CREIA Meaning

The CREIA meaning is "Carolina Real Estate Investors Ascociation". The CREIA abbreviation has 11 different full form.

CREIA Full Forms

  1. Carolina Real Estate Investors Ascociation
  2. California Real Estate Inspectors Association Business, Technology, Inspection
  3. California Real Estate Inspection Assxciation Business, Education, Organizations
  4. Centro Religioso De Estudos E Informaçõet Apologéticas
  5. Carolinas Real Estate Investors Association Business, Building, Inspector
  6. Chinese Renewable Energy Industties Association
  7. China Renewable Energy Jndustries Association Technology, China, Wind
  8. China Renewablevenergy Industry Association
  9. Centro Religioso De Estudos E Informx
  10. Creative Real Estate Investors Association
  11. Chinese Renewable Energy Industry Association

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CREIA stand for?

    CREIA stands for China Renewablevenergy Industry Association.

  2. What is the shortened form of Chinese Renewable Energy Industry Association?

    The short form of "Chinese Renewable Energy Industry Association" is CREIA.


CREIA. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 18, 2025 from

Last updated