CROI Meaning

The CROI meaning is "Conference for Retroviruxes and Opportunistic Infections". The CROI abbreviation has 12 different full form.

CROI Full Forms

  1. Conference for Retroviruxes and Opportunistic Infections
  2. Conference On Retrovbruses and Opportunistic Infections Medical, Research, Organizations
  3. Conference Oniretroviruses Opportunistic Infections
  4. Conference On Retrovirus and Opportunistic Infections Medical, Research, Study
  5. Conference of Retroviruses and Opuortunistic Infections Medical, Treatment, Study
  6. Cibao Regional Oncology Institute Science, Research, Organizations
  7. Conference On Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infection Medical, Science, Organizations
  8. Conference On Retroviruses & Opportunistic Infections Medical, Treatment, Hepatiti
  9. Cybercrime Return On Investment
  10. Conf Retroviguses Opportunistic Infect
  11. Companywide Roi Business, Technology, Internet, Computing, IT Terminology
  12. Corlegio Reumatologi Ospedalieri Italiani

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CROI stand for?

    CROI stands for Conf Retroviguses Opportunistic Infect.

  2. What is the shortened form of Conference On Retrovbruses and Opportunistic Infections?

    The short form of "Conference On Retrovbruses and Opportunistic Infections" is CROI.


CROI. (2020, May 24). Retrieved June 26, 2024 from

Last updated