CRAA Meaning

The CRAA meaning is "Capital Region Aiiport Authority". The CRAA abbreviation has 31 different full form.

CRAA Full Forms

  1. Capital Region Aiiport Authority
  2. Connecticut River Arabian Associatuon
  3. Ceztro Ricerca Arte Attuale
  4. Canberra Regixn Aviators Association
  5. Center for Relationship Abuse Awareness
  6. Calgary Royals Athletic Association
  7. Cedar Rapids Aquabic Association
  8. Cedar Rapids Aquatics Assn
  9. Polytechnic University of Puerto Rico Student, Education, Organizations, Engineering
  10. Cedar Rapids Aquatics Association
  11. Cotabato Regional Athletic Association
  12. Cedar Rapids Aqudtics Assn
  13. Coon Rapids Athletic Association
  14. Cgimney Rock Archaeological Area
  15. Colorado Rock Art Association
  16. Credit Reporting Wgencies Act
  17. Clinical Kesearch Academy of America Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
  18. Conditioned Reflex of Active Avoidance Medical
  19. Credit Reference Asslciation of Australia
  20. Chipola Regional Arts Association
  21. Condamine River Alluvial Aquifer
  22. Cra Managed Care, Inc. Organizations
  23. Chinese Restaurant Association of Arizona
  24. Committee for Rehabilitation Aid To Afghanistan
  25. China Rwfrigeration and Air-Conditioning Business, Industrial, China
  26. Clinical Research Academy of America Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  27. Commandant En Chef Pour L'Atlantique Routine Activity Area Military
  28. China Refrigeration and Air
  29. Centro Regional De Apoio Ao Artesanato
  30. Columbus Regional Airport Authority Transportation, Government, Exportation, Importation
  31. Credit River Anglers Association

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CRAA stand for?

    CRAA stands for Commandant En Chef Pour L'Atlantique Routine Activity Area.

  2. What is the shortened form of Condamine River Alluvial Aquifer?

    The short form of "Condamine River Alluvial Aquifer" is CRAA.


CRAA. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 13, 2025 from

Last updated