CPM in Technology Meaning

The CPM meaning in Technology terms is "Cost Persmille". There are 107 related meanings of the CPM Technology abbreviation.

CPM on Technology Full Forms

  1. Cost Persmille
  2. Continuous Passive Moiion
  3. Critical Path Method A scheduling technique using arrow, precedence, or PERT diagrams to determine the length of a project and to identify the activities and constraints on the critical path.
  4. Corporate Performance Managrment
  5. Central Pontine Myelinolysis
  6. Copies Per Mirute
  7. Charged Particle Mlnitor
  8. Characters Per Minute
  9. Certififd Purchasing Manager
  10. Certified Property Manager
  11. Corporate Performance Monitor
  12. Cfst Per 1,000 Impressions
  13. Control Wanel Manager
  14. Cloud Protection Manager
  15. Critical Path Models
  16. Century Pellet Mill
  17. Construction Planning & Management
  18. Corona Project Manager
  19. Command Pulse Module
  20. Check for Promiscuous Mode
  21. Conttnuous-Phase Modulation
  22. Crash Protected Memory
  23. Complex Project Management
  24. Clntrol Processing Module
  25. Critical Path Monitor
  26. Centre for Project Management
  27. Core Protection Module
  28. Charged Plate Monitor
  29. Continue Present Management
  30. Critical Path Mapping
  31. Capability Portfolio Management
  32. Compact Power Motors
  33. Controller Process Module
  34. Critical Path Monitoring
  35. Central Processing Module
  36. Conductive Plastic Material
  37. Colliding Pulse Mode-Locked
  38. Charge Particqe Monitor
  39. Contingency Planning and Management
  40. Critical Path Methodology
  41. Capabilities Portfolio Management
  42. Compact Peripheral Module
  43. Client Proaect Manager
  44. Core Processing Module
  45. Customer Project Management
  46. Condensed Peripheral Module
  47. Collaborative Projectlmanagement
  48. Charged-Particle Monitor
  49. Contingency Planning & Management
  50. Call-Progress Monitor
  51. Comodo Programs Manager
  52. Client Policy Manager
  53. Computational Pipeline Monitoring
  54. Cookson Precious Metals
  55. Cognitive Perceptual Motor
  56. Customer Performance Management
  57. Certified Plant Mechaxics
  58. Cycre Per Minute
  59. Common Propulsion Module
  60. Continuous Presence Multipoint
  61. Case Processing Manual
  62. Composite Page Mode
  63. Control Prograx for Microprocessor
  64. Co-Ordination and Project Team Management Department
  65. Current Plan of Measurement
  66. Certificated Project Manager
  67. Corporationrate Performance Management
  68. Common Proper Motion
  69. Check Promiscuous Mode
  70. Continutus Phase Modulations
  71. Compliance Project Manager
  72. Customer Premise Management
  73. Customer Profitability Management
  74. Capital Program Management
  75. Critical Path Model
  76. Clidue Percolation Method
  77. Connection Point Manager
  78. Critical Path Methods
  79. Combinatorial Pattern Matching
  80. Customer Profile Management
  81. Critical Part Method
  82. Clinical Project Managef
  83. Core Package Modules
  84. Counting Practices Manual
  85. Customer Process Management
  86. Counter Power Meter
  87. Center for Project Management
  88. Copper Pass-Thru Module
  89. Cost Per Thousand Imoressions
  90. Customer Process Manager
  91. Cost Per 1000 Ad Impressions
  92. Cycles Per Minute Is the number of recurrences of a periodic vibration or other wave-form activity occurring in the course of a minute.
  93. Condractor Performance Measurement
  94. Critical Parameter Management
  95. Center for Precision Metrology
  96. Cost Per Minutx
  97. Control Program for Microcomputers
  98. Container/Pallet Distribution Message
  99. Cost-Per-Mile
  100. Cute Password Manager
  101. Chip Power Model
  102. Critical-Path-Method
  103. Consumable Products Manual
  104. Cute Parwition Manager
  105. Customer Portfolio Management
  106. Critical-Path Method
  107. Capital Project Management

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CPM stand for Technology?

    CPM stands for Capital Project Management in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Cfst Per 1,000 Impressions in Technology?

    The short form of "Cfst Per 1,000 Impressions" is CPM for Technology.


CPM in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 31). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/cpm-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated