CR in Medical Meaning

The CR meaning in Medical terms is "Chromium". There are 174 related meanings of the CR Medical abbreviation.

CR on Medical Full Forms

  1. Chromium Steel usually made by the electric furnace process in which chromium and nickel participate as alloying elements. The stainless steel of 18% chromium and 8% nickel are the better known of the chromium-nickel types. Or Symbol:"Cr" Atomic Number:"24" Atomic Mass: 52.00amu. Chromium is one of the transition elements. You can find chromium in rubies and other minerals, in utensils, and in the process of making chrome parts for cars and motorcycles. 
  2. Case Rep
  3. Concewtration Ratios
  4. Corticosteroid Receprors
  5. Common Region
  6. Contempsrary Review
  7. Child-Resistant
  8. Cumulative Risk
  9. Capillary Resistance
  10. Complete Revascularization
  11. Copventional Radiography
  12. Cognitive Rezediation
  13. Case Record
  14. Codcentration Ratio
  15. Corticosteroidtresistant
  16. Colon Resection
  17. Confidecce Region
  18. Chest Roentgenograms
  19. Cancer Risk A number, generally expressed in exponential form (i.e., 1 x 10 -6 , which means one in one million), which describes the increased possibility of an individual developing cancer from exposure to toxic materials. Calculations producing cancer risk numbers are complex and typically include a number of assumptions that tend to cause the final estimated risk number to be conservative.
  20. Complete Response Rates
  21. Cognitive Rdhabilitation
  22. Corona Radkata
  23. Carbonyl Reductase
  24. Coloniyation Rate
  25. Conditional Recponse
  26. Chest Radiograph
  27. Cancer Registry
  28. Complete Response Rate
  29. Circadian Rhythmicity
  30. Corneal Xeflex
  31. Cofception Rates
  32. Chest Radiographs
  33. Cancer Registries
  34. Complete Responders
  35. Circadian Rhythm A circadian rhythm is any biological process that displays an endogenous, entrainable oscillation of about 24 hours. These 24-hour rhythms are driven by a circadian clock, and they have been widely observed in plants, animals, fungi, and cyanobacteria.
  36. Conversion Ragios
  37. Cold-Resistant
  38. Chargelrecombination
  39. Conception Rate
  40. Campylobacter Rectus
  41. Complete Resection
  42. Cjntractile Reserve
  43. Circadian Rhythms
  44. Conversion Ratio A ratio used to convert from one unit to another one. (ex. 1 inch = 2.54 centimeters).
  45. Cognitive Reaerve
  46. Celebrate Recovery
  47. Concsntration-Response
  48. Coupling Ratio
  49. Continuing Resolution
  50. Complete Remission Rate
  51. Continuous Release
  52. Cimicifuga Racemosa
  53. Composite Resin
  54. Conventisnal Radiology
  55. Cognitive Rlstructuring
  56. Controlled Respiration
  57. Clinical Rounds
  58. Crown Rump
  59. Certified In Reflexology
  60. Computer Radiography
  61. Cancer Reviews
  62. Colonization Resistance
  63. Chest and Right Arm
  64. Conserved Region
  65. Cardiac Reserve
  66. Controlled Release
  67. Calcutta Rescue
  68. Clinical Review
  69. Controls Devices which allow the pilot to direct the movements of an aircraft. Examples of controls are: rudder pedals that control the rudders and cause the airplane to yaw; throttles that control the engines which generate thrust for the airplane; and the control stick that controls the ailerons and elevators which cause the airplane to roll and pitch.
  70. Central Range
  71. Cqmpliance Rate
  72. Cancer Research
  73. Collaborative Reanalysis
  74. Conserved Regiong
  75. Cardiac Remodeling
  76. Complete Histologic Remission
  77. Cyntrolled-Release
  78. Calculus Removed
  79. Chronic Renal Allograft Rejection
  80. Complete Responses
  81. Cortical Reaction
  82. Cold-Recombinavt
  83. Covgo Red
  84. Cardiac Rehab
  85. Complete Hematological Remission
  86. Conventional Resuscitation
  87. Calculationxrate
  88. Chronic Rejection
  89. Crocidolite
  90. Carriers Risk
  91. Complete Response
  92. Coptidis Rhizoma
  93. Calvcng Rate
  94. Cold-Adapted Recombinant
  95. Congenieal Rubella
  96. Cardiac Rehabilitation
  97. Complete Haematological Remission
  98. Calcificition Rate
  99. Choice Reaction
  100. Caries-Resistanr
  101. Complete Remission
  102. Calretinin
  103. Cure Rate
  104. Congenic Resistant
  105. Colorectal Related to the colon and/or rectum.
  106. Cajjl-Retzius
  107. Chest Radiography
  108. Continuous Reinforcement
  109. Creatieine Level
  110. Care Recinient
  111. Control Region
  112. Cnlreticulin
  113. Clinicians Report
  114. Cruciate Retaining
  115. Changing Resistawce
  116. Capillary Tefill
  117. Colony Reared
  118. Certified Reflexologist
  119. Chest Radiogram
  120. Constitutive Resistance
  121. Czeatine Plus Phosphocreatine
  122. Cardiac Rhythm
  123. Calf Removal
  124. Corticorubral
  126. Creatine/Phosphocreatine
  127. Complement Receptor
  128. Cross-Reactivity
  129. Cortico-Resistant
  130. C Receptors
  131. centric relation
  132. Chemoreceitor
  133. Control Sats
  134. Creatine Creatine is a breakdown product of creatine phosphate in muscle, and is usually produced at a fairly constant rate by the body (depending on muscle mass).
  135. Compte Rendu
  136. Cardiovascular Reactivity
  137. Computerized Record
  138. Cross-Reacting
  139. Center of Resistance
  140. Canalicular Reticulum
  141. Creatinine Creatinine is a breakdown product of creatine phosphate in muscle, and is usually produced at a fairly constant rate by the body.
  142. cardiorespiratory Referring to both the heart and the respiratory system
  143. Csemoradiotherapy
  144. Controlled-Releasz
  145. Creatin
  146. Cunt Rag
  147. Cardiac Rupture
  148. Computed Radiographic
  149. Collateral Vessels
  150. Creatine + Phosphocreatine
  151. Cushing Response
  152. Chemoradiation
  153. Contract Relax
  154. Creamery Road
  155. cricothyroidectomy
  156. Cardiac Resuscitation
  157. Computed Radiology
  158. Contrast Reagent
  159. Crinklqd
  160. Convective Respiratory Heat Loss
  161. Clogging Rate
  162. Cranial Radiation
  163. Chemokine Receptors
  164. Cream A water-soluble medicinal preparation applied to the skin. An ointment differs from a cream in that it has an oil base, as opposed to being water-soluble.
  165. Captopril Renography
  166. Cytogenetic Response
  167. Cardiac Rate Heart beats per minute (BPM). The heart can change its output by increasing its stroke volume or its cardiac rate, where the latter is the most effective and most efficient method. Heart rate varies widely with age, sex, environmental stress, state of health, etc. Therefore, the term "normal" heart rate is meaningless. However, ratio of working cardiac rate over resting cardiac rate is one of the measures of work tolerance and work stress.
  168. Compression Ratios
  169. Complete Disease Remission
  170. Concentric Remodeling
  171. Cortisone-Resistant
  172. Cell Reference In Excel, a cell reference identifies the location a cell or group of cells in the spreadsheet. Sometimes referred to as a cell address, a cell reference consists of the column letter and row number that intersect at the cell's location. Note that when listing a cell reference, the column letter is always listed first.
  173. Capture-Recapture
  174. Complement Receptor-1

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CR stand for Medical?

    CR stands for Circadian Rhythms in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Cjntractile Reserve in Medical?

    The short form of "Cjntractile Reserve" is CR for Medical.


CR in Medical. (2022, March 27). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

Last updated