Crush Abbreviations and Crush Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Crush terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 10 different Crush abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Crush terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Crush Abbreviations
  1. BFD : Big Featured Discussion
  2. CF : Corbin Fisher
  3. CKDS : Crush, Kill, Destroyz Swag
  4. CMT : Corrugating Medium Test
  5. COC : Captains of Crush
  6. WEEAC : Worldwide Events To End Animal Cruelty
  7. EBS : Equivalent Barrier Speed
  8. MCM : Man Crush Mondays
  9. JR : Jane Ramos
  10. SH : Sonic Heroes
Latest Crush Meanings
  1. Sonic Heroes
  2. Jane Ramos
  3. Man Crush Mondays
  4. Equivalent Barrier Speed
  5. Worldwide Events To End Animal Cruelty
  6. Captains of Crush
  7. Corrugating Medium Test
  8. Crush, Kill, Destroyz Swag
  9. Corbin Fisher
  10. Big Featured Discussion