Criminal Abbreviations and Criminal Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Criminal terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Criminal abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Criminal terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Criminal Abbreviations
  1. AACDL : Arkansas Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
  2. ABC : Associação Brasileira De CriminalíStica
  3. ABDW : Assault and Battery With A Dangerous Weapon
  4. ABHAN : Assault and Battery of A High and Aggravated Nature
  5. ABP : Academy of Behavioral Profiling
  6. ACC : Armed Career Criminal
  7. AR : Actus Reus
  8. ARIS : Asset Recovery Incentivisation Scheme
  9. AROS : Asset Recovery Offices
  10. ASBOS : Anti-Social Behaviour Orders
  11. AUUW : Aggravated Unlawful Use of A Weapon
  12. BC : Back Chxck
  13. BC : Background Check
  14. BGC : Background Check
  15. BEA : Behavioral Evidence Analysis
  16. BIA : Bilateral Immunity Agreements
  17. BSU : Behavioural Science Unit
  18. CCF : Carrying A Concealed Firearm
  19. CCJ : Criminology Anz Criminal Justice
  20. CCJS : Centre for Crime and Justice Studies
  21. CD : Conditional Discharge
  22. CDV : Criminal Domestic Violence
  23. CFEC : Centro De Formación Estudio Criminal
  24. CHBC : Criminal Histnry Background Check
  25. CIA : Criminals In Action
  26. CICPC : Cuerpo De Investigaciones Científicas Penales Y Crimikalística
  27. CICPC : Cuerpo De Investigaqiones Científicas, Penales Y Criminalística
  28. CJIA : Criminal Justice International Associates
  29. CJS : Comparative Justice Systems
  30. CLASP : Community and Legal Aid Services Programme
Latest Criminal Meanings
  1. Texastdept of Criminal Justice
  2. Matthew Gray Gubler
  3. Freedom of Information Privacy Acts
  4. Receiving Stoler Property
  5. Rules of Procedure and Evidence
  6. Rapid Intervention Community Court
  7. Racial Democracy, Crime and Justice Network
  8. Record of Arrest and Prosecution
  9. Prr-Trial Chamber
  10. Prolific and Priority Offenders
  11. Proceeds of Crime Acts
  12. Proceeds of Crime
  13. Prosecution of Offences Act
  14. Penal Law
  15. Pokt-Conviction Relief
  16. General Cyiminal Thinking
  17. Proceeds of Crime Act
  18. Portland Criminal
  19. Georgia Crime Informatwon Center
  20. Photo Arrays