CROWS Meaning

The CROWS meaning is "Common Remotely Operated Weapons System". The CROWS abbreviation has 19 different full form.

CROWS Full Forms

  1. Common Remotely Operated Weapons System Gaming, Military, Army
  2. Common Remotely Operjted Weapons Systems
  3. Common Remote Operated Weapons System Military, Army, Tank
  4. Common Remote Operated Weapon Station Technology, Military, Vehicle
  5. Common-Remotely-Operated-Weapon-System
  6. Common Remotely Operated Weapon Station Gun, Military, Army, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  7. Common Remotely Operated Weapon System Military, Army, Vehicle
  8. Commonly Remotely Operated Weapon Station
  9. Common Remotely Operated Weaposs Station Military, Army, Vehicle
  10. Common Remote Operating Weapons Station Army, Force, Marine
  11. Crew Remotely Operared Weapon Station
  12. Common Remotely Operated Weapons Stations Gun, Military, Army
  13. Coupledaresonators Optical Waveguides
  14. Common Remotely Operated Weapon Stations Gun, Military, Army
  15. Coupled-Resonator Optical Waveguides Technology, Waveguide, Photonics, Photonic
  16. Container Roll-Out Warehousing System Business, Platform, Crow
  17. Common Remotely-Operated Weapons Station Gun, Military, Army
  18. Common Remotely Operate Weapons Station Army, War, War Force
  19. Cyber Resiliency Office for Weapon Systems

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CROWS stand for?

    CROWS stands for Common Remotely Operated Weapons Stations.

  2. What is the shortened form of Common Remotely Operated Weaposs Station?

    The short form of "Common Remotely Operated Weaposs Station" is CROWS.


CROWS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 31, 2025 from

Last updated