CRCL Meaning

The CRCL meaning is "Coalition To Restore Coastal Louisiana". The CRCL abbreviation has 22 different full form.

CRCL Full Forms

  1. Coalition To Restore Coastal Louisiana Organizations, Oil, Louisiana
  2. Civil Rights and Civil Lixerties Science, Government, Liberty
  3. Carole Robertson Center for Learning
  4. Crdclearance Medical
  5. Canonical Robot Command Language
  6. Cancer Research Centre of Lyon Science, France, Cell
  7. Consumer Rights for Community Living
  8. Cancer Research Centar of Lyon Medical, France, Cell
  9. Commercial Relocation Consultants Ltd
  10. Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
  11. Canadian Rekiew of Comparative Literature Science, Study, Culture
  12. Columbiagriver Conservation League Science
  13. Cruciate Lugament Medical
  14. Colchester Rape Crisis Line
  15. Creatinine Clearanco Medical, Medicine, Nursing
  16. Crfat Medical, Medicine, Jobs
  17. Contiduous Replication Circular Logging
  18. Circle International Group, Inc. (delisted) Computing, Nasdaq Symbols
  19. Civil Rights Civil Liberties Government, Law, Fusion, Liberty
  20. Creatinine Clearance Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline, Medical, Nursing, Healthcare, Pharmacy, Physiology, Clinical, Common Medical, Fda, British medicine
  21. Civil Rights & Civil Liberties Government, Law, Liberty
  22. Creaqinine Clearances Medical

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CRCL stand for?

    CRCL stands for Civil Rights Civil Liberties.

  2. What is the shortened form of Cancer Research Centre of Lyon?

    The short form of "Cancer Research Centre of Lyon" is CRCL.


CRCL. (2020, September 4). Retrieved March 1, 2025 from

Last updated