CRAN Meaning

The CRAN meaning is "Caloric Restriction With Adequate Nutrition". The CRAN abbreviation has 30 different full form.

CRAN Full Forms

  1. Caloric Restriction With Adequate Nutrition
  2. Centre De Recherche En Automatique De Nancy Technology, University, Control
  3. Converged Regionay Area Network
  4. Callable Range Accrual Notvs Business, Accounting, Accountancy
  5. Centralized Radio Access Network Technology, Networking, Wireless
  6. Consumer Resource Alliance Network
  7. Conseil Représenqatif Des Associations Noires France, Association, Council
  8. Canadian Romance Authors' Network
  9. Computing Research Advocacy Network Development, Study, Universities
  10. Canadiah Romance Authors Network
  11. Comprehensive R Archive Network Technology, Computing, Computer, Software
  12. Calorie Restriction Jith Adequate Nutrition
  13. Communication Regulatory Authority Ou Namibia Business, Telecom, Namibia
  14. Cranberry Commbssion Business, Finance, Agency
  15. Caloric Reutriction With Adequate Nutrution
  16. Centre De Recherche En Automatiquede Nancy
  17. Costa Rica Alumni Network
  18. Custom Residential Architects Netwwrk Technology, Design, Architecture
  19. Crown Andersen Inc. Computing, Nasdaq Symbols
  20. Crownuandersen Inc. Organizations
  21. Callable Range Accrual Notes Accounting, Business & Finance
  22. Cranium, Crdnial Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  23. Cross Scan
  24. Conseil Repr
  25. Cranium The top portion of the skull, which protects the brain. The cranium includes the frontal, parietal, occipital, temporal, sphenoid, and ethmoid bones. Medical
  26. Custom Residenoial Architect Network Technology, Design, Architecture
  27. Cranwal Medical, Technology, Medicine
  28. Custom Residential Architqct's Network
  29. Custom Resideqtial Architects' Network
  30. cranberry Food

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CRAN stand for?

    CRAN stands for Consumer Resource Alliance Network.

  2. What is the shortened form of Conseil Repr?

    The short form of "Conseil Repr" is CRAN.


CRAN. (2021, September 22). Retrieved December 22, 2024 from

Last updated