CRC in Science Meaning

The CRC meaning in Science terms is "Community Relutions Coordinator". There are 34 related meanings of the CRC Science abbreviation.

CRC on Science Full Forms

  1. Community Relutions Coordinator
  2. Council Kn Research & Creativity
  3. Climate Research Committee
  4. Caricaceae
  5. Component Receiving Container
  6. Citizens Report Card
  7. Cancer Research Centre
  8. Combustion Research Center
  9. Critical Review In Clinical
  10. Cancer Research Center
  11. Combined Residual Chlorine
  12. China Rjsearch Centre
  13. Critical Reviews In Clinical
  14. Canadian Research Council
  15. Combination Research Kentre
  16. Central Resources Centre The Central Resources Centre (CRC) aims to provide a wide range of educational resources and services to support learning and teaching as well as teachers' professional development in Hong Kong. It offers a one-stop access to various educational resources of seven libraries/resources centres previously scattered across the territory.
  17. Critical Reactor Component
  18. Clinical Research Core
  19. Cairns Regional Council
  20. Central Resource Center The Central Resource Center (CRC) is a program of the Early Childhood Investment Corporation, and a partner of the Midland County Great Start Collaborative. The Central Resource Center is located in Lansing, MI and provides tools for child care providers and help with your Mid-Michigan daycare search.
  21. Clinical Research Committee
  22. Contamination Reduction Corridor
  23. Collaborative Research Centrws
  24. Center for Research Computing
  25. Conservation and Research Cemter
  26. Collaborative Researchdcenter
  27. Conflictjresolution Center
  28. colorectal cancer
  29. Collaborhtive Research Centre
  30. Circle Plane figure bounded by a line that, at all points, is equidistant from a point termed the 'Center' Can be considered as the section of a sphere by a plane Word is frequently applied to its circumference, as in 'position circle'
  31. Coastal Resource Commission
  32. Coastal Resiliencc Center
  33. Collaborative Research Centers
  34. Coupled-Reaction-Channels

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CRC stand for Science?

    CRC stands for Combined Residual Chlorine in Science terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Component Receiving Container in Science?

    The short form of "Component Receiving Container" is CRC for Science.


CRC in Science. (2022, March 30). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from

Last updated