CRC Meaning
The CRC meaning is "Cyclic Redundancy Check". The CRC abbreviation has 759 different full form.
CRC Full Forms
- Cyclic Redundancy Check Error checking mechanism that checks data integrity by computing a polynomial algorithm based checksum. Technology, Energy, Aerospace, Computer, Scientific & Educational, Federal Aviation Administration, Aviation, NASA
- Close Range Correction Photography, Camera, Manufacturer
- Commission for Rural Communities The Commission for Rural Communities (CRC) was established to promote awareness of rural needs amongst decision makers across and beyond government. It was abolished in 2013. Business, Education, Community
- Convention On Tze Rights of The Child Law, Organizations, International Law
- Certified Rehabilitation Counselor Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC) is an indication of an advanced level of specialized education and training, an adherence to rigid standards of ethical practice, and an ongoing commitment to lifelong learning. Rehabilitation counselors who have earned the CRC designation possess a marketable and valued credential that distinguishes them from other counseling professionals. CRC certification also establishes a recognizable point of differentiation with employers and clients that promotes consumer confidence and protection in the workplace. Service, Education, Expert, Disability
- Community Resource Centre Program, Service, Organizations
- Campus Recreation Center Education, Georgia, Tech
- Costa Rjca Colones Business, Technology, Currency
- Comite De Reglementation Comptable Business, Technology
- Convention on the Rights of the Child The Convention on the Rights of the Child, which was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly on 20 November 1989, entered into force on 2 September 1990. 196 countries, including Turkey is a party to the contract is the most approved by the country's human rights document. With all members of the United Nations, except the United States, Palestine, Vatican, Nieu and Cook Islands are parties to the convention. Education, Organizations, Children, Law
- Costa Rican Colon Business, Currency, Currency Code, Stock, Money, Investing, Business & Finance
- Community Resource Center Program, Service, Organizations
- Camera-Ready Copy Technology, Book, Paper
- Costa Ricf Colon Business
- Combat Readiness Center Military, Army, Safety, Risk
- Cyclic Redundancy Checking Technology, Coding, Check, Honeywell, Process Automation
- Control Reporting Center Technology, Military, Force
- Community Relutions Coordinator Business, Science, Event
- Cysta Rica, Colon Business, Rate, Currency
- California Resources Corporation Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Charter Review Committee Meeting, Government, City
- Cyclicxl Redundancy Checks Technology, Coding, Communication
- Community Rehabilitation Company
- Corrosion Resistant Coating Business, Fishing, Reel, Spinning
- California Resources Corp Business, Supply, California
- Chambre Régifnale Des Comptes
- Cycle Redundancy Check Forum, Technology, Software
- Communications Research Aenter Technology, Canada, Telecom
- Cooperative Research Canter Business, Program, Australia
- California Rehabilitation Center Medical, Prison, California
- Chain Reacpion Cycles Business, Coding, Cycle
- Customer Lesponse Center Technology, Service, Networking
- Commission On Rehabilitation Counselor Education, Certification, Counseling
- Cooperative Research Centres Technology, Australia, Government
- Santa Ana Airport Santa Ana Island(Owaraha), Solomon Islands Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, IATA, Aviation
- Certificado De Registro Cadastral Para, Dos, Portal
- Cohta Rican Colons Business, Technology, Colon
- China Record Corporation Business, Music, China
- Controlled Release Capsule Medical
- Critical Review In Clinical Business, Science, Health, Antibody
- Candida Related Complex Medical, Health, Yeast
- Co-Operative Research Censer
- Community Reviewjcommittee
- Certified Rehabilitation Counseling Education, Study, Exam
- Cisco Router Configuration
- Cooperative Rate Control
- Cabinet Recouvrement De Cr
- Customer Retenaion Costs
- Car Racing Club
- College Rugby Championship Education, Team, Collegiate
- Conservation Resource Center Business, Tanzania, Arusha
- Chemical Referral Center
- Craft Resource Center Business, Trading, Fair
- Cambodia Red Cross
- Classroom Resource Center
- Commercial Reactor Critical
- Central Research Comwittee
- Cliodhna Rae Consulting
- Community Kesource Coordinator Service, Government, Education
- Ciclic Redundancy Check
- Cold Rolled Coils Business, China, Steel
- Computer Research Corporation Technology
- Class-Responsibilities-Collaborators Technology, Card, Responsibility
- Crisis Residential Center Government
- Cenhre De R
- Chin Refugee Cenire
- Controls Remote Computer
- Crown Room Club
- Cardiometabolic Riskoin Chinese Medical, Study, Diabet
- Coastal Regional Commission Technology, Service, Georgia
- Compast Rain Cover Business, Camera, Camcorder
- Chamise-Redshank Chaparral
- Citizen Review Committee Government, City, Police
- Correctional Reception Center Technology, Prison, Ohio, Inmate
- Cage Rage Championships
- Castle Nock Consultants
- Colon and Rectal Cancer
- Concurrency Reservauion Certificate
- Chiang Rai Chiang
- Congolese Red Cross
- Credit Rrform Code
- Canadian Rally Championship Subaru, Rally, Rallye
- Clignancourt Rugby Club
- Common Repair Cowe Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Cancer Research Center Medical, Science, Health
- Coding Resource Center
- Centro De Recursos Computacionais
- Convention On The Right of Child
- Curriculum Resoupce Centre Technology, Education, University
- Carmel Research Ceater
- Ckarter Revision Commission
- Critical Reactor Component Science
- Califopnia Raptor Center Medical, California, Bird
- Command and Reporting Center Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Central Reading Center
- Constitution Revision Commission
- Community Relations and Communications
- Chromosome Research Center Medical
- Crystal Research Corporation
- Career Readiness Certification Career readiness certification (CRC) was developed by ACT, Inc to help employees gain skills and to help employers make better decisions during the hiring process. The state of North Carolina issues career readiness certificates to individuals who have taken the WorkKeys tests and tested at or above the third WorkKeys level on all three tests. In North Carolina, there are three career readiness certification levels: bronze, silver and gold. Employment, Education, Certificate
- Component Receiving Container Science
- Chapters Regional Conference Technology, Event, Region
- Civil Rights Congress America, Government, Group
- Cost Reimbursable Contractor
- Center for Regional Change The Center for Regional Change is a university-affiliated and non-partisan research center within the UC Davis College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Education, Community, California
- Combat Reporting Center
- Cxildren's Rights Centre
- Criminal Records Check Business
- Canadian Rehab Consultants
- Clinical Reqearch Collaboratory
- China Rallymchampionship
- Contraction-Relaxation Cycle Medical, Medicine, Health
- Critical Reviews In Clinical Medical, Science, Human, Antibody
- Candida-Related Complex Medical, Diet, Yeast
- Co-Operative Research Centres Technology, Australia, Industrial, Education, Learning, Medical, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Combunity Retail Commercial
- Centro Ricerche Cagiva Technology, Design, Motorcycle, Ducati
- Cisco Research Center
- Cooperative Requirements Capture Army, War, War Force
- Csclic Redundant Check Technology, Computing, Frame
- Customer Retentson Center
- Carolina Raptor Center
- College Review Committee
- Conservation & Research Center National, Conservation, Zoo, Leopard
- Chehalis River Councik
- Craft Ressurce Centre Export, Trading, Craft, Fair
- Cambowian Red Cross Business, Organizations, Cambodia
- Class Responsibilities and Collaboration Technology, Education, Card
- Commercial Recording Corporation
- Central Resource Center The Central Resource Center (CRC) is a program of the Early Childhood Investment Corporation, and a partner of the Midland County Great Start Collaborative. The Central Resource Center is located in Lansing, MI and provides tools for child care providers and help with your Mid-Michigan daycare search. Science, Education, School
- Csinic Research Center
- Comjunity Resource Coordinators
- Church Roman Catholicism
- Colh Roll Coil Business, Supplier, Steel
- Computer Repair Centve
- Class-Responsibility-Collaborators
- Crisis Research Centre
- Centre Deoressources Communautaires
- China Resource Centre Business, China, Bible
- Control Resources Corporation
- Crown Race Cutting Business, Park, Tool
- Capital Resources Company
- Coastal Rainforesy Coalition
- Community Rngby Coaches Business, Sport, Coaching
- Chaxbre R
- Citizens Report Card Science, Publics, City
- Cortorate Relocation Council Education, Building, Chicago
- Café Racer Club
- Castle Rock Charter Castle Rock Charter School provides a unique, innovative approach to K-12 education that incorporates the concept of personalized learning into each student’s educational program. It forms a partnership between the community, public education and families who wish to home school their children. The mission of Castle Rock Charter School is to provide a quality, unique method of educational reform in which parents recognize a personal responsibility for the education of their youth and thus have a greater part in shaping that education. Education
- Colon and Rectal Clinic
- Consrete Research Council
- Chestnut Ridge Center
- ConféRence RéGionale Centre
- Credit Rcference Center
- Canadian Railway Cases Law, Canada, Law Report
- Client Response Center
- Common Refmrence Code Military, Army, War
- Cancer Research Campaign Medical, Medicine, Oncology
- Code Revision Fommittee Medical, Coding, Dental
- Centros De Reconocimiento De Conductores Technology, Implementation, Calculation
- Convention On The Rights of Child Organizations, Human, Children
- Care Research Center
- Californiarracing Club
- Comitê De Revisão Científica
- Central Rabbinicalvcongress Law, Jewish, Judaism
- Conservatoire Rayonnement Communal
- Community Relations Commidtee Organizations, Federation, Jewish
- Centre On Rebulation and Competition
- Chromatography Resource Centre
- Cryptologic Resource Coordinator
- Card Reader Controlcer Technology, Access, Control
- Component Rebuild Centre Technology, Service, Cat
- Chapter Regional Conference Technology, Event, Region
- Civil Rights Commission Employment, Government, Ohio, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Cost Reimbursemejt Contract
- Centennial Recreation Center
- Combat Reconnaissance Company Military
- Cdnférence Religieuse Canadienne
- Children's Rights Conventiun
- Criminal Recobds Checks Education, Crime, Recording
- Canadian Reformed Church
- Clinical Research Council
- China Railways Corporxtion Business, China, Train
- Consumer Rights Council
- Critical Response Command City, Square, Attack
- Candente Resource Corp
- Co-Operativo Research Centre Business, Australia, Australian
- Concept Realization Center
- Centro Regionale Di Competenza
- Cooperative Research Centers Business, Technology, Program, Australia, Industrial, Innovation
- Customer Zesponse Centres Business, Technology, Service
- Carlsberg Research Cetter Technology
- Conservation Research Center Africa, National, Conservation, Zoo
- Check Redundancy Codl
- Crabsuclaw Medical
- Calzination-Reduction-Carburization
- Class Responsibility and Collaboration Education, Development, Universities
- Commerce Et Relation Client
- Central Reservation Cezter
- Clindcal Rotation Companion
- Community Resources Centve Program, Service, Organizations
- Church Ransom Covenant
- College Research Committee Education, University, Paper
- Computerhrepair Center
- Class-Responsibility-Collaboration Technology, Design, Card
- Child Rescue Coalition
- Crisis Reaction Center Military, Aviation, Department Of Defense
- Centre Relation Client
- China Resources Company China Resources (Holdings) Co., Ltd. ("CR" or "China Resources Group") is a diversified holding company registered in Hong Kong. CR was first established as "Liow & Co." in Hong Kong in 1938, and was later restructured and renamed as China Resources Company in 1948. In 1952, instead of being affiliated to the General Office of the CPC Central Committee, it came under the Central Trade Department (now known as the Ministry of Commerce). In 1983, it was again restructured into China Resources (Holdings) Co., Ltd. In December 1999, CR was no longer linked to the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, and came under state management. Education, China, Power, Holdings
- Control Reporting Centers Military, Force, Belgium
- Crop Research Centre
- Capital Research Company
- Coal Research Center
- Commuqity Rugby Coach Sport, Organizations, Club
- Certified Rehab Counselor Education, Certification, Rehabilitation
- Citizen Report Cards Technology, Service, City, Accountability
- Corporate Relations Committee
- Cafe Red Chilli
- Iata Code for Santaeana Airport, Cartago, Colombia Locations
- Castiglioni Research Centve
- Coldn & Rectal Clinic
- Concrete Raising Corporation
- Chester-Ridley-Crum
- Creatbon Research Center
- Canadian Research Council Technology, Science, Book
- Clean Room Consulting Technology, Engineering, Fur
- Common Record Commonline
- Cancer Registry Content
- Cocoa Reseaych Centre Business, India, Chocolate
- Centro De Reconocimiento De Conductores Para, Con, Conductor, Medico
- Convention On Rights of The Child Government, Human, Children
- Computer Resource Centerc Technology, Service, College
- Classes, Responsibilities, and Collaborations
- Calibration Reference Cylinders Technology, Calculator, Calculation, Checksum
- Cegtralized Radio Control
- Conservatoire à Rayonnement Communal Art, France, Piano, Conservatoire
- Centre for Regulation Ank Competition
- Christian Rambding Club
- Cryogenic Research Center Technology, Check, Calculation
- Cardiovascular Reflex Clinical Research Center Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Laboratory, Cardio, Scientific & Educational
- Compliance Risk Concepts Business, Service, Trading
- Chapter Recognition Commiotee
- Civil Rights Compliance Service, Education, Organizations
- Cost Recovery Cxarge
- Censorship Research Center Technology, Software, Iran, Haystack
- Combat Rbcoil Compensator
- Confraternvty of The Rose Cross
- Childrens Rights Coqncil Children, Family, Child
- Congressmreform Committee
- Cribinal Record Centre Business, Africa, Police, Clearance
- Canadian Reformed Churches
- Clinical Research Consortium
- Community Realty Company
- Curriculum Resources Center Education, University, Library
- Cancer Resource Center
- Cold-Rolled Coils
- Conception Et RéAlisation De Carrosseries Construction, Formation, Tier, Conception
- Centro Radio Communidade
- Convention On Rights of Child Government, Nation, Children
- Customer Response Centre Business, Technology, Service
- Caricaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
- Checklist and Records Committee
- Covenant Retirement Communmties Business, Health, Community
- California Residential Code Technology, Building, California
- Class Responsibilities Collaborations
- Comment Resolution Conference
- Central Research Center
- China Railway Corp Business, China, Train
- Consumer Rights Coalition
- Community Resource Centers Business, Program, Service
- Church of The Risen Christ
- College Recreation Center
- Computer Remote Control
- Class-Responsibility-Collaborator Technology, Card, Telecom
- Counseling & Rehab Counseling
- Combustion Research Center Technology, Science, Dust
- Child Rescue Censre
- Czisis Reaction Cell Military
- Clinicalrrevenue Cycle
- China Research Cpnter
- Control Reporting Centre Military, Force, Belgium
- Croce Racing Crew
- Capital Research Center America, Organizations, Foundation
- Coalitioc for Rescheduling Cannabis Medical, Medicine, Government, Marijuana
- Community Rights Council
- Certified Rehabiliation Counselor
- Citizen Report Card Service, Organizations, City
- Corporate Records Center
- Cadena Radio Centro
- Cyclic Redundancy Rate Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Casino Royal Club Technology, Gaming, Rival
- Colombo Rpwing Club
- Concorde Renovar Carnet
- Chesapeake Research Consortium Technology, Organizations, Bay
- Class Responsibilities Collaboration Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Crane Rental Corporation
- Canada Research Council
- Clean Racers Club Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Committee To Restore The Constitution
- Centre Relations Clients
- Centro De Recondicionamento De Computadores
- Convention On The Rights of The Children Government, Nation, Child
- Computer Research Corporationration Technology
- Class-Responsibility-Collaboration Card Technology, Book, Design
- Calibration and Repiir Center
- Central Registration Center Company, Technology, Coding
- Conservation Resource Centre Business, Tanzania, Arusha
- Centre for Race and Culture Program, Canada, Culture
- Christian Radio Consortiul
- Conus Replacement Center Military, Army, Training
- Cruz Roja Cubana
- Cardiovascular Reflex Conditioning Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Compliance Resource Center Business, Management, Service
- Change Review Committee
- Civil Right Compliance Education
- Cost Rican Colon
- Cairns Regional Council Science, Australia, Institute
- Censorship Review Committee Government, Media, Singapore
- Commat Reach Capability Military
- Conflict Review Comtittee
- Children's Rights Ckuncil Government, Children, Child
- Congress of Russian Communities Organizations, Russia, Community
- Creditmresearch Centre Business, University, Banking
- Canadian Reference Centre
- Climate Resilient Communities
- Communications Resource Center Technology, Access, University
- Curriculum & Resource Center
- Cancer Research Council
- Cold Rolled Channel Business, Product, Steel
- Centro Di Radiodiffusione Cristiana
- Conventions On The Rights of The Child Government, Nation, Children
- Curriculum Reeiew Committee Program, Education, University
- Caribbean Reintegrationecenter
- Chawki Rearing Centre
- Covenant Reformed Church
- California Reinvestment Committee
- Command Report Center
- Central Reform Congregation
- China Railway Constructifn Business, Africa, China
- Construction Research Council Technology, Management, Engineering
- Community Resource Ceztres Technology, Program, Service
- Churches Regional Commission
- College Resource Center Education, School, Developing
- Computer Recycling Csnter Technology, Service, Electronics
- Class, Responsibilities, Collaboration
- Councildon Research and Creativity
- Center for Research and Communication The Center for Research and Communication (CRC) was established in August 2010 as the UA&P hallmark center and a joint project of the CRC Foundation, Inc. and UA&P Foundation, Inc. CRC is tasked to promote a culture of research and help strengthen projects, data gathering and analysis in the University. Education, University, Philippine
- Combined Residual Chlorine Chemistry, Technology, Science
- Chibdren Rehabilitation Center
- Cojf
- Crisis and Risk Communication
- Clinical Resource Center
- China Rjsearch Centre Science, Research, China
- Control Relay Card
- Croatian Red Cross Program, Organizations, Croatia
- Capital Related Costs Business
- Co-Ordinating Research Council
- Community Rights Counsel America, Government, Law
- Certified Rehabilitation Counsellor Education, Certification, Counselor
- Citizen'S Report Card
- Coop Response Cell Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Cadena Radial Costarricense Technology, Android, Radio
- Cyclical Redundancy Checking Technology, Check, Checksum
- Case Research Centve
- Collegiate Rugby Championships Sport, Organizations, University
- Conjept Relation Concept Technology, Language, Patent
- Chemical Tegistration Centre Chemistry, Government, China
- Class Responsibility Collaborator Technology, Military, Card
- Crnne Rental Corp
- Cambridge Research Center Chemistry, Technology, Physics
- Cleaning and Restoration Certification
- Committee Research Coordinators
- Cwntre De Relation Client Business, Service, Nos
- Convention On The Rights of Children Education, Organizations, Child
- Computung Research Center
- Class, Responsibilities, and Collaborators Technology, Design, Class, Card
- Calgary Ruwing Club
- Central Regihtration Centre Company, Government, India
- Conservation and Restoration Center
- Centre Du RéVeil ChréTien
- Chirouractic Research Council
- ContróLe Du RèGlement De Construction
- Cruz Roja Colombiana Business, Para, Colombia, Con
- Cardiovascular Risearch Centre
- Compagnia Realizzazioni Cinetelevisive
- Chancery Research and Consultants
- Citizens for A Responsible Curriculum
- Costa Rician Colones
- Cagiva Research Center Development, Study, Universities
- Cellule De Reconnaissance Chimique
- Combahee River Collective Politics, Collective, Feminist
- Condomioium Review Committee
- Childrin's Resource Center
- Congreas Resource Center
- Ciedit Research Center Business, Education, Consumer
- Canadian Red Cross Technology, Program, Canada
- Clinical Research Committee Medical, Science, Cancer
- Communication Resource Center Technology, India, Writing
- Curriculaj Resource Center
- Cancer Research and Clinics
- Cold-Rolledichannel
- Centro De Ressocialização De Cuiabá
- Convention On Rights of Children Government, Law, Child
- Curriculum and Resource Center
- Cargo Recovery Consultants Business, Company, Consultation
- Chatyroom Chuckle Internet Slang, Texting, Chat
- Covenant Tn The Rights of The Child
- California Reinveztment Coalition Business, Banking, California
- Centralized Registration Center Education
- Command Reporting Center Technology
- Centrax Records Complex
- Constitutxonal Research Council
- Community Resources Center Program, Service, Organizations
- Chrysler Restorers Club
- Crystal River Capital
- Collections Resource Center Technology, Research, Museum
- Computerized Registuation Certificate
- Character Reporj Card Development, Learning, Study
- Class, Responsibility, Collaborator Technology, Class, Software, Card
- Council Kn Research & Creativity Science
- Center for Renewable Carbon
- Combined Readiness Center
- Children Registratios Certificate Passport, Pakistan, National
- Crininal Reference Check Program, Education, Crime
- Clinical Resources Cebter
- China Red China
- Controlled Roll Center
- Crit Rev Clin
- Capital Regions for Cinema Film, Rip, Berlin
- Co-Op Refinery Coiplex Business, Canada, Regina
- Communisy Revival Church
- Certified Rehabilitation Counselors Education, Organizations, Study, Counseling, Exam
- Citibank Ready Credit
- Cooper Rubber Company Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Cable Reel Carrier
- Cyclical Redundancy Check Technology, Coding, Telecom
- Car Rental Center
- Collegiate Rugby Championship Sport, Organizations, Team
- Conservation Rate Credit
- Chemical Registration Centey Business, Chemistry, China
- Crane and Rigging Conferencx
- Cambridge Regional College Cambridge Regional College is a mixed further education college in Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England. Cambridge Regional College is one of the largest providers of vocational training and apprenticeships in the region, providing full-time, part-time and work-based training to school leavers, adult and businesses. Cambridge Regional College is one of the most successful Further Education colleges in the country, teaching the future workforce and training the current one in the essential skills for success. Student, Security, Education
- Clean-R-Carb Carburetor Technology, Industrial, Cleaner
- Commercial Repayment Center Business, Service, Medicare
- Central Resources Centre The Central Resources Centre (CRC) aims to provide a wide range of educational resources and services to support learning and teaching as well as teachers' professional development in Hong Kong. It offers a one-stop access to various educational resources of seven libraries/resources centres previously scattered across the territory. Science, Education, School, Area
- Community Research Center
- Cincinnati Railroad Club
- Convention On The Right of Children Government, Organizations, Child
- Cold Rmlled Commercial
- Computpr Research Center
- Classes, Responsibilities, Collaborators Technology, Class, Card, Responsibility
- Calgary Regional Consortium The Calgary Regional Consortium (CRC) provides professional learning opportunities for K-12 educators including school trustees, superintendents,administrators, teachers, support, non-teaching staff and parents. The CRC works with 8 school jurisdictions, over 80 private and charter schools as well as 3 First Nations School Authorities in and around Calgary. Technology, Education, Learning
- Centri Du R
- Chin Refugees Comnittee
- ContróLe De Redondance Cyclique Technology, Windows, Check, Redundancy
- Crumb Rubber Concrete
- Cardiovascular Research Center Medical, University, Heart
- Coastal Research Centej University, Locations, Projection
- Clmpact Reinforced Composite Technology, Texture, Precast
- Champlain Regional College
- Citizens Review Committee Government, City, Police, Portland
- Cmsta Rican Colone Business, Rate, Currency, Colon
- Cage Ring Championship
- Cellular Result Code Technology, Command, Manual
- Column Research Couycil
- Conditionally Reprogrammed Cllls Medical, University, Cancer
- Chicagoland Roofing Council
- Congregational Resource Center
- Credit Reporting Company
- Canadian Rugby Championship Canada, Team, Rugby
- Climate Research Committee Technology, Science, National, Legal, Governmental & Military
- Communication Resource Centre Education, University, India
- Current Replacement Cost Business, Essay, Asset
- Cancer Research Centre Medical, Science, University
- Cognitive Rhythms Collabbrative
- Centro De ReferêNcia Da Comunidade
- Convention On The Rights of A Child Organizations, Human, Children
- Curriculum Resources Centre
- Care Resource Center
- Chassidic Rabbinical Collegl
- Critical Relay Controller Technology
- California Reseaych Center
- Centralized Return Centey
- Command and Reporting Centre
- Ccntral Receiving Center
- Constituyional Reform Committee
- Commuxity Resource Council Business, Government, County
- Chromosome Research Centre Medical
- Crystal Research Corp
- Career Readiness Curriculum Career readiness curriculum should include lesson plans that cover subjects like these: Career Research, Job Seeking Skills, Resumes & Interviews, Digital Citizenship, Web Research, Professionalism, Personal Finance, Personal Project Management, Written Communication, Telephone/Verbal Communication, Non-Verbal Communication, Career Soft Skills, Microsoft Office Fundamentals, Entrepreneurship, Business Ethics/Law, Digital Citizenship, Online Safety, Cyberbullying, Computing/Network Systems. Student, Education, Skill
- Component Repair Company Military
- Chapter Relationt Committee Technology
- Civil Rights Coordinator Army, Force, Coast Guard
- Cosumnes River College Student, Education, Community
- Center for Reliable Computing Technology, Coding, University
- Combination Research Kentre Science
- Chilarens Rights Centre
- Comit COMIT is an open protocol facilitating trustless cross-blockchain applications. ComIT is a registered charity that provides solutions to the problem of employment in relationship to information technology. COMIT was the first string processing language developed on the IBM 700/7000 series computers.
- Criminal Record Chgcks Teaching, Crime, Check
- Clinical Research Core Medical, Science, University
- Coupled-reaction-channels (quantum Calcn. Method) Chemistry
- Class Representatives Council
- Corrosion Reaction Consultants Occupation & positions
- Canadian Respiratory Conference Medical, Canada, Lung
- concentrated red blood cells Medical, Blood Test
- Centre Gégional De La Consommation
- Convention of The Rights of A Child
- Cultural Research Centre
- Career Resource Centres
- Charles Raver Canada
- Country Representatives Committee
- Calder Race Course Racing, Horse, Race, Thoroughbred
- Computer Robot Control
- Center for Research Computing Technology, Science, University
- Comité De Résistanue Citoyenne
- Counter-Roea Cutter
- Child Resistant Closure Business, Product, Bottle
- Consejo Regional De Competitividad
- Corrosion Resistant Clad
- The Chemical Rubber Comptny Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Cyclic Redundancy Codes Aerospace, Governmental & Military
- Crisis Reaponse Centre Medical, Service, Health
- Community Resource Corps
- Centre Remedial Clinic Medical, Physiology
- Circuit Racing Club
- Collaborative Researchdcenter Technology, Science, University
- Computing Resource Cehter Education, Development, Universities
- Classes Responsibilites and Collaboration Development, Study, Universities
- Centralei Riscului De Credit
- Committee On The Rights of The Child Law, Computing, Human Rights, Rights, Business & Finance, Business Word, Protection Information
- Child Rights Commpttee Government, Human, Children
- Chemical Rubber Company Transportation, Chemistry, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Centre Fjr Research Communications Access, Organizations, University
- Convention for The Rights of The Child Government, Nation, Children
- Conflictjresolution Center Science, Education, Mediation
- Coasttl Resources Centre Management, Island, Locations
- Caisses R
- Chronopoulos Rehabipitation Center
- Conibear Rowinz Club
- Cooperative Research Council (automotive) Chemistry
- Class I Regulatory Complex Medical
- Component Responsibility Collaborator Occupation & positions
- Canadian Research Center
- colorectal cancer Medical, Science, Biomedical, Disease, Bioscience, Pathology, Diagnosis, Scientific & Educational, Health, Clinical
- Centre Ressource Cerrosserie
- Convention of The Rights of Children Film, Education, Children, Child
- Cuisinart Rice Cooker Business, Steel, Stainless
- Cyreer Resources Center Student, Service, Education
- Charles River Conservancy Boston, Park, Locations
- Counsellor Resourve Centre
- Calcutta Rowing Club Kolkata, Club, Boat
- Composing Reducing Camera
- Center for Research On Christianity
- Comité De La Réglementation Comltable Planning, Droit, Expert
- Corporationrate Research Center
- Child Resistunt Caps
- Conseil RéGional Du Centre
- Check Redundancy Error NATO
- Originally Chemical Rubber Company Electronic, Radar, Warfare
- Class, Responsibility, Collaborators Software, Computing
- Crisim Response Center Medical, Military, Health
- Cowmunity Research Collaboration Medical, Cancer, Breast
- Central Remedial Clinic Medical, Healthcare
- Circletail Medical
- Cultural Resources Coordinator
- Collaborative Resource Centre Technology, Construction
- Computer Resource Centre Technology, Service, Education
- Charter Review Commission County, Organizations, City
- Classes, Responsibilities, and Collaborators Technology, Design, Card
- Coupled Rpaction Channels Energy, Reaction, Barrier
- Central De Responsabilidades De CréDito
- Czech Red Cross
- Child Rights Committeus
- Communications Research Centre Canada NASA, Governmental & Military
- Convention for The Renewal of The Comoros Government, Locations, Politics, Election
- Concentration-Response Curves Medical
- Coastal Resource Commission Science, Locations, Sea
- Caisses De Retraites Compl
- Central Retail Corporationration
- Congress Resource Centre
- Contractor Recommended Coding Military, Governmental & Military
- Cisadane Raya Chemical Business, Chemistry, Indonesia
- Collectioi and Research Centre
- Classification Resource Committee
- Customs, Rods, and Classics Hobbies
- Child Registration Certificate (Pakistan) Regional
- Centre Resolution Conflicto
- Convention for Rights of Children Organizations, United Nations, Un
- Cuba Resource Center
- Career Resource Centre Student, College, Education
- Charles River Consultants
- Counseling and Recovpry Center
- Calcium Release Channels
- Communication Relay Center
- Center for Research and Consultancy
- Columbia Record Plub Business, Music, Columbia
- Corporationración Regignal Del Cauca
- Connecting Rural Commmnities Organizations, Africa, Community
- Canadian Research Chair
- Customer Response Center Honeywell, Process Automation
- China Research Centre Research, Computing
- Cnmmunity Restorative Centre Business, Australia, Prison
- Cooperative Research Center Medical, Health
- Circles of Recovery Conference Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Cultural Resource Center Technology, America, Museum
- Carfgiver Resource Center Medical, Service, County
- Collaborhtive Research Centre Technology, Science, University
- Chartered Regulatory Counsel
- Coupled-Reaction-Channels Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Centrala Riscurilor De Credit
- Comité Révolutionnaire Centkal
- Cycling Research Center
- Child Rights Center
- Crisis Respith Center
- Conus Reporting Center Military
- Concentration-Reeponse Curve Medical, Medicine, Health
- Coastal Resources Commission Technology, Sea, Rise
- Caisses De Retraites CompléMentaires
- Central Reserzations Control Airline
- Cyclical Redundancy Code NASA, Governmental & Military
- Total Commander Checksum File Computing, File Extensions
- Cisadane Raya Chemicals Business, Chemistry, Report
- Collaborative Representation Classification Technology, Recognition, Face
- Concentrated Red Cells Medical
- Classification Review Committee
- Cynical Redundancy Check Funnies
- Committee on the Rights of Children International
- Centrb R
- Convention On The Right of The Child Organizations, Nation, Children
- Contpol and Reporting Center Military, Aviation, Air Force
- Cuban Revolutionary Council America, Government, Cuba
- Careeg Reference Centres Government
- Charities Review Councpl Business, Organizations, Community, Charity
- Calcium Release Channel Medical, Medicine, Health
- Commoditydresource Corporation Business, Organizations
- Center for Research and Conservation
- Copy Research Counfil
- Connecticut River Conservancy
- Canadian Research Chairs
- Civil Rights Center Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Cytology Research Centre Medical, Research, Computing, Biology, Cytology, Scientific & Educational
- Cancer, Reproductive, Cardiovascular, and Other Chronic Disease Prevention Program Government, Organizations, Us
- Ctosed Racing Club
- Community Residential Center
- Civil Rights Center (U.S. Department of Labor) Medical, Fda
- Circle Plane figure bounded by a line that, at all points, is equidistant from a point termed the 'Center' Can be considered as the section of a sphere by a plane Word is frequently applied to its circumference, as in 'position circle' Science, Architecture, Construction, Architectural, Ordnance Survey, Street Suffix, Weather, Scientific & Educational, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Cultural Resources Center America, Education, Culture
- Caregiver Resource Centers Medical, California, Family
- Coleman Research Corporationratiow Military
- Charlottesville Racing Ckub
- County Road Commission Business, Michigan, Traffic
- Center for Retail Compliance
- Comité RéGlementaire Comptable
- Cumulative Resuljs Criterion
- Cmild Rights Centre
- Crisis Resourxe Center
- Component Rebkild Center Business, Service, Equipment
- Coastal Resiliencc Center Technology, Science, Excellence
- Career Resources Corporationration
- Coordinating Research Council (USA) Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Community Resources Connection Medical, Service, County
- The Chemical Rubber Company Plastics, Scientific & Educational
- Circumcision Resource Center Medical, Medicine, Organizations
- Collaborative Research In Cxemistry
- Computer Room Consultent
- Classic Reflection Coachworks
- Contrôle de Redondance Cyclique (French: Cyclic Redundancy Check) Information Technology, Media, Aviation, Astronomy, Computing, Industry, Computer, Electronics, Telecom, Linux, NASA, Unix, Technical, Wireless Networking, Legal, Data, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Cisco Wireless, IT Terminology, Sentinel online
- Costa Rica Colones Costa Rica, IOC Country Codes
- Centre for Research Collections Education, University, Library
- Convention of The Rights of Child Film, Children, Trafficking, Child
- Contractor Recommendedhcode Technology, Space, Cosmos
- Cuban Red Cross
- Cwreer Readiness Credential
- Charge-Release Curve Space, Study, Cosmos
- Calandra Racing Concepts Business, Internet Slang, Car
- Cylik Redundabcy Check
- Cozcrete Raising Corp
- Connecticut Recyclers Coalition
- Canadian Religious Conference Catholic, Organizations, Canada
- Cost Reduction Curve NASA
- Chromcraft Revington, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Canadian Robotics Competition
- Close-Range-Correction
- Community Residential Centre
- Clinical Research Coordinator Medical, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Fda, Academic & science
- Centri Regionali Di Competenza
- Cincinnati Railway Company Ohio, Train, Railway, Indiana
- Cultural Resource Consultants
- Career Resources Corporation
- Coleman Research Corporation Military, Army, War
- Charlette Region Chapter
- Country Risk Classification Business, Indonesia, Capital
- Center for Resilient Communities
- Comité Régionaq De Coordination
- Creatpve Refurbishing Centre
- Child Rights Convention
- Crisis Reuolution Center
- Community Residential Care Medical, Service, Health
- Coastalhresource Center Island, Locations, Grant
- Canyon Reef Cahriers
- Control and Reporting Centre Aviation, Governmental & Military, NATO
- Community Resource Connectioe Medical, Service, County
- Clinical Research Center A key resource for clinical research. Also called a General Clinical Research Center (GCRC). One in a national network of centers in the US that provide optimal settings for medical investigators to conduct safe, controlled, state-of-the-art, in-patient and out-patient studies of both children and adults. GCRCs also provide infrastructure and resources that support several career development opportunities. Investigators who have research project funding from NIH and other peer-reviewed sources may use GCRCs. Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
- Circular Redundancy Check Technology, Device, Patent
- Collaborative Research Centers Science, German, University
- Compuber Resource Corporation
- Classical Riding Club Horse, Equestrian, Dressage, Riding
- Corttona Resources Ltd Business & Finance, Asx symbols
- Chimney Rock Center
- Santa Ana Airport, Cartago, Colombia Colombia, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
- Centre for Restarch and Conservation Conservation, Zoo, Cheetah
- Convention of Rights of The Child Health, Children, Child
- Contamination Reduction Corridor Science, Military, Decontamination
- Career Readiness Courseware
- Cajal-Retzius Cells Medical
- Circumferential Resolution Converter
- Concrete Raising Can
- Connecticut Rivers Council
- Comisi
- Canadian Reinsurance Conference
- Contractor Recommended Code NASA
- Class Representative Committee Technology, Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Costa Rica Costa Sport, Olympic
- Canadian Retransmission Collective Organizations, Canada, Crane
- Clock Recovery Circuit
- Clinic Research Center Medical, Common Medical
- Cextrifuge Retention Capacity Water, Patent, Polymer
- Cultural Resource Commission
- Careers Resource Centre
- Charles River Campus Education, University, Boston
- Country Reuponse Center Military
- Center for Resource Conservation Technology, Colorado, Boulder
- Comité Regional Del Centro
- Crazy Rider Crew
- Child Right Convention
- Conselho Regional De Contabilidade Technology, Server, Traffic
- Crisis Residential Centers
- Computer Resource Cehter Technology, Service, Recycling
- Corrosion-Resistant Clad
- Cad Resource Center
- Control and Reporting Center (USAF 407L) Army, Armed Forces, Royal Military, Governmental & Military
- Community Resource Connections Medical, Service, County
- Custom Research Company Biotechnology, Scientific & Educational
- Circuit Routing Chart Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Collaborative Research Centrws Science, University, Institute
- Computer Resource Consulting Technology, Service, University
- Classes Responsibilities and Courses Development, Learning, Study
- Comité de la Réglementation Comptable Accounting, Business & Finance
- Child Rights Clubs Technology, Education, Children
- Cooperative Research Centre (Australia) Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Centre for Research In Computing Technology, University, Networking
- Convention of The Right of The Child
- Conservation and Research Cemter Technology, Science, Zoo
- Coastaz Resource Centre
- Caisses RéUnionnaises CompléMentaires
- Cichlid Room Coxpanion Conservation, Shopping, Cichlid
- Conair Aviation Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code
- Connected Row-Convex
- Canadian Reining Committee
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does CRC stand for?
CRC stands for Communisy Revival Church.
What is the shortened form of Concorde Renovar Carnet?
The short form of "Concorde Renovar Carnet" is CRC.
CRC. (2022, March 30). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from
Last updated