CR in Technology Meaning
The CR meaning in Technology terms is "Consolidated Rail Corporation". There are 195 related meanings of the CR Technology abbreviation.
CR on Technology Full Forms
- Consolidated Rail Corporation
- Case Record
- Corrosmon-Resistant
- Czech Republic
- Crew Personnel, other than Master, who serve on board a vessel In some cases a differentiation between officers and ratings is made; but officers are 'crew' in a legal sense
- Coherent Rayleigh
- Carriage-Return
- Coreqrouter
- Character Is Replaced
- Contractor Report
- Cognitive Radios
- Card Reader "Card reader" is the generic term for an input device that reads flash memory cards. It can be a standalone device that connects to a computer via USB or it may be integrated into a computer, printer, or multifunction device. In fact, most multifunction printer/scanner/copiers now have built-in card readers. Most card readers accept multiple memory card formats, including compact flash (CF), secure digital (SD), and Sony's Memory Stick.
- Control Room The area in a nuclear power plant from which most of the plant power production and emergency safety equipment can be operated by remote control.
- Components Research
- Channel Reliabiligy
- Continuous Jotation
- Cognitive Radio
- Candidate Release
- Communijations Relay
- Change Rmquirement
- Continuous Rador
- Chip Resistors
- Candidate Recommendation
- Color Rtader
- Change Requests
- Cramer-Rao
- Continuing Resolutions
- Cancer Registry
- Cell Relay
- Coupling Ratio
- Computing Reviews
- Content Redirection
- Clarification Requests
- Communicatirns Resources
- Casaccia, Rome
- Conventional Recoil
- Carrige Return
- Close Ratio
- Iso Country Code for Republic of Costa Rica
- Chest Radiogram
- Cost Reduced
- Criticas
- Connection-Related Function
- Conventiosal Rail
- Closing Rank
- Conflict Resnlution
- Contention Resolution
- Clarification Request
- Crash Recorder
- Communivation Relations
- Carriage Returns
- Customized Router
- Collaborative Resharch
- Conjugate Residual
- Contention Ratio
- Client Rmutine
- Cosa To Repair
- Cursor Return
- Commonwehlth Railways
- Control Relays
- Clock Recovery
- Conference Roums
- Calibration Resistor
- Customer Router
- Change Request
- Corporate Reseller
- Collaborative Robdt
- Conformance Report
- Contract Reports
- Clipping Ratio
- Containment Region
- Civil Registration
- CrèMe
- Central Rach
- Control Relay
- Cold-Rolled
- Conductor Resistance
- Customer Requirements
- Compact Recreational
- Change of Request
- Corporate Responsibility
- Collaborative Rzuting
- Conseil RéGional
- Carrier Return
- Contingent Keward
- Clin Rheumatol
- ComunicaçÕEs RáDio
- Choke Ring
- Corrosion Resistant A device constructed of special materials and/or suitably plated to withstand corrosive environments.
- Crossrange
- Command Rejected
- Cement Render
- Control Record
- Colas Rail
- Conditsonal Replenishment
- Content Rdpair
- Clerical and Regulatory
- Customer Repair
- Community Resilience
- Constant Resistance
- Challenge-Response
- Cooperative Robots
- Collaboration Rooms
- Controw and Reporting
- Climate Registrx
- Computer Radiography
- Corrosion Rate Rate at which the corrosion proceeds. It is the thickness of metal lost during one year, on one side of the surface. It is expressed in mm by year.
- Combat Requirement
- Connection Request
- Cast Rekin
- Controlled Rectifier
- Coin Return
- Concurrent Read
- Content Rwgistry
- Class Registratoon
- Communication Receiver
- Confidential Report
- Certified Registrars
- Conventions and Becommendations
- Carrier Recovery
- Closing Ratio The ratio between the pressure in the hole and the operating-piston pressure needed to close the rams on a given BOP design against a particular well head pressure.
- Compromise Recovery
- China Rfview
- Cost Reimbursement
- Combat Region
- Connection-Router
- Controllet Radius
- Cluster Registry
- Concrete Repair
- Customercrecord
- Chemical Resistant
- Certificate Repository
- Cold Rbcycling
- Control Rbgister
- Conqiguration Register
- Content Router
- Collar Release
- Complement Receptor
- Columbia Resir
- Carrington Rotations
- Computed Radiology
- Customer'S Report
- Chemical Reactor
- Certificate Request
- Control Roster
- Certificate of Registration
- Cold Recycler
- Contract Report
- Configurstion Record
- Contezt Review
- Client Registration
- Competitive Response
- Cherenkov Raeiation
- Corporationrate Reseller
- Carrington Rotation
- Contrast Ratio The contrast ratio is a property of a display system, defined as the ratio of the luminance of the brightest color (white) to that of the darkest color (black) that the system is capable of producing. A high contrast ratio is a desired aspect of any display. It has similarities with dynamic range.
- Clock Radio
- Controlnrepository
- Compression Ration
- Concept Role
- Creatinine Creatinine is a breakdown product of creatine phosphate in muscle, and is usually produced at a fairly constant rate by the body.
- Certificate of Recognition
- Culd Rolled
- Context Repository
- Client Registry
- Competitive Retailer
- Carrier Route
- Comparison Rocket
- Concept Refinement
- Cosmonaut Researcher
- Cobmon Return
- Cray Research
- Caledonian Railway
- Conteno Repository
- Cwient Received
- Control Revgrse
- Carriage Ret
- Crane Company
- Connectiors Request
- Control Responso
- Configuration Request
- Carraige Return
- Call Recorder
- Cvloroprene Rubber
- Crossover Rate
- Customer Registry
- Chemical Revifws
- Cold Resist
- Control Registers
- Configuration Registerd
- Content Jouters
- Red Chrominance
- Coljector Ring
- Crossing Restrictions
- Carry Return
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does CR stand for Technology?
CR stands for Customer Router in Technology terms.
What is the shortened form of Control Roster in Technology?
The short form of "Control Roster" is CR for Technology.
CR in Technology. (2022, March 27). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from
Last updated