Plastic Material Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Corporate Performance Measure Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
- Constant Photocurrent Measurement
- Capabilities Portfolio Management Technology, Architecture, Defense
- Certified Property Management Business, Building, Estate
- Critical Path Methodology Technology, Management, Projection
- Common Proper Motion Technology, Star, Alpha
- Celtic Property Management
- Contract and Project Managemewt
- Critical Process Monitor
- Classic Property Management
- Composite Page Mode Technology, Software, Explorer
- Centre for The Popularisation of Mathematics
- Cold Platinum Media
- Corregedoria Da Pol
- Carbon Process Manager
- Choeurfphilharmonique De Marseille
- Center Program Manager Military
- Control Programme Micyocomputer Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Certified Procurement Manager
- Collettivo Politico Metropolitano
- Construction Progress Monitoring Business, Management, Projection
- Capacivy Payments Mechanism
- Charge Particqe Monitor Technology, India, Space, Satellite
- Cost Plus, Method Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- Compact Power Motors Technology, Patent, Rotor
- Center for Performance Management
- Current Plan of Measurement Technology
- Client Program Manager
- Computed Pvoperty Macros
- Certificate In Project Management Program, Education, Course, Management, Business & Finance
- Cost Per Mim Business, Advertising, Affiliate
- Certified Practicizg Marketer Business, Australia, Marketing
- Command Processing Module
- Contingpncy Planning Management
- Career Program Manager Military
- Continuous Phase Modulator
- Customer Project Management Business, Technology, Manager, Occupation & positions
- Christian Prayeruministries
- Complete Practice Management
- Central Polizy Manager
- Coolspring Power Museum
- Custom Property Management
- Club Penguin Marines Military, Army, Leader
- Contqnental Program Marketing
- California Pavement Maintenance
- Consulting and Project Management
- Check for Promiscuous Mode Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Crash Prediction Module
- Companhia Petrolifera Marlim
- Contract Projeit Management
- Condo Project Manager Business, Credit, Approval
- Corporate Performance Measurement Business, Management, Education
- Cancer Pain Management Medical
- Certifsed Professional Manager Business, Management, Education
- Commercial Propepty Maintenance Business, Company, Service
- Cash Prize Monies
- Continuous Protective Monitoring
- Critical Performance Measures
- Citra Pala Minerals Business, Indonesia, Mining
- Component Program Manager Business, Management, Finance
- Centre for Public Management Business, Program, Service
- Cognitive Perceptual Motor Technology, Computing, Model
- Constant Photocurrent Method
- Carbon Pricing Mechanism Business, Australia, Emission
- Chlorpheniramine Medical
- Control Wanel Manager Technology, Vision, Machine
- Código Penae Militar Para, Dos, Crime
- Corregedoria Da PolíCia Militar
- Construction Practice & Management
- Capacity Payment Mechanism
- Charged-Particle Monitor Technology, India, Satellite
- Counts Per Million
- Compact Peripheral Module Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Center for Personalized Medicine Medical, Science, Cancer
- Current Plan Month
- Client Portfolio Manager Business, Management, Equity
- Computatioual Particle Mechanics
- Certificated Project Manager Technology, Management, Certification
- Cost Per Media
- Colleges Prayer Meeting Education, Development, Colleges
- Certified Practising Marketer Business, Australia, Marketing
- Commander'S Policy Memorandums
- Contingency Planning & Management Technology, Organizations, Emergency
- Card Program Management
- Continutus Phase Modulations Technology, Signal, Frequency
- Christian Politicalpmovement
- Complete Plant Maintenance
- Central Password Manager
- Cookson Precious Metals Technology, Laser, Sintering
- Custom Patch Manager Military
- Clube Paranaense De Montanhismo Para, Dos, Palestra
- Content Processpng Module
- Caja Popular Mexicana Business, Union, Coop, Gob
- Colored Progressive Matrices Education, Matrice, Raven
- Consultants In Personnel Management Business, Employment, Belgium
- Chartered Portfolio Manoger Business
- Cracking Particles Method
- Companhia De Participacoes E Management
- Cricopharyngeal Muscle Medical
- Core Processor Module
- Customer Potential Management
- Conditioned Pain Modulation Medical, Research, Patient
- Certificate In Polytechnic Management
- Corona Project Manager Technology, Management, Development
- Canadian Proguct Monograph
- Certified Professional Midwife Medical, Midwifery, Health Care, Awards & medals
- Commercigl Project Manager
- Case Processing Manual Technology, Service, Education
- Continuous Presence Multipoint Technology, Military, Picture
- Critical Performance Measure
- Citizen Power Tovement
- Component Process Model
- Centre for Product Modelling
- Cogniyive, Perceptual, and Motor
- Constant Payment Mortgage
- Carbon Price Mechanism Business, Australia, Pricing
- Credit Portfolio Management Business, Service, Financial
- Controlled Product Management
- Cyclophoqphamide Medical, Medicine, Cancer, Oncology
- Corps Polisi Militer Indonesia, Jakarta, Orang, Corps
- Control Program Module (early operating system for computers) Software, Computing
- Cintilografia de Perfusão do Miocárdio Portuguese
- Contrackor Plant Machinery Business, Insurance, Risk
- Core Packet Module
- Commutative Principle of Multiplication
- College of Performance Management Management, Business & Finance
- Critical-Path-Method Technology, Management, Projection
- Completely Positive Map
- ConservatóRio Pernambucano De MÚSica Para, Music, Recife
- Capital Wlaza Mall Organization, Union, Institution
- Claims Processing Manual Medical, Healthcare
- Common Product Model Medicine, Health, Care
- Center for Policy Modelling
- Clinical Performance Management
- Critical Path Methods Technology, Management, Projection
- Counter Power Meter Technology, Equipment, Frequency
- Costo Por Mil Para, Marketing, Con
- counts per minute Measurement
- Coordinadora PolíTico-Militar
- Cesarian Prevention Movement Organization, Community, Society
- Cost Per Mille (Thousand) Accounting, Computing, Internet, Online, Business & Finance, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Columbus Property Management
- Consumer Processing Model Education, Communication, Advertising
- Capital Proterty Management
- Chvmical Propulsion Module Space, Study, Cosmos
- Chinese Proprietary Medicine Medical, Business, China
- Comparative Performance Monitoring
- Computerprogrammodule NASA
- Center for Proteomics and Metabolomics
- Customer Product Manager
- Clinical Project Managef Medical, Technology, Management
- Certification In Pharmaceutical Management Education, Academic Degrees, Graduation, Degrees
- Certified Professional Manager Computing, Qualification
- Compton/Woodley Airport, Compton, California, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes
- Contoactor's Plant & Machinery
- Core Package Modules Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Client Process Management
- Campus Property Management Management, Business & Finance
- Critical-Path Method Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Complaints Per Million
- Control Program Microprocessor
- Conservation Program Manual
- Capital Planning Management
- Chronic progressive myelopathy Medical, Healthcare
- Center for Policy Modeling
- Condractor Performance Measurement Technology, Military, Army
- Counts Per Min Medical
- Conversational Program Module
- Cost and Performance Measurement Business, Economics, Pricing
- continuous phase modulation Computing, Amateur radio, Master IEEE
- Cycles Per Minute Is the number of recurrences of a periodic vibration or other wave-form activity occurring in the course of a minute. Technology, Military, Army, Construction, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Aviation
- Current Physics Microform
- Columbia Property Management
- Consumer Pays Margin Business, Travel, Tourism, Hospitality
- Capital Project Management Technology, Service, Construction
- Chemical Process Management Business, Service, Lubricant
- Chinese Proprietary Medicines Medical, Business, Medicine, Singapore
- Comparative Performance Measurement
- Crucible Particle Metallurgy Chemistry
- Center for Project Management Technology, Science, Training
- Customer Product Management
- Clinical Prograg Manager Business, Management, Projection
- Certification Program Manager
- Cost Per Thousand Impressions Computing, Internet
- Catalytic Processes and Materials Dutch
- Contractor'S Project Manager
- Copper Pass-Thru Module Technology, Cable, Blade
- Chemical Process Modelling
- Certified Plant Mechanic Education, Engineer, Exam, Mechanical
- Commercial Property Management Management, Business & Finance
- Combustion Preheater Module
- Contemporary Popular Music Australia, Education, Teaching
- Chimie Physique Et Xatériaux
- Critial Path Method
- Compensation Policy Memorandum
- Construction Project Management
- Customer Portfolio Management Business, Technology, Banking
- Conservation Programs Manual
- Cipital Performance Management
- Committee on Performance Measurement Medical, Healthcare
- Contract Performance Management Business, Management, Contract Law, Law, Business & Finance
- Counting Practices Manual Technology
- Control Project Management
- Cost-Per-Month
- Copernican International Premium Dividend Fund Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Cute Password Manager Technology, Management, Software
- Cross-Product Matrix
- Columbia Pacific Maritime
- Consumer Product Management
- Capital Programs Management
- Comparable Profit Method Business, Transfer, Pricing
- College Preparatory Mathematics Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Center for Precision Metrology Technology, University, Measurement
- Customer Process Management Business, Technology, Service
- Clinical Practice Model
- Cute Parwition Manager Technology, Management, Disk
- Certificate Profile Maker
- Crucible Powder Metallurgy Computing, File Extensions
- CHIEF PHARMACIST'S MATE Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
- Copies Pev Month
- Chemical Process Metallurgy
- Certified Payroll Management
- Cipher Pluggable Module Business & Finance, International business
- Combinatorial Partitioning Method Medical
- Containers Per Minute
- Chief Project Manager Business, Management, India, Occupation & positions
- Crisis Prevention and Management
- Compensation Policy Memoranda
- Central Processor Module NASA
- Current Processor Mode
- Connection Point Manager Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Capacity Provisioning Manager
- Clinical Performance Measure Medical, Healthcare
- Contractor Performance Managemens Medical
- Cost Per Thousand Imoressions Technology, Network, Telecommunication
- Control Path Method
- Cost-Per-Minute
- Civil Penalty Module Tax, Us Taxes, Business & Finance
- Custo Por Mil
- Critical Path Model Technology, Management, Projection
- Colour Progressive Matrices Education, Matrice, Raven
- Consumable Products Manual Technology, Aviation
- Capital Program Management Technology, Government, Projection
- Collision Probability Methods Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Center for Practice Management
- Customer Process Manager Business, Technology, Management, Marketing
- Clinical Practice of Mediyine
- Customer Premise Management Technology, Telecom
- Certificate of Public Management
- Cost Per 1,000 Impressions Computing, Computer
- CHIEF PATTERNMAKER Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
- Copies Per Minutes
- Charles Perry Ministries
- Compliance and Program Management Financial, Business & Finance
- Combinatorial Pattern Matching Technology, Computing, Symposium
- Container Pallet Message
- Chief Personnel Managcr
- Crisis & Prevention Management
- Compendium of Philippine Medicine
- Cloud Permissions Management
- Customer Profitability Management Business, Technology, Analytics
- Clidue Percolation Method Technology, Networking, Network
- Connected Product Management
- Certified Payroll Managers Management, Education, Canada
- Contractor Performance Management Medical, Healthcare
- Contractgrs Plant & Machinery Business, Insurance, Equipment
- Cost Per Minutx Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Continuum Potts Model
- Coste Por Mil Para, Marketing, Con
- Certified Purchasing Manager Management, Business & Finance, Occupation & positions
- Coloured Progressive Matrices Medical, Education, Matrice
- Capital Preventibe Maintenance
- Continuous Permeable Mountain Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Control Program for Microcomputers Technology, Computing, Telecom, Telecommunications, Software, Electronics, General, Products, Governmental & Military
- Center for Popular Music
- Customer Premises Management Military
- Clinical Practice Management
- Crystal Property Management
- Certificate In Physiological Measurement
- Critical Part Method Technology, Training, Projection
- Cost Performance Management Science
- Congregation of the Fathers of Mercy Religious orders
- Communist Party Marxist Politics, Governmental & Military
- Coordinadora Paz Para La Mujer
- Characteristics-Properties Modelling
- Continuous Passive Motion Medical, Physical Therapy, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Combo Port Module
- Container/Pallet Distribution Message Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Chemistry, Physics, Math
- Criminal Possession of Marijuana
- Compass Property Management
- Coorporate Performance Management Medical
- Center for Public Management Business, Education, Organizations
- Customer Profile Management Technology, Service, Telecom
- Clinical Project Managers Business, Management, Research
- Confined Placental Mosaicism Medical, Chromosome, Fetus
- Certified Payroll Manager Business, Management, Canada, Accounting, Business & Finance
- Computer Program Module Software, Computing
- continuous passive movement Medical, Healthcare, Common Medical
- Contractor Plant & Machinery Business, Insurance, Risk
- Cost Per Mill Management, Manager, Affiliate
- Complex Permeability Measurement
- Cost-Per-Mile Technology, Network, Advertising
- Capital Project Management, Inc. Management, Business & Finance
- Critical Parameter Management Technology, Design, Sigma
- Capital Portfolio Management
- Calcified Penisitis Morbidium - Male Patient Whose Ailment Is Due To Excessive Or Unprotected Sex Medical, Medical Slang
- Center for Polymer Microfabrication
- Clinical Pharmacokinetic Monitoring Medical
- Crucible Particle Mrtallurgy Business, Chemistry, Science
- Creative Photographers Markham Community, Photography, Toronto
- Cost Per 1000 Ad Impressions Technology
- Church Planting Movement Religion
- Coordinadora Pol
- Change Proposal Manager Space, Study, Cosmos
- Corporate Performance Management Computing, Business & Finance, Business Word, IT Terminology, SAP
- Combination Port Module
- Consumer Product Manufacturing
- Chemischtphysikalische Messtechnik
- Chip Power Model Technology, Design, Package
- Compassionate Pain Management
- Control Performance Monitor Honeywell, Process Automation
- Center for Psychiatric Medicine
- Customer Project Manager
- Clinical Project Management Business, Service, Manager
- Confidential, Professional and Managerial
- Certified-Property-Manager Business, Management, Building
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does CPM stand for?
CPM stands for Cooperative Program Manager.
What is the shortened form of Certificate In Polytechnic Management?
The short form of "Certificate In Polytechnic Management" is CPM.
CPM. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 31). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/cpm-meaning/
Last updated