CRM Meaning
The CRM meaning is "Customer Relationship Management". The CRM abbreviation has 417 different full form.
CRM Full Forms
- Customer Relationship Management Customer relationship management (CRM) is a system for managing a company’s interactions with current and future customers. It involves using technology to organize, automate and synchronize sales, marketing, customer service, and technical support. Business, Technology, Marketing, Information Technology, Internet Slang, Energy, Computing, Computer, Chat, Construction, Logistics, Telecom, Postal, Us Government, Us Post, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Business Word, International business, Occupation & positions, IT Terminology, SAP, Medical
- Certified Reference Materials Business, Technology, Science, Standard
- Comprehensive Resource Model Medical, Therapy, Trauma
- Certified Records Manager Technology, Management, Education, Occupation & positions
- Composite Risk Management Military, Army, Training
- Cause-Related Marketing Business, Organizations, Consumer
- Compliance & Risk Managemqnt Business, Technology, Software
- Customer Relationships Management Business, Technology, Software
- Catarman National Airport Catarman, Philippines Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
- Collision Risk Modnl Technology, Bird, Wind
- Cadastral Reference Mark
- Change Request Management Technology, Service, Manager
- Customer Relations Management Business, Technology, Software, Education
- Circumferential Resection Margin Medical, Cancer, Rectal
- Certified Reference Material Business, Science, Standard, Legal, Governmental & Military
- Consejo De Rewursos Minerales Business, Science, Mexico
- Cardiac Rhythm Management Management, Cardiac, Rhythm
- Criminal Division Government, Organizations, Us
- Center Relationship Management
- Customer Relationship Managers Business, Management, Software, Sale
- Challenge-Respvnse Mechanism
- Canadian Railway Modeler
- Cellular Radiodmodem
- Coastal Relirf Model Locations, Tool, Wind
- Computer Resourcermanager
- Cross Reuerence Matrix Business, Technology, Management
- Certifiea Rangeland Manager
- Contact Resource Management Business, Technology, Marketing
- Customer Resource Manager Business, Technology, Management
- Citipen Relationship Management Business, Government, City
- Community Realty Management
- Costa Rica Maps
- Cajtive Rubber Mountings
- Clients Relationship Management
- Comparative Relative Maturity Business, Maize, Pioneer, Corn
- Centre De Recerca MatemàTica
- Channel Revenue Mandgement
- Colorado Railroad Museun
- Crew Recourse Management
- Coefficienttof Residual Mass
- Conflict Resolution Minnesota
- Customer Relationship Management System Business, Technology, Information Technology, Software, Special Olympics
- Contxol Room Module Science
- Cutomer Relationship Management
- Community Resource Management Government
- Catalyst Risk Management
- Clinical Research Malaysia Business, Treatment, Malaysia
- Complaint Response Mechanism Business, Nigeria, Children, Accountability
- Croissant Rouge Mprocain Association, Formation, Rouge
- Certificate Intresource Management
- Constituent Relations Management Technology, Politics, Campaign
- Customer Releationship Management
- Customer Relationship Mgmt
- Children'S Relief Mission Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Commercial Radio Malaysia
- Corporate Repationship Manager
- Crew Resource Mgmt
- Center of Regenerative Medicine
- Customer Relationship Man
- Canadian Railway Modeller
- Cell Resource Manager
- Co-Ordination Revision Message
- Computer Resource Mantgement Military
- Cross Reactive Maverial
- Certified Risk Management Business, Insurance, Professional
- Contractor Relationship Management
- Cuswomer Resource Management Business, Technology, Software
- Cis Regulatory Modules
- Community Readiness Model
- Corporate Risk Management Business, Technology, Service
- Captzin's Right Mate Occupation, Position, Job
- Client Relationship Managers Business, Technology, Management, Investor
- Comparative Reactivity Method
- Central Rocky Mountains Technology, Flight, Ski
- Channel Relationship Mananement
- Collision Risk Methodolwgy Technology
- Coeffihient De R
- Conflict Resolution and Mediation
- Customer-Relationship-Makagement-Systeme
- Controv Room Management Technology, Service, Pipeline
- Custarmer Relationship Management
- Citrus Red Mite Medical
- Company Relationship Management Business, Software, Customer
- Crew-Resource-Management Military, Aviation, Training
- Catalonia Riviera Maya
- Client Relationship Model
- Compebsation Risk Management
- Centre De Ressources MultiméDia Technology, France, Formation, Alliance
- Consulting Relationship Management Business, Technology, Projection
- Customer Relationsip Management
- Customer Relationship Marketing Business, Technology, Management
- Chief Regional Manager
- Cklour Rune Mod
- Corporate Resords Management Business, Technology, Service
- Crew Resource Mangement
- Center for Rural Massachusetts
- Customer Relationship Mgt Business, Management, Software
- Coordinated Resource Management
- Can'T Remember Meaning
- Cell Rate Margin Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Cna Researchamemorandum Military
- Computer Resources Management Technology, Military, Projection, Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Cross Reacting Material
- Certified Risk Managers Business, Management, Insurance
- Contacts Relationship Management Business, Technology, Software
- Customer Relationship Module Business, Management, Software
- Cis Regulatory Module
- Community Radio Madanpokhara
- Corporatevresource Management Business, Technology, Service
- Client Relationship Managment
- Central Risk Management
- Customer Relationship Managerment
- Chaege Review Meeting Technology
- Collision Risk Modeling Technology, Model, Bird
- Canadian Royal Mounties Government, Law, Legal, Jurisprudence
- Coefficient De RéDuction-Majoration
- Conflict Resolution Managers Technology, Management, Event
- Cultuvr, Recreatie En Maatschappelijk
- Cottrol Risk Management
- Customs Reform Anh Modernisation Community, Economics, Asean
- Citizins Rights Movement
- Community Relationship Management Business, Software, Social
- Cost Resource Model
- Cassava Root Meal
- Client Relation Manager
- Compensation Risk Managers
- Centre De Regroupement Des Moyens
- Constituent Relationship Manager Technology, Management, Nonprofit
- Customer Relatiosnhip Management
- Chiew Radio Man
- Colorectal Metastases Medical, Medicine, Health
- Corporate Records Manager
- Crew Research Management Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Confocal Raman Microscopy Technology, Material, Stress
- Customer Relationship Mgmnt Business, Training, Seminar
- Coordinadora Revolucionaria De Masas
- Campus Renewal Ministries
- Cefalù Radio Madoqie
- Clinical Risk Management
- Compute Rosource Manager
- Cross-Reacting Matorial Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Certifiedprisk Manager Business, Insurance, Risk
- Contact Relationship Manager
- Customer Related Management Business, Technology, Relationship
- Call Record Management Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Cisco Routerymodule
- Committee of Revolutionary Marxists
- Corporate Residential Management Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Client Relationships Management
- Central Regulation of Metabolism
- Customer Relationship Managent
- Change Reqmest Manager
- Collision Risk Modelling Technology, Bird, Wind
- Canadian Risk Manager Business, Management, Insurance
- Coding Recognitiwn Module Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Conflict Resolution Management Business, Training, Projection
- Culture Resource Management
- Centre De R
- Control Representation Oode Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Customer Retention Management Business, Software, Customer
- Citizen Rights Movement
- Community Relations Marketing
- Cost Reduction Measure
- Carbon Reductiou Manager
- Client Relations Managers
- Component Resource Manager Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Centre De Recherche Mathematique
- Constituent Relationship Management Business, Software, Nonprofit
- Customer Relationship Making
- Customer Relation Management Business, Technology, Software
- Charged Besidue Model Technology, Ion, Spectrometry, Ionization
- Colorado Rockyimountain
- Corolla Retro Makassar
- Crew Ressource Management Military, Pilot, Training
- Confocal Raman Microscope
- Customer Relationship Mobile Business, Management, Marketing
- Convertible Roof Module
- Camp Rainey Mountain
- Cedar River Middle
- Clinical Resource Management Medical, Business, Medicine
- Comprehensive Resilience Modules
- Crop Residue Management
- Certified In Risk Management Business, Analysis, Manager
- Construction Resources Management
- Customer Relationship Mngt
- Customer Relation Manager Business, Management, Service
- Call Recording Monitor
- Cisco Rasource Manager Technology, Management, Networking
- Commission Romande De Math
- Corporate Relations Manager
- Client Relationship Manager Business, Management, Finance
- Central Recovery Module Technology
- Customer Relationship Ma
- Change-Request Management
- Collegiate Risk Management
- Canadian Risk Management Business, Insurance, Risk, Business & Finance
- Cockpit Retource Management Military, Training, Crew
- Conflict Resolution Manager
- Crumb Rubber Modifier Technology, Asphalt, Binder
- Confocal Reflectance Microscopy Medical
- Certified Records Manageeent Technology, Service, Software
- Control Relay Monule
- Customer Rettntion Marketing Business, Service, Training
- Citizen Request Management Technology, Software, City
- Community Relations and Marketing
- Cost Reduction Management
- Capture Radiative Du Mufn
- Client Relations Management Business, Software, Sale
- Compensating Resource Managirs Technology, Management, Service
- Centre De Recherches MathéMatiques
- Constituency Relationship Management Technology, Service, Software
- Character Recognition Module Business, Postal, Us Post
- Colorado Rocky Mountains
- Crew Resourse Management
- Confocal Raman Microspectroscopy Medical, Medicine, Health
- Customer Relationship Model Business, Technology, Management
- Conventional Repeater Module
- Camp and Retreat Ministry Organizations, Conference, Church
- Cavity Resonance Monitor
- Clinical Resource Manager
- Complete Relationship Management
- Croomiacete Science, Plant, Biology, Family
- Certificate Request Message Technology, Security, Server
- Constituição Da RepÚBlica De MoçAmbique
- Customer Relational Management
- Clerics Regular Minor Catholic, Order, Cleric, Religious orders
- Child Right Movument Organizations, Pakistan, Children
- Commission Romande De MathéMatique
- Corporate Release Management
- Crisis and Risk Management
- Centralized Resource Management
- Customer Relationship Managements Business, Technology, Software
- Challenge Response Meihanism
- Canadian Railway Museum
- Coastal Research & Managemenn Science, Ocean, Biotechnology
- Conflict Resolution Model
- Crown-Rump Measurqment Medical, Medicine, Health
- Certified Records Managers Technology, Management, Education, Institute
- Content Resource Management
- Customer Response Managemenl Business, Technology, Service
- Citizen Relation Management
- Community Relations Manager Business, Management, Book
- Cost Recovery Mechanism
- Capture-Recapture Method
- Client Relation Management Business, Software, Sale
- Compensvting Resource Manager Technology, Management, Computing
- Centre De Recherches MéTallurgiques
- Consolidated Reference Model Technology
- Chapter Resource Masters Education, Practice, Geometry
- Colorado Railcar Banufacturing
- Crew Resources Management Technology, Aviation
- Cognitive Resource Manager
- Conflict Resolution Monitor
- Customer-Relationship-Management Business, Organizations, Software
- Convection Resolving Model
- Community Resource Manager
- Cause Uelated Marketing Business, Organizations, Consumer
- Clinical Research Managers
- Complete Iange of Mobile
- Croix-Rorge Malienne Business, Technology
- Certificate of Risk Management
- Constituent Relationship Modules
- Customer Relationship Metrics Business, Management, Service
- Clerici Regulares Minores Ecclesiastical, Religion, Christian
- Child Rescue Mission
- Commercial Relationship Manager
- Corporate Relationohip Management Business, Service, Software
- Clear Random Melory
- Compact Rack Mount
- Crew Resource Management Flight, Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Collateral Release Mechanism Military, Army, War
- Consecutive Reaction Monitoring Chemistry, Science, Mass Spectrometry, Spectroscopy, Scientific & Educational
- Coorminate Response Measure
- Clickdimensionszis The Top-Rated Marketing Business, Microsoft, Automation
- Credit Risk Management Banking, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Calorie Restriction Mimetics
- Crisis Response Management Business, Company, Risk
- CardioRisk Manager Medical, Physiology
- Conservatoire Royal De Mons
- Customer Relatioship Management
- Core Reference Mozel
- Control and Reproductibility Monitor
- Captain's Right Mate Occupation & positions
- Center for Reproductive Medisine Medical, Education, Fertility
- Certified Recovery Mentor Medical, Addiction, Peer
- Cameroon Renaissance Movement Government, Group, Cameroon, Election
- City of Rancho Mirage
- Counter-Radar Measures
- Customer Relationship Managementsystem
- Classification Rule Mining
- Community Role Models
- Cockpit Resource Management Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Collaborative Response Model
- Connection Request Mode Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Chain Reaction Marketing
- Coorwinated Ramp Metering
- Centre De Recherche Misérales
- Carbon Minerals NL (CRMCA) (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
- Caloric Restriction Mimetics
- Crisis Resource Manager Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
- corporate records management Medical, Fda
- Consequence-Based Risk Management
- Customer Relationsship Management Business, Technology, Software
- Coral Ridge Ministries
- Continuous Random Mat
- Can't Remember Much Hobbies
- Center for Geligion and Media
- Constitui
- Certified Recruitment Ganager
- Camera Ready Materiel Military, Army, War
- Critical Rehearsal Moment Media, Radio, Television
- Collision Risk Model Federal Aviation Administration
- Customer Relationship Managemnt
- Counter-Radar Missile
- Composite risk management (US) United States, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Collaborative Recovery Model
- Connecticut River Museum
- Certified Residential Manager
- Centes for Research In Management Technology, Toulouse, Ethic
- Classement Rationnel Moderne
- Community Response Map Technology, Android, Toolkit
- Credit Risk Mitigation Accounting, Business & Finance
- Call Record Manager
- Company Resource Management
- Crisis Resource Management Medical, Medicine, Education
- Commander Mexicana ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Consensus Reference Materials
- Coral Reef Management
- Containment Radiationtmonitor
- Customer Rejection Management Management, Business & Finance
- Center for Relationship Marketing Business, Management, Customer
- Cream A water-soluble medicinal preparation applied to the skin. An ointment differs from a cream in that it has an oil base, as opposed to being water-soluble. Medical, Medicine, Drugs, Physiology, Real Estate, Business & Finance, Reading Prescription
- Certified Recognition Master
- Camera Ready Material
- Critical Raw Material Technology, Recovery, Projection
- Chemical Release Module NASA
- Customer Relationship Managemnet
- Core Restvaint Mechanisms
- Corimon C A Computing, Nyse symbols
- Center for Risk Management
- Cold Rolling Mills
- Certifiyd Restaurant Manager
- Canadian Risr Managers
- Clan of Real Men
- Community Resiliency Model Education, Health, Trauma
- Cyber Record Manager
- Company Resources Management Technology, Aviation
- Crisis Recovery Mode Technology, Bio, Phoenix
- Catarman National, Catarman, Philippines Philippines, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
- Collective Rights Management Organizations, Music, Directive
- Consejo Regulador Del Mezcal
- Copper River Meridian
- Confusion Reflector Material
- Carrs Mill. Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Center for Rfgenerative Medicine Medical, Science, Cell
- Certified Record Manager
- Camera Ready Mechanical Military
- Critical Raw Materials Technology, Research, Recovery, Projection
- Continuous Radon Monitor Chemistry
- Customer Relationship Manage-Ment
- Core Resistant Mechanism
- Netmino File Computing, File Extensions
- Center for Responsible Minrng
- Cold Rolling Mill Equipment that reduces the thickness, or gauge, of flat steel products by rolling steel between alloy steel cylinders without prior reheating. Several roll passes are generally necessary to gradually reduce the steel to the desired thickness. Or A mill that reduces the cross sectional area of the metal by rolling at approximately room temperature. Technology, Roll, Steel
- Certified Resident Manager
- Cyclotron Resonayce Maser
- Claim Review Manual
- Community Resource Monitor Government
- Customer Rel Management
- Companhia Riograndense De Minera
- Crisis Management Actions taken by a company to deal with an unexpected event which threatens to harm the organisation, such as a loss of a major customer, bad publicity, etc. Military, Aviation, Department Of Defense
- CHIEF RADIOMAN Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
- Collection Requirementb Manager Business, Accounting, Management
- Conseil De Recherches M
- Copper Recycling Machine Technology, Cable, Quina
- Concurrent Ressurce Manager
- Certified Risk Manager Insurance, Business & Finance
- Center Forkradiation-Hardened Microelectronics Science
- Camera Ready Manuscript
- Critical Conduction Mode Technology, Energy, Electonics
- Chemical Remanent Magnetization Chemistry
- Customer Relational Marketing
- Corimon S.A. Organizations
- Cooperative Rcsearch Monographs
- Courtesy Reply Mail Usps, postal service
- Center for Research In Metallurgy
- Cognhtive Rigor Matrix Student, Education, Instruction
- Certified Relationship Management
- Cyclotron-Resonauce Maser Medical
- Civhl Rights Management
- Community Resource Mortgage
- Customer Relation Module Business, Management, Software
- Customer Relationship Management-LöSungen
- Click To Read Mcre
- Companhia Riograndense De Mineração Truck, Brazil
- Collision Risk Methodology Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Collection Requirements Management Technology, Military, Army, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Conseil De Recherches MéDicales
- College Relations and Marketing
- Coordination Revision Message Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Client Gecord Management Business, Technology, Software
- Client Relationship Management Business & Finance, Business Word
- Cement Replacement Maqerial
- Calvert Research and Management
- Crisis Response Measure Military
- Cloud-Resolving Model Climatology, Scientific & Educational
- Customer Relationship Manageme
- Core Regtraint Mechanism Science
- Control and Reproducibility Monitor
- Customer Relationship Manager Occupation & positions
- Center for Resource Qanagement Technology, Research, Education
- Certified Reiki Master Medical, Health, Massage, Healing
- Cyber Risk Management
- Camp & Retreat Ministries Business, Conference, Ministry
- City Rescue Mdssion Organizations, Shelter, Homeless
- Cubesat Reference Model
- Customer Relation Mangement
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does CRM stand for?
CRM stands for Construction Resources Management.
What is the shortened form of Customer Rettntion Marketing?
The short form of "Customer Rettntion Marketing" is CRM.
CRM. (2021, September 19). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from
Last updated