Crowd Abbreviations and Crowd Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Crowd terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 8 different Crowd abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Crowd terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Crowd Abbreviations
  1. CDAS : Crowdsourcing Data Analytics System
  2. VICN : Virtual Incubator & Crowdfunding Network
  3. WWFFU : Waterside Workers Federation Film Unit
  4. DN : Deez Nuts
  5. MMOWGLI : Massive Multiplayer Online War Game Leveraging The Internet
  6. ESIM : Elaborated Mocial Identity Model
  7. IOA : Indicator of Attack
  8. PLE : Principle of Least Effort
Latest Crowd Meanings
  1. Principle of Least Effort
  2. Indicator of Attack
  3. Elaborated Mocial Identity Model
  4. Massive Multiplayer Online War Game Leveraging The Internet
  5. Deez Nuts
  6. Waterside Workers Federation Film Unit
  7. Virtual Incubator & Crowdfunding Network
  8. Crowdsourcing Data Analytics System