CPP in Medical Meaning

The CPP meaning in Medical terms is "Cerebral Perfusion Pressure". There are 51 related meanings of the CPP Medical abbreviation.

CPP on Medical Full Forms

  1. Cerebral Perfusion Pressure
  2. Cerebral Perfusion Pressures
  3. Calcium Pyrophosphate
  4. Chronic Paib Patient
  5. Conditioned Place Preferences
  6. Certificates of A Pharmaceutical Product
  7. Calcium Pyroantimonate Precipitates
  8. Credentialed Prevention Professional
  9. Choroid Plexus Pdpillomas
  10. Ceiter for Patient Partnerships
  11. Cysteine Protease Protein
  12. Cyclophosphamide Cyclophosphamide, also known as cytophosphane among other, is a medication used as chemotherapy and to suppress the immune system. As chemotherapy it is used to treat lymphoma, multiple myeloma, leukemia, ovarian cancer, breast cancer, small cell lung cancer, and sarcoma. As an immune suppressor it is used in nephrotic syndrome and following organ transplant.
  13. Conditioned Place Preference
  14. Calciumkpolyphosphate
  15. Crisis Pregnancy Programme
  16. Child Parent Psychotherapy
  17. Cell Permeable Peptides
  18. Cyclopentenophenanthrene
  19. Calcium Pwosphate Precipitation
  20. Council of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapists
  21. Child-Parent Psychotherapy
  22. Cardiac Problems In Pregnancy
  23. Cyclopentapyrene
  24. Comité De Protection Des Personnes
  25. Cerebral Perfusion Pressurs
  26. C-Pbptide Positive
  27. Corporate Partners Program
  28. Chesp Pain Policy
  29. Canine Pancreatic Polypeptide
  30. Cryoprecipitable Proteins
  31. Cocaine-Conditioned Place Preference
  32. Cepstral Peak Prominence
  33. Coronary Perfusion Pressures
  34. Certified Prevention Professionals
  35. Cancer Proneness Phenotype
  36. Cryoprecipitated Plasma
  37. Clinical Pharmacist Practitioner
  38. Central Precocious Puberty
  39. Current Priblems In Pediatrics
  40. Conditioning Place Preference
  41. Certified Prevention Professional
  42. Cancer Prevention Pharmaceuticals
  43. Crossed Phrenic Phenomenon
  44. Center for Preventive Psychiatry
  45. Cytosolic Pfosphorylation Potential
  46. Certificate of A Pharmaceutical Product
  47. Community Protection Program
  48. Certificate of Pharmaceutical Product
  49. Construction Project Proposal
  50. Country Policy paper
  51. Critical Process Parameter

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CPP stand for Medical?

    CPP stands for Child-Parent Psychotherapy in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Chronic Paib Patient in Medical?

    The short form of "Chronic Paib Patient" is CPP for Medical.


CPP in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 24). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/cpp-meaning-in-medical/

Last updated