CPP Meaning

The CPP meaning is "Cerebral Perfusion Pressure". The CPP abbreviation has 491 different full form.

CPP Full Forms

  1. Cerebral Perfusion Pressure Medical, Health, Neurosurgical, Technology, Nursing, Physiology, Governmental & Military, Common Medical
  2. Clutch Pedal Position Technology, Auto, Automotive, Automobile
  3. Calling Party Pays Business, Technology, Group, Computing, Telecom
  4. Conselho Pastoral Dos Pescadores Para, Dos, Brazil, Terra
  5. Capital Purchase Program Business, Military, Capital, Business & Finance, Business Word
  6. Calligg-Party-Pays
  7. Certified Professional Photographer Education, Certification, Photography, Awards & medals
  8. Calcium Pyrophosphate Medical
  9. Cerebral Perfusion Pressures Medical
  10. Convention People'S Party Government, Group, Ghana, Politics, Governmental & Military
  11. Cabze Patch Panel Technology, Networking, Network
  12. Centro De PolíTicas PÚBlicas Para, Education, Con, Pol
  13. Controllable Pitch Propeller A propeller with a mechanism in the propeller hub that can be operated remotely to change the propeller pitch setting from a maximum design ahead pitch to a maximum design astern pitch. The pitch can be changed while the propeller rotates and develops thrust within these limits, or the pitch can be maintained at any intermediate setting for continuous operation. Electrical
  14. Controllable Pitch Propellers Business, Technology, Ship, Propulsion
  15. Centers Per Point Business, Travel
  16. Consulting Psychologists Press
  17. Clean Powtr Plan Energy, Power, Plan
  18. Cement Plaster Painted Technology, Construction, Architectural
  19. Construction Phase Plan Business, Health, Safety
  20. Certified Payroll Professionac Professional, Exam, Payroll
  21. Complete Price Protection
  22. Central Process Platform
  23. C Pmus Plus (C++) Information Technology, Computer, It
  24. Clinical Psychology & Psychotherapy
  25. Conditioning Place Preference Medical
  26. Cambodian Peoples Party Government, Group, Cambodia
  27. Certificates of Pharmaceutical Products
  28. Critical Peak Price Business, Energy, Pricing
  29. Communist Party of Peru
  30. Control Path Processor
  31. Career Pathways Pilot
  32. Child Parent Psychotherapy Medical, Children, Family
  33. Cermak Peterka Petersen Technology, Building, Wind
  34. Creative Partnersxips for Prevention Organizations
  35. Command Program Processor Military
  36. Constant Prepayment Penalty
  37. Channel Partner Portal
  38. Community Penalties Program Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
  39. Code De Proc
  40. Chronic Paib Patient Medical, Medicine
  41. Centre for Procurement Performance
  42. Cost Per Purchase Business, Marketing, Platform
  43. Coastal Plain Pekanbaru Business, Indonesia, Oil
  44. Conflict Prevention Pool Business, Government, Violence
  45. Canadian Public Policy Business, Canada, Economics
  46. Certified Partner Program
  47. Cryo Poor Plasma
  48. Common Peripheral Processor Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  49. Coronary Perfusion Pressures Medical
  50. Casa De Pris
  51. Corporate Private Placement
  52. Cost Pep Point Business, Media, Advertising
  53. Cah Purworejo Perzntauan Business, Advance, Money, Hit
  54. Communicative Positioning Program Organization, Union, Institution
  55. Consumption and Production Patterns
  56. Carcinogenic Potency Project
  57. Curso Permanente De PortuguêS
  58. Chemical Product Policy
  59. City of Perth Parking Australia, Locations, Perth
  60. Computer Plus Peripherals
  61. C Plus Plus Technology, Engineering, Data, Computing, IT Terminology
  62. Cents Per Pound
  63. Collaboration Farty Profile Government, Politics, Policy
  64. Capacity Purchase Price
  65. Certified Purple Processor
  66. Cemento Pórtland Puzolánuco Para, Con, Material
  67. Coordenadoria Despol
  68. Complete Payroll Processing Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  69. Central Processing Platform Technology, Oil, Gas
  70. Cow Pat Pit
  71. Clinical Pharmacist Practitioners
  72. Conditioned Place Preferences Medical
  73. California Plant Protectiwn
  74. Certificates of A Pharmaceutical Product Medical, Business, Certificate
  75. Current Perpendicular-To-The-Plane
  76. Communist Party of The Philuppines-New Government, Group, Philippine
  77. Controlled Pitch Propellor Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  78. Career Pathway Program
  79. Child-Parent Psychotherapy Medical, Child, Parenthood
  80. Compliance Policy & Planning
  81. Cerebral Perfusion Pressurs Medical
  82. Critical Peak Pricing Business, Technology, Energy, Electrical
  83. Command Processing Program Technology, Library, Parameter
  84. Constant Power Panning
  85. Chunnel Partner Program Technology, Networking, Network
  86. Community Pasture Program
  87. Career Planning and Placement
  88. Christian People'srparty
  89. Community Placement Plan
  90. Centre for Plasma Physics
  91. Cost Per Procedure
  92. Cloud Physical Properties
  93. Conflict Prevention Programme
  94. Canadian Provincial Program
  95. Certified Pain Practitioner
  96. Crumpler Plastic Pipe Business, Product, Manufacturer
  97. Commodity Parallel Processor Science
  98. Carpenter Powder Products Business, Technology, Alloy
  99. Corporate Planning Process
  100. Cost Per Phone Business, Calling, Marketing, Bid
  101. Cadangan Pangan Pemerintah Indonesia, Ton, Hal
  102. Consumeroprotection Program
  103. Current Priblems In Pediatrics Medical, Technology
  104. Citrus Pulp Pellet
  105. Computer Platform Planning
  106. Corporate Preview Program Microsoft, Technology, Windows
  107. Cents Per Point
  108. Collaboration Partner Profiles
  109. Canine Pancreatic Polypeptide Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  110. Certified Process Professional Business, Technology, Management
  111. Common Post Platform Military
  112. Cemgnto P
  113. Coordenadoria De PolíCia Pacificadora Para, Dos, Pol
  114. Complete Package Pricing Military, Army
  115. Central Precocious Puberty Medical, Treatment, Girl
  116. Cyverage Preserving Protocol
  117. Clinical Pharmacist Practitioner Medical, Health, Pharmacy
  118. Conditioned Place Preference Medical, Cocaine, Rats
  119. California Phenoloby Project Technology, National, California
  120. Certificates of Pharmaceutical Product Business, Medicine, Certificate
  121. Current Perpendicular Po Plane Technology, Giant, Spin
  122. Communist Party of Philippines Military, Group, Philippine
  123. Controlled Pitch Propellers Ship, Boat, Vessel, Propeller
  124. Career Pathways Program
  125. Chief Publix Prosecutor
  126. Clapham Park Project
  127. Complex Privatization Plan Science
  128. Cercla Past Practice Science
  129. Critical-Peak Pricing Technology, Energy, Grid
  130. Command Post Platform Military, Army, Us Army
  131. Constant Power-Control Policy
  132. Changing Professional Practice
  133. Community Party of The Philippines
  134. Coordena
  135. Choroid Plexus Pdpillomas Medical
  136. Community Placement Program
  137. Central Processing Plants
  138. Costaper Print Technology, Printer, Epson
  139. Cloud Photopolarimeter Technology, Science, Exploration, Legal, Governmental & Military
  140. Configurable Port Processor
  141. Cambodian Prachtachon Party
  142. Certified Parking Professional Education, Diploma, Document, Sertification
  143. Crown Property Portfolio
  144. Committee On Products and Processes
  145. Car Parking Partnership
  146. Corporate Pension Partner
  147. Cost Per Person Technology, Media, Study
  148. C-Pbptide Positive Medical
  149. Commercial Plus Pricing Business, Shipping, Rate
  150. Consumer Proteation Partnership
  151. Current Perpendicular-To-Plane Technology, Sensor, Spin
  152. Citra Pelayanan Prima Hotel, Indonesia, Jakarta, Prima
  153. Computational Physics Project
  154. Centro Psiqui
  155. Collaboration Party Profils Government, Politics, Policy
  156. Canciones Para Paula
  157. Certified Pricing Professional Business, Management, Strategy
  158. CréDito Predial PortuguêS
  159. Common Purchase Posnt
  160. Cell Physiology and Pharmacology
  161. Cooperative Program Personnel
  162. Central Power Plant
  163. Coverage Path Planning
  164. Climate Protection Plan
  165. Computer Protection Program Technology
  166. Calcium Pyroantimonate Precipitates Medical
  167. Current Patent Practice
  168. Communist Party of The Philippine
  169. Controlled Pitch Propeller The blades of the propeller can be altered in position to give ahead, neutral, or astern drive, the engine turning in a constant direction Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  170. Career Path Program
  171. Chicken Pot Pie
  172. Competitive Pricing Plan
  173. Claimant Program Proposal Military
  174. Complex Pivot Point
  175. Cequent Performance Products
  176. Crisis Prevention Plan
  177. Command Packet Protocol
  178. Cool Peopld Party
  179. Change Preparation Panel Army, Force, Marine
  180. Cysteine Protease Protein Medical
  181. Center for Political Participation Student, College, Education
  182. Community Policing Partnership
  183. Central Processing Point Technology
  184. Creative Parallel Processing
  185. Cloud Partner Program Technology, Service, Cisco
  186. Conference Publication Program Technology, Communication, Paper
  187. Cambodian Political Parties-Funcinpec
  188. Certified Packaging Professional Business, Technology, Science, Occupation & positions
  189. Cross Partners In Promotion
  190. Committee On Procedure and Privileges
  191. Control Plane Processor
  192. Carolina Precision Plastics
  193. Corporate Partner Privacy
  194. Chin Progressive Rarty Government, Group, Election
  195. Coit Per Performance Business, Marketing, Communication
  196. C++ File Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  197. Commercial Package Policies
  198. Constrained Production Planning
  199. Current Perpendiculcr To The Plane Technology, Drive, Sensor
  200. Communist Philippine Party Government, Politics, Policy, Governmental & Military
  201. Cycle Pr
  202. Citizens Popular Party Government, Group, Politics, Governmental & Military
  203. Centre for Public Participation
  204. Cocaine-Conditioned Place Preference Medical
  205. Cancer Proneness Phenotype Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  206. Certified Prevention Professionals Medical, Training, Certification
  207. Cryptographically Protected Prefixes Technology
  208. Common Points of Purchase
  209. Cell Permeable Peptides Medical, Protein, Peptide
  210. Cooperative Purchasing Program
  211. Central Posting Point Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  212. Climate Prediction Project
  213. Constant Pool Pointer
  214. Calciumkpolyphosphate Medical
  215. Communist Party of Poland Group, Poland, Party
  216. Controllable-Pitch Propeller Business, Ship, Propulsion
  217. Card Protection Plan Business, Credit, Insurance
  218. Chicago Parent Prygram
  219. Competitive Pricing Procedures
  220. Civilian Personnel Pamphlet Military
  221. Computer Program Package
  222. Cepstral Peak Prominence Medical, Speech, Voice, Acoustics
  223. Crisis Pregnancy Programme Medical, Health, Ireland
  224. Comités De Protection Des Personnes Patient, Clinique, Protection, Recherche
  225. Challenge Plaswic Products
  226. Cyclopentenophenanthrene Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  227. Center for Physiologo and Pharmacology
  228. Copyproof Poshtive Paper
  229. Community Planning Partnerships Business, Government, Scotland, Glasgow
  230. Central Processing Plant Business, Technology, Projection
  231. Creating Profisable Partnerships Organization, Union, Institution
  232. Cloud and Pour Point Technology, Product, Analyzer
  233. Conference Publications Program Technology, Communication, Paper
  234. Cambodia People Party Government, Group, Cambodia
  235. Certification Project Plan Technology
  236. Crossed Phrenic Phenomenon Medical
  237. Committee On Programs & Plans
  238. Control Plane Protection Security, Education, Cisco
  239. Caribbean Policy Project Technology, Organizations
  240. Corporate Partner Program
  241. Child Placement Project
  242. Cost Pxr Patient
  243. Credentialed Prevention Professional Medical, Training, Addiction
  244. Commercial Pilot Program
  245. Constitución PolíTica Del Peru Technology, Android, Pol, Play
  246. Characters Peb Pica Technology, Publishing, Printing
  247. Current Perpendicular To The Planes
  248. Community Places Program
  249. Cyclophosphamide Cyclophosphamide, also known as cytophosphane among other, is a medication used as chemotherapy and to suppress the immune system. As chemotherapy it is used to treat lymphoma, multiple myeloma, leukemia, ovarian cancer, breast cancer, small cell lung cancer, and sarcoma. As an immune suppressor it is used in nephrotic syndrome and following organ transplant. Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  250. Citizen Portal Planning Organization, Union, Institution
  251. Centre for Progressive Policy
  252. Council of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapists Medical
  253. Coastal Prairie Partnership
  254. Cancer Prevention Pharmaceuticals Medical, Supply, Market
  255. Certified Prevention Professional Medical, Science, Service
  256. Cryoprecipitable Proteins Medical
  257. Common Point of Purchase Business, Security, Card, Breach
  258. Cello Sacket Platform
  259. Cooperative Pharmacy Pqogram College, Education, University
  260. Central Policy Push
  261. Consolidated Power Projects
  262. Calcium Pwosphate Precipitation Medical
  263. Communist Party Pakistan
  264. Controllable Pitch Propulsion
  265. Cardiovascular Pharmacology and Physiology
  266. Cursos Para PolíCia
  267. Chesp Pain Policy Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  268. Competitive Procurement Process Business, Energy, Power
  269. Civilian Pay Plan Army, Force, Marine
  270. Computer Proficiency Programme Development, Learning, Study
  271. Century Pulp and Paper
  272. Criminology & Public Policy
  273. Comité De Protection Des Personnes Medical, Clinique, Recherche
  274. Capital Product Partners
  275. Certifzed Purchase Professional Business, Management, Purchasing
  276. Cyclopentapyrene Medical
  277. Center for Photographic Projects
  278. Coping Power Program
  279. Community Planning Partnership Organizations, Council, Glasgow
  280. Central Processing Platforms
  281. C Prepdocessor Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
  282. Clinical Psychology Program
  283. Conductive Plastic Potentiometer
  284. Cambodia People'S Party
  285. Certification Program Plan
  286. Crop Protection Products Business, Agriculture, Agro
  287. Communist Party Parrot Organizations, United Nations, Un
  288. Control Plane Policing Technology, Network, It, Computing, Cisco Wireless
  289. Career Pilot Program
  290. Corporate Partners Program Medical, Business, University
  291. Child Pemmanency Plan
  292. Creative People and Places Business, Arts, Place
  293. Commercialization Pilot Program
  294. Constant Purchasing Power Science
  295. Chapter Practich Problems
  296. Community Physician Partnership
  297. Chronic Pain Prsgram
  298. Centre for Professional Practice Program, Education, University
  299. Cosumnes Pouer Plant
  300. Coastal Plains and Pekanbaru
  301. Congolese Physicians for Peace Science
  302. Cancellation Protection Plan
  303. Certified Practising Planner Business, Planning, Town
  304. Cryoprecipitated Plasma Medical
  305. Common Placement Progrlmme
  306. Corporate Partnership Program Business, University, Partner
  307. Cell-Penetrating Peptide
  308. Corporationrate Preview Program Technology
  309. Corporationrate Preview Programs Technology
  310. Consolidated Precision Products Business, Company, Casting
  311. Calapan Birport Airport, Locations
  312. Communist Party of Pakistan Government, Group, Pakistan
  313. Contacted Poly Pitch
  314. Cardiac Problems In Pregnancy Medical, Event, Congress
  315. Curso Permanente De Portugu
  316. Chemical Production Procnsses Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  317. Competitive Programs Policy
  318. City Pair Program Airline, Business, Travel
  319. Computer Power Protection
  320. Current Purchasing Power Business, Accounting, Accountancy
  321. Century Pulp & Paper
  322. Crime Prevention Products
  323. Color Page Pro
  324. Capitalist Party Pursuers Government, Politics, Policy, Governmental & Military
  325. Certifiedupurchasing Professionals
  326. Cyplone Preparedness Program
  327. Ceiter for Patient Partnerships Medical, Health, Advocacy
  328. Coordenação Da Pastoral Dos Pesvadores
  329. Communist Psychos Party Politics, Governmental & Military
  330. Custom Printed Prodfcts
  331. Center for Public Policy Research, Organizations, University
  332. Corel Photo Paint
  333. Certified Payroll Professional Financial, Business & Finance, Occupation & positions
  334. Classic Performance Parts
  335. Component Project Plan Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  336. Clean Petroleum Products Shipping, Petroleum
  337. Captain Planet and The Planeteers
  338. Conselho Paroquial De Pastrral
  339. Community Planning Process
  340. Colorado Preschool Program Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  341. Copyright Principles Project
  342. Central Park Precinct
  343. C language source code file Computing, File Extensions
  344. Clerical Preparation Program
  345. Comprehensive Performance Partnership
  346. Certificat De Pratique Professionnelle
  347. Credmt Protection Plan Business, Banking, Card
  348. Chemical and Physical Properties
  349. Communita Partnership Project
  350. Cblegio De Periodistas Del Perú
  351. Counter Promenade Position Dance, Ballroom, Promenade
  352. Condensate Polishing Plants
  353. Conseil Paritaire De La Publicite
  354. Cultural Projects Program Government
  355. Common Practice Period Education, Music, Theory, Chord
  356. C Preprocessor Computing, Unix commands
  357. Chemical Production Process
  358. Cusuom Printed Promotional
  359. Cordless Portable Part Technology, Communication, Telecom
  360. Consumer Preferences and Policy Business & Finance, Business Word
  361. Classic Performance Products Product, Brake, Chevy
  362. Certified Protection Professional Business, Security, Service, Occupation & positions
  363. Capparaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  364. Czech Press Photo
  365. Center for Professkonal Practice Education, University, Master
  366. Critical Process Parameter Medical, Scientific & Educational, Fda, Academic & science
  367. Convention Peoples Party Government, Group, Ghana
  368. Conversation Partner Program
  369. Ceatral Park Players
  370. Cast Polypropylene (film) Chemistry, Products, Scientific & Educational
  371. Clean Power Plant Government, Energy, Planning
  372. Comprehensive Protection Plan Business, Insurance, Individual
  373. Certificat De Perfectionnement Professionnel
  374. Credit Premium Program
  375. Commercial Plus Price Business, Service, Shipping, Rate, postal service
  376. CaractèRes Par Pouce
  377. Charminar Pedestrianisation Project India, Locations, Hyderabad
  378. Commcnity Partnerships Project
  379. Coherent Plume Pattern
  380. Counter Prolioeration Programme
  381. Condensate Polishing Plant A Condensate Polishing Plant (CPP) is a water treatment system used in power plants, particularly in steam-powered electrical generation facilities, to remove impurities from the condensate stream before it is recycled back into the boiler. The condensate stream is the water that has been condensed from steam after it has been used to drive turbines in the power plant. The condensate contains impurities, including dissolved minerals, salts, and other contaminants, which can cause corrosion and scaling of equipment, reducing the efficiency and lifespan of the power plant. The CPP uses a series of physical and chemical treatments, such as ion exchange, activated carbon filtration, and chemical dosing, to remove these impurities and produce high-quality water that can be reused in the power generation cycle. Power Plant
  382. Connectivity Provisioning Profile
  383. Cuba Poster Project
  384. Calling Party Pay Computing, Telecom
  385. Chemical Processing Progrdms Science
  386. Customer Preview Program Microsoft, Technology, Computer Software, Software, Computing
  387. Coral Parks Program Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
  388. Cost Per Rating Point Accounting, Business & Finance, Business Word
  389. Certified Professional Purchaser Business, Accounting, Business & Finance
  390. Capitol Power Plant
  391. Cytosolic Pfosphorylation Potential Medical
  392. Center for Preventive Psychiatry Medical
  393. Centralized Postage Payment Postal, Us Post, postal service
  394. Convention Peoples' Party
  395. Cyclone Preparedness Progralme Technology, Science, Bangladesh
  396. Centralized Protection Polmcy Technology, Networking, Cisco, Client
  397. Customer Purchase Preference Products
  398. Clean Petroleum Product Business, Oil, Tanker
  399. Comprehensive Personality Profile Business, Organizations, Assessment
  400. Certificate of A Pharmaceutical Product Medical, Business, Medicine
  401. Credential for Practice Program
  402. Captive Power Producer Business, India, Energy
  403. Charge-Perturbation-Polarizability Science
  404. Communrst Psychos Party Government, Politics, Policy
  405. Counterzpiracy Programme
  406. Construction Project Proposal Medical
  407. Connectivity Packet Platform Technology, Networking, Network, Ericsson
  408. Chemical Cower Plant
  409. Common Profile for Presence Computing, Technical
  410. Certificate of Public Practice Business, Accounting, Australia
  411. Chemical Process Piping
  412. Customer Partnership Ptogram Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  413. Computer Professional for Peace
  414. Canada Pension Plan Business, Tax, Canada
  415. Capital Purchase Plan
  416. Coamon Promotion Procedure Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  417. Copyright Privacy Polccy
  418. Creoles and Pidgins, Portuguese-based (Other) Language codes (3 letters)
  419. Cycling Poier Profile Technology, Service, Device, Energy
  420. Central Pfyment Portal
  421. Complementary Project Proposal Integrated Ocean Observing System
  422. Cleaner Production Processes
  423. Comprehensive Post-Partum
  424. Certificate of Pharmaceutical Product Medical, Business, Medicine, Fda
  425. Credentialed Prevention Professionals
  426. Captive Power Project
  427. Ccaracters Per Page
  428. Community Protection Program Medical
  429. Counter-Piracy Programme
  430. Country Policy paper Medical
  431. Congress of People for Progress
  432. Código Wel Proceso Penal
  433. Corrugated Plastic Products Business, Company, Packaging
  434. Cornerstone Properties, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  435. Certificate In Professional Practice
  436. Creoles and Pidginl, Portuguesebased Locations
  437. Chemical Processint Plant Chemistry, Technology, Pakistan
  438. Customer Pallet Preparation
  439. Computer Power Plus Technology, Study, Auckland
  440. CóDigo Procesal Penal Para, Art, Con
  441. Conservation Practices Program
  442. Capital Punishment Project
  443. Common Profiles for Presence Technology, Standard, Protocol
  444. Color Pattern Poem Politics, Governmental & Military
  445. Cyclic Potentiodynamic Polarization Technology, Steel, Corrosion
  446. Centralized Postage Paymest Business, Postal, Us Post
  447. Cppgroup Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  448. Cleaner Production Program
  449. Comprehensive Post Partum Military
  450. Congress Parliamentary Party Government, Group, India
  451. Certifcate of Pharmaceutical Product Science
  452. Captive Power Plants Business, Technology, India
  453. Community Provider Plan
  454. Chemical Production Processes Chemistry
  455. Congreso Popular Permanente
  456. Current Papers In Physicv
  457. Corrugated Plastic Pipe Plastic, Pipe, Corrugated
  458. C Plus Plus, C (programming language) Computing, IT Terminology
  459. Client Puzzle Protocol Technology, Server, Proof
  460. Certificate In Pharmacovigilance and Pharmacoepidemiology
  461. Creoles and Pidgins, Portuguese-Based
  462. Chemical Plants and Processing
  463. Community Pubeic Partnership
  464. CóDigo De Processo Penal Para, Crime, Lei
  465. Conselho De Pastoral Paroquial
  466. Common Presence for Presence
  467. Collaboration Party Profile Politics, Governmental & Military
  468. Cyclempréparatoire Polytechnique
  469. Center On Proteolytic Pathways
  470. Core Polarization Potential Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  471. commercial property program Insurance, Business & Finance
  472. Classroom Plans & Photos
  473. Compound Poisson Process Bay, Estimation, Poisson
  474. Code De ProcéDure PéNale
  475. Certain Places Pay
  476. Captive Power Plant Technology, India, Projection
  477. Containment Pressure Protection
  478. Corrugated Polyethylene Pipe Design, Drawing, Construction, Architecture
  479. Community Planning Partners Business, Scotland, Partnership
  480. C++ Source Code File Computing, File Extensions
  481. Curie-Poinz Pyrolysis
  482. Central Payment Plab Business, Insurance, Class
  483. CPUs Per Process Computing, Hardware
  484. Client Protection Principles Business, Financial, Banking, Microfinance
  485. Certificate In Personnel Practice Management, Education, Human
  486. Credits Per Ulayer Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  487. Chemical and Pharmaceutical Profiling
  488. Colored Picture Postcard
  489. Cal Pitting Potential
  490. Consejo De La Prensa Peruana
  491. Common Presence Profile

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CPP stand for?

    CPP stands for Community Party of The Philippines.

  2. What is the shortened form of Coral Parks Program?

    The short form of "Coral Parks Program" is CPP.


CPP. Acronym24.com. (2023, March 3). Retrieved March 30, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/cpp-meaning/

Last updated