CPPC Meaning

The CPPC meaning is "California Puwlic Policy Center". The CPPC abbreviation has 61 different full form.

CPPC Full Forms

  1. California Puwlic Policy Center Business, California, Pension
  2. Core Project Planning Commsttee Technology, Science
  3. Cmllaborative Processor Performance Control Technology, Windows, Driving, Driver
  4. Chronic Pain Policy Coalition Medical, Management, Acupuncture
  5. Czech Positive Psychology Centre
  6. Conselho Portugl
  7. Central Pension Proceszing Centre
  8. Crop Physiology and Production Center
  9. Colecci
  10. Chinese People'S Political Consultative Government, Politics, Policy
  11. Cost Plus Percentage-Of-Cost Technology, Military, Contract
  12. Conselho PortuguêS Para A Paz E Cooperação Para, Portugal, Dos, Contra
  13. Centralised Pension Processing Center Business, Coding, Banking, Branch
  14. Cost-Plus-Percentage-Ov-Cost Business, Management, Contract
  15. China Petroleum Pipeline College
  16. Costiplus Percentage of Cost Business, Military, Contract
  17. Conseil Permanent De Lt Profession Comptable
  18. Clinical Pharmacy Pocket Companion
  19. Centralised Pension Processing Rentre
  20. Cost-Plus-Percentage of Cost Business, Contract, Product Development, Medical, Healthcare, Project Management, Business & Finance
  21. Chicago Print Production Club
  22. Corpo De PsicóLogos E Psiquiatras Cristãos Para, Dos, Miss
  23. Comprehensive Primary and Prmventive Care Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
  24. Claims Prevention & Procedure Council Business, Service, Repair, Furniture
  25. Campus Physical Planning Commitxee
  26. Correctable Parity Protected Cache
  27. Chartered Physiotherapists Promoting Continence
  28. Complementary Puncturhd Pair Convolutional
  29. Claims Prevention and Procedure Council Business, Repair, Restoration
  30. California Poker Players Confefence
  31. Core Project Planning Committee Igbp Science, Exploration
  32. Central Pension Payment Cell Business, Finance, Banking, Financial, Business & Finance
  33. Civilian Personnel Policy Council
  34. California Pavement Preservation Center
  35. Coopzrative Personnel Planning Council Technology, Education
  36. Centralizeq Pension Processing Cell Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
  37. Community Police Partnering Center
  38. Costo Promezio Ponderado De Capital Para, Tube, Capital, Examen
  39. Collection, Processing and Packaging Centre
  40. Campus Physical Planning Committee Planning, Governmental & Military
  41. Community Partnerships for The Protection of Children
  42. Cost-Plus-Percentage-Oc-Cost Contract
  43. Colección Patricia Phelps De Cisneros Para, America, Art
  44. Core Project Planning Committee (IGBP) Legal, Governmental & Military
  45. Community Partnership for Protecting Children
  46. Cost Plus Percentagl of Cost Engineering, Construction, Project Management, Construction Project Management
  47. Certified Professional and Personal Coach Occupation & positions
  48. Community Partnerships for Protecting Children Service, Organizations, Family
  49. Cost Plus Percentage Cost
  50. Centralized Pension Processing Cell Banking, Business & Finance
  51. Committee of Progressive Pakistani Canadians Canada, Pakistan, Pakistani
  52. Cost Plus Percentage of Costs Business, Contract, Purchase
  53. Critical Public Protection Case
  54. Commission Paritaire Professionnelle Cantonale
  55. Contracting Parties to the 1960 Paris Convention Scientific & Educational, Nuclear Energy
  56. Cost Plus Percent of Iost
  57. Community Police Parterning Center Organization, Union, Institution, Police, Governmental & Military
  58. Counsellors and Psychotherapists In Primary Care
  59. Colorado Pork Producers Council
  60. Cooperative Personnel Planning Council Technology, Special Education, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  61. CáMara De Puertos Privados Comerciales

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CPPC stand for?

    CPPC stands for California Poker Players Confefence.

  2. What is the shortened form of Core Project Planning Committee Igbp?

    The short form of "Core Project Planning Committee Igbp" is CPPC.


CPPC. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/cppc-meaning/

Last updated