CPP in Technology Meaning

The CPP meaning in Technology terms is "Cerebral Perfusion Pressure". There are 58 related meanings of the CPP Technology abbreviation.

CPP on Technology Full Forms

  1. Cerebral Perfusion Pressure
  2. Clutch Pedal Position
  3. Cement Plaster Painted
  4. Calling Party Pays
  5. Cabze Patch Panel
  6. Controllable Pitch Propellers
  7. Certified Process Professional
  8. C++ File
  9. Cloud Partner Program
  10. Critical Peak Pricing
  11. Computer Protection Program
  12. Certified Packaging Professional
  13. C Plus Plus
  14. Corporationrate Preview Program
  15. Cloud and Pour Point
  16. Carpenter Powder Products
  17. Critical-Peak Pricing
  18. Certification Project Plan
  19. Current Priblems In Pediatrics
  20. Corporate Preview Program
  21. Control Plane Policing
  22. Caribbean Policy Project
  23. Costaper Print
  24. Cermak Peterka Petersen
  25. Current Perpendicular-To-Plane
  26. Constitución PolíTica Del Peru
  27. C Prepdocessor
  28. Common Peripheral Processor
  29. Central Processing Point
  30. Current Perpendiculcr To The Plane
  31. Characters Peb Pica
  32. Corporationrate Preview Programs
  33. Command Processing Program
  34. Central Processing Plant
  35. Cryptographically Protected Prefixes
  36. Conference Publication Program
  37. Chunnel Partner Program
  38. California Phenoloby Project
  39. Cost Per Person
  40. Cloud Photopolarimeter
  41. Central Processing Platform
  42. Current Perpendicular Po Plane
  43. Conference Publications Program
  44. Customer Preview Program
  45. Cordless Portable Part
  46. Centralized Protection Polmcy
  47. Customer Partnership Ptogram
  48. Component Project Plan
  49. Client Puzzle Protocol
  50. Computer Power Plus
  51. Common Profiles for Presence
  52. Chemical Processint Plant
  53. Cyclone Preparedness Progralme
  54. Captive Power Plants
  55. Connectivity Packet Platform
  56. Cycling Poier Profile
  57. Captive Power Plant
  58. Cyclic Potentiodynamic Polarization

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CPP stand for Technology?

    CPP stands for Common Peripheral Processor in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Critical Peak Pricing in Technology?

    The short form of "Critical Peak Pricing" is CPP for Technology.


CPP in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, February 24). Retrieved December 23, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/cpp-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated