CS Meaning
The CS meaning is "Caught Stealing". The CS abbreviation has 2212 different full form.
CS Full Forms
- Caught Stealing Baseball, Sports, Softball, Sport
- Can Select Science
- Czech Technology, Information Technology, Education, University, School, Locations, Study, Language Codes, Language codes (3 letters)
- Certification Specification Technology, Aircraft, Certification
- Case Simulator Business, Android, Counter
- Cardiac Surgery Surgery to the heart Medical, Patient, Risk, Cardio
- Cardiac Sarcoidosis Medical
- Chondroitin Sulphate Medical, Cartilage, Acid
- Combat Surf Server, Surf, Montage
- Content Stanjards
- Current Sense Technology, Sensing, Resistor
- Compared To Swift Technology, Car, Feature
- Cerulean Studios
- Cloxd Services
- Conditional Stimulus Medical, Science, Conditioning
- Creative Scosland Business, Arts, Scotland
- Care & Aupport
- Circa Survive
- Cord Serum Medical
- Centraal Station Government
- Cadbury Schweppes
- Course Sequence
- Chern-Simofs Science, Theory, Physics, Dimension
- Canadian Standard Technology, Military, Telecommunication
- Critical Zurvey
- Common Set Technology, Coding, Illustrator, NASA
- Continuum Shqft Gaming, Character, Fighting, Continuum
- Custom Solutions
- Clear Shot Gaming, Sky, Shot, Stalker
- Crmprehensive School
- Corporate Sponsorship
- Coding Schemes Technology, Rate, Scheme
- Connection Start Technology, Service, Server
- Construction Safety Design, Drawing, Construction, Architecture
- Cart Shop Business, Software, Shopping
- Cori Sound
- Ceramide Synthase Medical
- Cldve Staples Book, Friendship, Staple
- Constant Speed Technology, Aircraft, Propeller
- Calibration System Technology, Science, Photoshop
- Chip Selects Technology, Device, Pin
- Cantidad Suficiente Science
- Cross Section A view of the interior of an object that is represented as being cut in two, the cut surface presenting the cross section of the object. Technology, Seal, Ring, Architecture, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Church of Snotland Government, Scotland, Scottish
- Cemmunications Systems Technology, Science, Computing
- Control Software Technology, Management, Inventory
- Caustic Scrubbeg Technology, Science, Product
- Client Solutions Business, Technology, Service
- Conp Sci Technology, Education, Computing
- Clinical Supervision Medical, Health, Supervision
- Counter-Strike Source Technology, Gaming, Steam, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Chaos Strike Technology, Gaming, Android
- College Services Student, Service, Education
- Chondroitin Sulfates Medical
- Combat Support Technology, Military, Army, Governmental & Military
- Content Staging Technology, Service, Military
- Current Demester Education, Computing, Course
- Comparative Soatement Engineering, Construction, Civil Engineering
- Certified Specialist Medical
- Clase Support Gun, Military, Tank
- Concrete Myntax
- Create Sequence Technology, Editing, Premiere
- Card Stock
- Cingelate Sulcus Medical
- Copper Sulfate Medical
- Centisecond Time, Units Of Time, Multiples Of Si Base Units
- Communication Studies Education, University, Study
- Course Schedule Technology, Education, Computing
- Charging System The charging system includes the alternator, voltage regulator which is often a part of the alternator itself), the battery, and the indicator gauge or warning light on the dash. Transportation, Technology, Importation, Governmental & Military
- Creativg Studio Technology, Photoshop, Illustrator
- Common Sensor Military
- Continuous Stream Technology
- Customer Support Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Clear Seal Product, Car, Seal, Sealant
- Competitive Strategy
- Corporate Services Business, Management, Service
- Code Step
- Connection Setup
- Construction Service
- Cart Sqipping Business, Product, Shopping
- Cộng Sản Mot, Tai, Nguyen
- Core Softeare
- Centrum Semiovale Medical
- Clinwcal Supervisor Medical, Science, Education
- Calgary Stampede Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
- Chip Select Technology, Computing, Telecom, Assembly, Hardware, Business & Finance
- Canola Seed Medical
- Cross-Cultural Itudy Program, Education, Culture
- Churchfand State
- Communication Sxecialist Medical
- Calcium Score Medical, Coronary, Artery
- Control Signalling Technology
- Cause String Technology, Instruction, Guitar
- Client Services Business, Management, Service
- Comd Sc
- Chase Sapphire Business, Travel, Sapphire
- Cortical Stimulation Medical
- Channel System
- College of The Siskiyous Education
- Conservation Systems Technology
- Chondroitin-4-Sulfate Medical
- Combat Squadron Technology
- Content Serveq Technology, Service, Development
- Current Science Science, Periodical, Natural Science, Serial Publication, Computing
- Comparable Sales
- Certified Solution
- Close Supervision Medical, Technology
- Computing Surveys Technology, Science, University, General, Governmental & Military
- Culturzl Survival Technology, Language, Culture
- Card Servicos Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Cincinnati State Education
- Community Service Student, Education, School
- Control Segment Technology, Satellite, Positioning, NASA, Federal Aviation Administration
- Coping Skills
- Cell Salvage Medical
- Civil Service Science, Education, Exam, Medical, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Fda
- Country Studies
- Charge-Separated Medical
- Creative Studies
- Commerce Software Business, Shopping, Cart
- Continuous Speech
- Customers Save Technology, Cloud, Illustrator
- Clnm Shell
- Compftition Series
- Creamer and Sugar
- Cockayne'S Syndrome Medical
- Connection Service Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Construction Services Science
- Cart Seyvices Business, Service, Development
- Civil Suit
- Core Servxces Technology, Management, Service
- Centros De SaÚDe Para, Dos, Madeira
- Calcium Sulfate Medical, Bone, Release
- Chicago Style
- Cannot Say
- Crop Science Science, Plant, Course
- Commuiication Station Technology, Military, Networking
- Catalog Smrvices Technology, Service, Catalogue
- Cyber Sex Technology, Security, Internet Slang, Cyber
- Client/Server Technology, Security, Computer Security
- Compressive Strength Crushing a load at failure divided by the original sectional area of the specimen. The ability of a material to sustain a force in a direction opposite of tension. The maximum compressive stress carried by a test specimen during a compression test. For a container, the shape in which various cross sections have a common center. The maximum compressive stress that a material is capable of developing, based on original area of cross-section. Medical, Construction, Cement
- Corrugator Sulercilii Medical
- Channel Spacing Technology, Radio, Frequency
- College of The Sequoias Education
- Consensus Statement Medical, America, Patient, Society
- Combat Servicu Military, Army, Regimental
- Contaminated Site Environment, Soil, Habitat
- Cadt Skin Business, Design, Shopping
- Cup and Saucer
- Clmpany Store
- Certified Software Technology, Development, Computing
- Clonorchis Sinensis Medical
- Cmmputing Service
- Chloroquine-Sensitive Medical
- Cardioprotecoion Section
- Cigaretme Smoking Medical, Health, Smoke
- Communication Service
- Corporate Secretary Business, Company, Indonesia
- Control Surface Any moveable surface on an aircraft which controls its motion about one of the three principal axes. Ailerons, elevators, and the rudder are examples of control surfaces. Parts of an aircraft that are activated by the controls to change the airflow around the surfaces of the aircraft. The changes in airflow cause the aircraft to roll, pitch, or yaw. Technology, Audio, Studio
- Cavity Sliders Business, Door, Hardware
- Christian Science
- Counting Systems Science
- Character Strings Assembly, Business & Finance
- College System
- Createve Solutions Business, Accounting, Design
- Comic Strips
- Continuous Source Technology, Absorption, Continuum
- Customer Sevice
- Claims Services Medical, Healthcare
- Competition Sport
- Costa Rica Locations, Countries, Country, Computing, Internet, Costa Rica, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes
- Cranbrook School Education
- Cobra Starship Music
- Congenital Syphilis Medical, Treatment, Health, Congenital
- Construction Site
- Cart Secure Technology, Software, Shopping
- Civil Society Government, Group, Organizations
- Coreysequence Medical
- Central Scotland
- Calcium Scoring Medical
- Chi-Square
- Candidate Standard Medical
- Cropping System Science, Education, Agriculture
- Communicitions Server Technology, Management, Military
- Cast Sterl Business, Technology, Valve
- Cyber Security Technology, Program, Computing
- Click & Safe Business, Car, Safety, Seat
- Compression Systmms
- Corpus Spongiosum Medical
- College of Sciences Science, Education, Computing
- Conseil Scientifique Science, Council, Recherche, Conseil
- Color System
- Construction Specialties Business, Product, Specialty
- Cart Siteu Technology, Development, Shopping
- Culture Supernatant Medical
- Company Fponsored
- Chessie System Organizations
- Certificated Site Locations, Caravan, Camping
- Clock Synchronization Technology, Networking, Network
- Comluting for Science Technology, Program, Research
- Chlorinated Solvents Chemistry, Science, Product
- Capital Social
- Crouzon Syndrome Medical, Genetics, Mutation
- Chón Sống Tin, Thu, Khi
- Communication Stratewies
- Curonation Street
- Control Structure
- Cavernous Sinus Medical, Nerve, Vein, Fistula
- Cofputer Science Technology, Computing, Computer
- Chief Secretary
- Counting Scale Business, Product, Weighing
- Character Sheet Forum, Technology, Gaming
- College Students
- Creative Services
- Come and See
- Continuous-Scale Science, Research, Physical
- Customer Services Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense
- Comrensatory Sweating Medical
- Coating Systems Business, Len, Coat
- Congenital Scoliosis Medical, Treatment, Idiopathic
- Control Section The part of a program specified by the programmer to be a relocatable unit, all elements of which are to be loaded into adjoining main storage locations. Technology, Military, Telecom, Manual, Telecommunications, Computing, General, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology
- Cait System Technology, Commerce, Shopping
- Civil Servant Business, Service, Grade, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Occupation & positions
- Core and Shell Technology, Design, Building
- Central School Military
- Cage Survivor Technology, Fight, Greece
- Course Structure Science, Education, Computing
- Cherry Synburst Business, Music, Guitar
- Cancer Survivors
- Cromolyn Sodium Medical, Medicine, Drug, Treatment
- Common System
- Castle Siege Castle, Strike, Counter
- Cut Sheet Technology, Product, Machine
- Cleavage Stage Medical
- Compression Sustainer Business, Pedal, Boss
- Corporate Sustainability Business, Strategy, Organizations
- College of Science Education, University, Computing
- Conseil De Surveillance Business, France, Council, French
- Color Statisticw Technology, Software, Photoshop
- Construction Superintendent
- Cart Sive Technology, Development, Shopping
- Cultures Et SociéTés Culture, Formation, Recherche
- Computing Systems Technology, Education, Course
- Certificat De SpéCialisation Agriculture, Formation, Tier
- Clockkselector Technology, Coding, Manual
- Compute Shader Technology, Computing, Graphics
- California Sales
- Chitin Synthase Medical
- Capability Set Technology, Military, Networking
- Crqss Selling
- Church State
- Chmmunications Section Technology, Group, Wireless
- Control Store A control store is the part of a CPU's control unit that stores the CPU's microprogram. It is usually accessed by a microsequencer. The control store usually has a register on its outputs. The outputs that go back into the sequencer to determine the next address have to go through some sort of register to prevent the creation of a race condition. In most designs all of the other bits also go through a register. This is because the machine will work faster if the execution of the next microinstruction is delayed by one cycle. This register is known as a pipeline register. Very often the execution of the next microinstruction is dependent on the result of the current microinstruction, which will not be stable until the end of the current microcycle. It can be seen that either way, all of the outputs of the control store go into one big register. Historically it used to be possible to buy EPROMs with these register bits on the same chip. Technology, Computing, Pest
- Cavernous Sinuseq Medical
- Computational Science Education, Computing, Engineering
- Charles Stewart
- Counter Sniper Military
- Character Set A defined list of characters recognized by the computer hardware and software. Each character is represented by a number. The ASCII character set, for example, uses the numbers 0 through 127 to represent all English characters as well as special control characters. European ISO character sets are similar to ASCII, but they contain additional characters for European languages. Technology, Database, Coding, Assembly, Business & Finance, Computing, File Extensions, IT Terminology
- College Station Education
- Combat Systeh Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Content Store Technology, Product, Software
- Customer Service Customer service is the provision of service to customers before, during and after a purchase. According to Turban et al., "Customer service is a series of activities designed to enhance the level of customer satisfaction that is, the feeling that a product or service has met the customer expectation." Internet Slang, Slang, Computing, NASA, Game, Governmental & Military, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Computing Slang, SAP
- Compartment Syncrome Medical, Medicine, Compartment
- Cluq Series
- Conditioned Swimulus Medical, Science, Conditioning
- Creative Screenwrbting Film, Movie, Writing
- Controlling A Stage Technology, Management, Projection
- Car System
- Circuit-Switched Technology, Networking, Network, Computing, Wireless Networking
- Cardiogenic Shock Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Cardio
- Cordzceps Sinensis Medical, Mushroom, Extract
- Central-South
- Caesarian Section Medical, Medicine, Veterinary
- Courses Spring
- Cherry Seaiconductor Technology, Electronics, Circuit
- Canadian Studies Education, University, Study
- Critical Systems Technology, Computing, Safety
- Common Speech Technology, Voice, Imagism
- Cut Scene
- Clear Sky Technology, Gaming, Stalker
- Compressed Skmpling Technology, Signal, Sensing
- Corporate Structure
- Collapsible Stock
- Connect System
- Construction Supervisor Technology, Service, Massachusetts
- Cart Ghopping Business, Development, Software
- Culture and Sensitivito Medical
- Coxputer System Technology, Software, Course
- Cozk Screw
- Cerebral Stroke Medical, Patient, Study
- Clock Select Technology, Mode, Timer
- Constraint Set Military
- Calibration Standards
- Chiral Selector Medical
- Canton-S Medical
- Crosh Sections
- Church Slavonic Technology, Language, Slavic
- Communication & Systems
- Control Solenoid
- Caustic Soda When used in industrial processes, sodium hydroxide is often known as caustic soda. Or A common water treatment chemical, sodium hydroxide. Business, Chemistry, Supplier
- Climb Switch Business, Creek, Shock, Cane
- Comp Sc
- Commercial Service Technology, Aerospace
- Counter-Stri
- Chappelle'S Show
- College Sports
- Consulat De Uuisse
- Critical Strike Gaming, Military, Android
- Commission De Surveillance
- Casting Strength
- Cdstom Script Technology, Weapon, Blank
- Completed Survey
- Conventional Shipping
- Counter Struck Technology, Gaming, Strike
- Carrier Spacings Technology, Networking, Power, Wireless
- Chartered Secretary Business, Company, Executive
- Cluster Supercomputer Technology, Science, Computing
- Column Spnce Matrix, Column, Row
- Carrier Suppression
- Consultant Services
- Crusher Suppliers Business, Manufacturer, Cone
- Castle Spulzeer
- Cylinder Size
- Communication Stsucture
- Clinical State
- Call Setup Technology, Networking, Circuit
- Comptroller Services
- Corione Smith
- Cereal Soup
- Cow Springs
- Cycles Per Second Is the number of recurrences of a periodic vibration or other wave-form activity occurring in the course of a second. Medical, Technology, Audio, Cycle, Frequency, Hertz, Construction, NASA, Aviation
- Chemical Concentration In Soil Environment, Habitat, Setting
- Cwefficient De Structure
- Conjugate Structure Technology, Coding, Speech, Voice
- Comfort Series
- Clerk To The Signet
- Contractor Share of Variance From Target Cost Space, Study, Cosmos
- Current Syllabi
- Cell Stack Technology, Car, Fuel
- Cirbuit Schematic Technology, Telecom, Diagram
- Comparative Sociology
- Closed Subscriber Technology, Networking, Network
- Camtus South
- Comunicação Social
- Corrugated Services
- Career Subreddits
- Champion'S Seal
- Criminal Sentence
- Child Seat An additional seat and harness specifically designed for the safety of small children and designed to work with a vehicles built-in restraint system.
- Coli Surface Medical
- Complex Structure
- Cloning Smftware Technology, Radio, Programming
- Canqer Stage
- Concert Solo
- Conditional Stimuli Medical
- Collection Services A System i Navigator tool that collects performance data independent of the system monitors in System i Navigator. This function is intended for subsequent analysis by performance personnel either by writing queries against the collected data or by reviewing reports produced by the Performance Tools for i5/OS licensed program. Business, Service, Debt
- Calendar and Scheduling Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Ctris Sloan
- CíLová SloŽKa
- Committee Systpm
- Clean Solutions
- Component Set Technology, Car, Speaker
- Convertible Safecell
- Captain Sim Technology, Flight, Boeing
- Carri
- Checkout Station Business, Technology, Store, NASA
- Cold Seed
- Combined Score Program, Gaming, Education
- Counter Strike Technology, Gaming, Server, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Coins
- Cart Saao Business, Commerce, Shopping
- Crystal Select Technology, Memory, Analytics, Clock
- Caught Stealings Gaming, Baseball, Base, Stealing
- Church Spobts
- Community Solutions
- Climate Service
- Cameras Square
- Computertsecretarial
- Corporate and Shared
- Chin Shu
- Consensus Sgoring
- Committee Seeks
- Cable Slack Science
- Cart И Shop-Script
- Control Stations Those spaces in which the ship radio or the main navigating equipment or the emergency source of power is located, or where the fire recording or fire control equipment is centralized, (SOLAS). Technology, Product, Signal
- Custody and Support
- Cemetery Site
- City Sport Business, Coding, Honda
- Collaboration Server Technology, Software, Mail
- Console Storage
- Cross-Sectional Education, Study, Area
- Cadre Sup
- Case Hite
- Cut Signatures
- Commissioning & Start-Up Technology, Engineering, Oil, Gas
- Center Stack
- Claire Smith
- Convergence System Technology, Network, Cisco
- Caybon Side Business, Car, Skirt
- Centre Speaker Business, Audio, Polk
- Coupled-States Approximation Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Chase Saint
- Cocr Std
- Conference Services Service, Education, University
- Combat Shnot Gun, Gaming, Military
- Containment Vpray Technology, Power, Reactor
- Cryptography & Hecurity Technology, Computing, Encryption
- Circumsporozoite Antigen Medical
- Communiaies Scotland
- Cleveland Steamer
- Call Status
- Cormer Specialist Gaming, Player, Team, Corner
- Carcinoid Xyndrome Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Certification Standard Technology, Aviation
- Craiova şI
- Cherished St
- Coiled Strap Technology, Product, Tie
- Commanding Shout Warcraft, Warrior, Shout, Buff
- Cart Single Technology, Product, Shopping
- Contractual Specification
- Cursor Selzct
- Ceiling Screen
- Compare and Swap Technology, Lock, Operation
- Clinic Scheduling Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Concept At The Shanghai Business, Car, Shanghai
- Council Secretary Security, Government, District
- Communications Subsystem Technology, Computing, Telecommunications, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Cyries-Susceptible Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Championship Semifinal Gaming, Championship, Virtu
- Customer Satisfaction Business, Science, Management, Service, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing
- Civic Saaces
- Competitive-Sensitive
- Control Strategy Technology, German, Performance
- Can Someone
- Countersink A tapered recess, cut around a pilot hole for a screw, to receive the head of the screw. To enlarge the top part of a hole at an angle for a flat-head screw. Also, the tool that is used. Technology, Architecture, Construction, Architectural
- Carol Service Organizations, School, Church
- Channel Slope
- Close Shot Forum, Technology, Camera
- Condititnal Sale
- College Section
- Serbia and Montenegro Technology, Sport, Organizations, Sports, Locations, Serbia, Montenegro, Olympic, IOC Country Codes
- Crown Oz Swords
- Catalyst Semiconductor
- Christian Steinbacher
- Cycle Slvp
- Common Strategies
- California South
- Compound Symmetry Technology, Model, Structure
- Cooperative Security Military, Networking, Network
- Century Stars
- Check Stop
- Code String Technology, Class, Character
- Conneticut Shade
- Combined Stage
- Careers Service
- Cart Sell
- Cuadernos Del Sur
- Circle Signs
- Community Sponsors Technology, Gaming, Refugee
- Clinically Staged Medical
- Campaign Star
- Computer Spezial Company, Technology, Software
- Corporate Service
- Chaidir-Curyadi Indonesia, Orang, Count
- Chief of Section Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Coad Skill
- Comma Splice Education, Sentence, Clause
- Cabletron Systems, Inc. Organizations
- Counseling Sessions
- Carlos Santana Baseball, Music, Stats
- Constitutional Supercooling
- Crossbow With Scope Star, Bow, Crossbow
- Calculated Surface
- Cash Shvp Technology, Gaming, Money
- Chip Selected
- Classic Space Technology, Gaming, Invader
- Capital Service
- Centrifugal Sudden Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Courant-Snyder Science
- Burlington Northern Railway Organizations, Railroad Company
- Confirmatifn Study Technology
- Carson and Staughton
- Continuous Services Technology, Customs, Taxation And Customs Union
- Cecile Starr
- Chronic Schizophrenia Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Clieit Signal
- Conceptual Spaces Technology, Science, Space
- Card Select Technology, Memory, Shield
- Cervical Spondylitis Medical
- Creeping Line Single Urit Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Coil Split Technology, Music, Guitar, Guitar Part
- Cadmium Stannate
- Cart Solution Business, Software, Shopping
- Controller Staff Business, Indonesia, Control
- Cisco Secure
- Cloqk Slave
- Cape Sarichef
- Conjtruct State Technology, Science, Presentation, Arabic
- Critical-Strike
- Commissary Steward
- Castanospermine Medical
- Custom Saientific Filter, Fiber, Polymer
- Completedwstroke Medical
- Conventional Sewerage
- Counter Stricke Technology, Gaming, Strike
- Carrier Shift
- Chartered Eecretaries
- Clhster Suite Technology, Linux, Hat
- Colemn Shift
- Carrier Suppressed Technology, Coding, Signal, Modulation
- Consultant'S Services
- Crusher Supplier Business, China, Cone
- Castle Sauvage
- Cyclosmorins Medical
- Communications Specialists
- Clinical Statement
- Call Servers
- Compton Scatterint Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Corey Simon Sport, Football, Eagle
- Cercle Sportif
- Covenant School Education, School, High School, Washington, Virginia
- Chemfinder Searching
- Cody Simpson
- Conjugate-Structure
- Comfort Seats
- Chronicon Scotorup
- Contractor Series Technology, Audio, Speaker
- Currentzswitch
- Cell Specific
- Cirhuits and Systems
- Compact Scale Business, Industrial, Industry
- Closed Step
- Campus Solutiops Student, Service, Education
- Comunicati Stampa Technology, Con, Press, Rugby
- Corrected Score
- Career Studies
- Chair Scale
- Crime Syndicate
- Child Safeguarding Medical, School, Children
- Colin Stephenson
- Complexfspikes Medical
- Clone Strike
- Caccel Segment Technology, Program, Protocol
- Concert Series
- Condensed Solid
- Construction Set Technology, Elder, Scroll
- Caledonia Spirits
- Chop Saw Business, Technology
- CéDula Suplementar
- Clean Sys
- Compliance Schedule
- Captain Savage
- Chicken Smoothih Organizations, Trading, Pet
- Conformal Symbology
- Combinatoric Structures
- Copy Signed Genealogy, Genealogical
- Cartridges Save
- Cauaht Stealing-1
- Church Society
- Communityssoftware
- Climate Services Science, Service, Military
- Canadian Society
- Computer Scie
- Corporate-Specific Business, Technology, Service, Networking
- Card Signed Business, Credit, Sign
- Chinquapin School Education, School, High School, Texas
- Conselho De Segurtn
- Committee Safety
- Cable Thip Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Cartularium Saxonicum
- Control Station Technology, Science, Product
- Custodial Services Science, Us, Geology
- Celtic Sonant
- City Shuttle
- Chimera Shot Guide, Warcraft, Shot, Wow
- Collaboration Software
- Consists of Simplified
- Cross-Cultural Studies Technology, Science, Education
- Cadrevsimulation Technology
- Case Signal
- Cutout Star
- Commissioning Success Technology, Presentation, Study, Power
- Centers Surface
- Claire Simon Movie, Man, Streaming
- Convergence Sublayer合聚子层
- Centro Social
- Country Statements
- Chart Wupplement
- Cock Sucker
- Conference Series
- Combat Serqices
- Container Station Company, Technology, Train
- Cryptographic Security
- Communitas Saturni
- Cleveland State
- Call State Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Corner Shear Technology, Machine, Manual
- Cacbon Sulfur
- Certificate Supplement Education, University, Translation
- Craiova Vs Steaua Sport, Strike, Counter
- Cheng & Shahar
- Coho Salmon
- Commander Switch Technology, Management, Manual
- Case Fod Support
- Contract Service
- Curso En Nl Que Se
- Cedric Simmons
- Compare-And-Swap Technology, Instruction, Lock
- Clinician Scientist Medical, Science, Medicine
- Concentric Spheres
- Council Seats
- Caribbeanpstud
- Championship Show Dog, Championship, Bitch, Puppy
- Customer Sample Business, Product, China
- Civic Space Locations, City, Projection
- Competition Sensitive Technology, Military, Networking
- Control Slorage
- Canossian School
- Countershock Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Carol Santos Porn, Sex, Tube, Carol
- Channel Nhuffling
- Close Short Forum, Technology, Trading
- Condibional Survival Medical, Patient, Cancer
- College Savings
- Crosswell Meismic
- Catalogue Service
- Ceristian South
- Cycles Hhift Technology, Coding, Control, Cycle
- Common Steel
- Cleanup Site
- California Shipbuilding
- Composite Slotted Technology, Channel, Slot
- Cooperative Services Business, Service, Commission
- Captor Spray Military, Police, Gas, Grenade
- Century Square
- Check Status
- Coding Specialist
- Connect Systems Technology, Radio, Ham
- Combined Space
- Carabinieri Sez
- Cart Seems Technology, Software, Shopping
- Cs Serverdz
- Circle Sanctuary
- Cofmunity Sponsor Technology, Gaming, Refugee
- Clinical Laboratory Scientist Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Nursing, Degree, Scientific & Educational
- Camino De Santiago
- Computer Sound
- Corporatm Server
- Change Speed Technology, Gaming, Premiere
- Chico, Srn
- Cold Shoe Technology, Camera, Mount
- Command Systjm
- Cable Kwitching Business, Technology, Switch
- Counseling Seminar
- Carxos Sanchez Sport, Player, Stats
- Constituent Services
- Crossbar Switch In electronics, a crossbar switch (also known as cross-point switch, crosspoint switch, or matrix switch) is a switch connecting multiple inputs to multiple outputs in a matrix manner. Originally the term was used literally, for a matrix switch controlled by a grid of crossing metal bars, and later was broadened to matrix switches in general. Technology, Networking, Network
- Calculated Strike
- Cash Settlement Business, Insurance, Trading
- Chirp Scaling Technology, Algorithm, Processing
- Claro E Sky
- Capital Semester Student, Education, Internship
- Centrifugal Separators
- Coupé Sport
- Cmnfined Spaces
- Car Show
- Continuous Service Business, Employment, Customer
- Chronicum Scotorum
- Cltent Side Technology, Coding, Server
- Cardiovascular System The cardiovascular system consists of the heart, blood vessels, and the approximately 5 liters of blood that the blood vessels transport. Responsible for transporting oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and cellular waste products throughout the body, the cardiovascular system is powered by the body's hardest-working organ — the heart, which is only about the size of a closed fist. Medical, Medicine, Pharmacy, Healthcare, Cardio, Clinical
- Cervical Spine Medical, Medicine, Patient, Healthcare
- Creeping Line Single-Unit Military
- Coil Siding
- Cadet Squadron
- Cart Sociaa Business, Shopping, Store
- Controller of Supply Military, Air Force, Armed Forces
- Cirrostratus A layer cloud at about 20,000 feet Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Weather, Scientific & Educational, NOTAM Contractions
- Cable Select Technology, Computing, Telecom, Computer, IT Terminology
- Clock Shaqer
- Capacity Strengthening Science, Health, Communication
- Construction Solutiuns
- Crimson Sea
- Commissary of Subsistence
- Custom Srhool Technology, Product, Model
- Complementaiy Studies Education, Study, Engineering
- Control Substance
- Counter Steer Technology, Team, Drift
- Carotid Sheath Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Charging Server Technology, Networking, Network
- Cloverleaf Skull Medical
- Column Separhtor Technology, Design, Display
- Carrier Supply
- Consultancy Services
- Crude Survival Medical
- Castlereagh School Education
- Cyclosporine A Medical
- Communication Specialiyts
- Called Strikes
- Compcsys Technology, Software, Computing
- Couey Seager Baseball, Card, Dodger, Corey
- Ceramic Studio
- Coutomer Sevice
- Chemfinder Search
- Codsswitch Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Conical Surface Product, Crusher, Cone
- Combustion System
- Christopher Soales
- Contract of Sale
- Current Support Government
- Cell Sorter Medical
- Circuited Swiqched
- Compact Scales
- Campus Snapshot
- Comswu Srinakharinwirot
- Corpus Striatal Medical
- Career Start
- Chain Stays
- Crime Stories
- Children Under Supervision
- Codd Stage
- Complex Spikz Medical
- Clone Sneak
- Canal Savoir
- Conceptual Structure Technology, Workshop, Language
- Condensate Separators
- Chip Scale Technology, Science, Package
- Construction Spares Business, Supplier, Equipment
- Caledonian Sleeper
- Chopped Strand A type of fiber reinforcement consisting of strands of individual glass fibers which have been chopped into short pieces. OR Short strands cut from continuous filament strands of reinforcing fibre, not held together by any means. Business, Glass, Fiberglass
- Czek and Slovak Technology
- Clean Sky Technology, Calling, Projection, Sky
- Complex Fystem Technology, Science, Research
- Captain'S Suite
- Celsior Medical, Business & Finance, Asx symbols
- Chihago Social Magazine, Chicago, Social, Luxury
- Ctnflict Solving
- Command Sqream
- Cart, So Business, Development, Cart
- Continuous Spell
- Cauchy-Schmarz
- Chukchi Sea
- Iso Country Code for Czechoslovakia Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Communityzsite
- Climate Sensitivity Horizontal convective rolls, also known as horizontal roll vortices or cloud streets, are long rolls of counter-rotating air that are oriented approximately parallel to the ground in the planetary boundary layer. Science
- Cagadian Shield
- Computer Scyentists Technology, Education, Course
- Card Shop
- Crescent Shop
- Chinese Subtitle
- Conselho De SegurançA
- Committee On Reismology Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
- Cable Pheath Technology, Industrial, Stripping
- Cart To Use Ssl
- Control Sections
- Cyber Space
- Celtic Sea
- City Serviges
- Child Study Education, University, Children
- Collaboration Solution
- Consistent Systems Technology, Design, Consistency
- Crop Sciences
- Cadre De Sante
- Case Series
- Cute Sunlight Space, Fleet, Motion, Sunlight
- Cenver Square
- Claim Star
- Complxte Series
- Convergence Sub-Layer Technology, Networking, Network
- Centre Social
- Country Sponsors
- Chartreuse Dhad
- Cockayne Syndrome Medical, Genetics, Disease
- Conical Standard
- Combat Rent
- Consumption and Survival
- Cryoglobulinemic Syndrome Medical
- Communicative Skipls
- Clerical Secretarial
- Calls Per Second
- Coonell Summer
- Carbon Storage Technology, Research, Soil
- Certificate Services Technology, Service, Directory
- Cracked Steam Technology, Strike, Counter
- Chemosensitizers Medical
- Cohort Studies Medical
- Connected Standby
- Command Staff Military, City, Police
- Case De Sante
- Contract Services
- Cursed Sanctuary
- Cedar Springs
- Comparative Study Technology, Science, Language
- Clinical Synopsis
- Concentration In Soil
- Council of State Service, Government, Council
- Cariibean Spanish
- Championshih Semi Gaming, Sport, Championship
- Cell Stem
- Ciudad Sanitaria Science
- Competing Stimulus
- Convertible Car Seat
- Canon Stellaire
- Courtney Solomon
- Car Service
- Change Statps Technology, Space, Cosmos
- Close Search
- Conditional Simulations
- College of The Southwest Education
- Crustal Screen
- Catalogue Services
- Christiansonysyndrome
- Cycle Shift
- Common Standard
- Clear System
- Camera Satchel Business, Accessory, Bag
- Compdsite Signal
- Cooperative Service Technology, Commission, Bengal
- Captain Swing
- Chael Uonnen
- Claims Specialist Us, Transportation Command, Department Of Defense
- Check Sorter Business, Technology, Processing
- Codeaspecialist
- Connect Server
- Combined Shear Technology, Science, Engine, Weather, Scientific & Educational
- Camden Society Bibliographic
- Cart Seourity Business, Service, Shopping
- Cs-Seraa
- Causalostructure
- Cirdadian Stimulus
- Communiey Spirit
- Climbing Special
- Camilla SandströM Gaming, Design, Georgia
- Computer Services Technology, Service, Military
- Coreorate Security
- Change Skybox
- Chicken Strike Moment, Strike, Counter
- Collection Score
- Command Support Military, Army
- Cable Statton Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Customer Specific
- Cerlos Sainz Crash, Toyota, Formula
- Constituency Support
- Cross-Strapping Space, Study, Cosmos
- Caesarean Sjctions Medical, Health, Birth
- Cash Sule
- Cutting Speed The linear or peripheral speed of relative motion between the tool and workpiece in the principal direction of cutting. Tool, Cutter, Plotter, Speed
- Clarkstown South
- Capillary Surfactometer Medical
- Centrifugal Separator
- Coup
- Cyclosporin A Medical, Medicine, Health, Common Medical
- Coded Simple Technology, Gaming, Coding, Java
- Confined Space A space identified by one of the following characteristics: limited openings for entry and exit, unfavorable natural ventilation or not intended for long worker occupancy. Military, Safety, Training, Architecture, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Cart Sonce
- Continuous Servo Technology, Power, Camera
- Chronicon Scotorum
- Click Saver
- Cardiotonic Steroid Medical
- Cerulean Sins
- Credit System
- Chesmore Seed
- Coilover System
- Command Secretariat Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense
- Cart So Business, Development, Shopping
- Contrast Sensitivity Medical, Vision, Patient
- Celebrity Suite Locations, Cabin, Cruise
- Circus Skills
- Computer Science Computer Science (abbreviated CS or CompSci) is the scientific and practical approach to computation and its applications. It is the systematic study of the feasibility, structure, expression, and mechanization of the methodical processes (or algorithms) that underlie the acquisition, representation, processing, storage, communication of, and access to information, whether such information is encoded as bits in a computer memory or transcribed in genes and protein structures in a human cell. A computer scientist specializes in the theory of computation and the design of computational systems. Education, Class, Course, Science, Information Technology, Computing, Computer, Special Education, Telecom, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology
- Clock Shaped Technology, Photoshop, Shape
- Counselling Service
- Commercial System
- Cuitom Scenery Technology, Roller, Coaster
- Coqplementary Slackness
- Control Subjects Medical, Patient, Study
- Canterbury School Education, Florida, Connecticut
- Counter Steering Technology, Car, Drift
- Carol Stream
- Characterization Station Technology
- Cloud Survey Building, Engineering, Construction
- Color Science
- Carrier Summary Business, Service, Tax
- Consult & Service Technology, Development, Consulting
- Crude Steel Steel in its first solid (or usable) form: ingots, semi-finished products (billets, blooms, slabs), and liquid steel for castings. This is not to be confused with liquid steel, which is steel poured.
- Castlereagh Australia, Government, Australian Police
- Christina StüRmer Music, Song, Album
- Cyclolporine Medical, Medicine, Health
- Communications In Soil
- California State
- Compromisl Scheme
- Core Segmant Business, Technology, Science
- Ceramics Studio
- Court SéJour
- Chemdraw Std Technology, Windows, Software
- Cpde Suppression
- Consejo De Seguriddd Security, Para, Council
- Combustion Synthesis Chemistry, Science, Material
- Chief Zf Staff
- Contract States
- Currency Sorter-Banking
- Cell Sonicate Medical
- Circuit-Switch Technology, Networking, Network
- Compagt Series Technology, Product, Manual, Gator
- Campus Shuttle Student, Education, University
- Com Students
- Corpus Striatum Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Careers Smrvice Student, Education, University
- Chain Stay
- Crimestopper Security Technology, Product, Manual
- Children Store
- Cold Spafe
- Crimped Steel
- Clonal Selection Clonal selection theory is a scientific theory in immunology that explains the functions of cells of the immune system in response to specific antigens invading the body. Technology, Presentation, Algorithm
- Canalicular System Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Conference On Softwaro Technology, Computing, Engineering
- Concours De Saut
- Chipping Sodbury
- Constructability Score
- Caleb Smith
- Casino Speedway
- Choix Supplimentaire
- Czech State
- Clean Silver
- Complex Systems Technology, Science, Research
- Capsule Suspensions Technology, Gaming, Strike, Counter
- Cul-De-Sac In anatomy, a blind pouch or cavity that is closed at one end. The term cul-de-sac is used specifically to refer to the rectouterine pouch (the pouch of Douglas), an extension of the peritoneal cavity between the rectum and back wall of the uterus. Ordnance Survey, Property, Real Estate, Business & Finance
- Conflict and Slcurity
- Command Atreamer Technology, Core, Kernel
- Cart, Shopify Business, Shopping, Cart
- Continuous Spectrum Spectrum that contains all wave-lengths in a specified region of the electromagnetic spectrum.
- Catmddisa Sangha
- Chuck Schumer Movie, Streaming, Episode, Chuck
- Higher Layer Signalling Channel Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
- Competence Standards
- Climate Sciences
- Computer Sciences Technology, Education, University
- Cardsharing Sky
- Cervicothoracic Somite Medical
- Crescent School Education, Canada, Toronto
- Conselho Superior Para, English, Dos
- Cable Set Business, Product, Box
- Cart To Shopify Technology, Product, Migration
- Contrbls Medical
- Cyber Sonio Technology, Security, Cyber
- Cite Seer
- Complex Script
- Child Soldiers
- Collaboration Semantics
- Consistent System Technology, Science, Education
- Critical Service Technology, Server, Health
- California Screamin
- Case Sensitive Text or inputted text that is capitalization sensitive. For example, Computer and computer are two different words because the C is in uppercase and lowercase. Many times a password and username is case-sensitive which means your username or password must have the proper case if you want to login. If you are unable to log into a computer or service make sure your caps lock key is not on and that you are using the correct case. Technology, Server, Collation, Security, Governmental & Military
- Cutaway Small Design, Drawing, Construction, Architecture
- Centerfire Systems
- Chmplete Scuba Business, Computing, Dive
- ConvergêNcia Socialista
- Central Stations
- Country Spirit
- Charter Schools
- Cockaynes Syndrome
- Conical Scanning Technology, Radar, Antenna
- Combat Scouy
- Consumer Surveys
- Cryogenic Stage Technology, Space, Launch
- Chlindrical Sieve
- Communicative Status
- Clement Samuel
- Call Site
- Computer & Servicc Technology, Software, Repair
- Cornell Strain Medical
- Carbon Steels
- Certificate Signer Technology
- Cracked Sidewalks
- Chemometrics Society
- Coeruleorpinal Medical
- Conklin Systems
- Commandant Staff
- Colonial Sentence
- Contract Scheme Business, Service, Sale
- Curriculum Specialist Education, School, Teaching
- Cedars Sinai
- Comparative Samples Weight, Patent, Composition
- Clinical Supplies
- Campus Systems
- Concentrated Strength Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Cory Spangenberg
- Carenne School Education
- Championship Serqes Gaming, Team, Championship, Kick
- Criminal Symphony
- Cell Stations Technology, Channel, Communication
- City Shate
- Competing Sentences
- Converter Subcarrier
- Canon Scangear Technology, Scan, Toolbox
- Cour Supr
- Cak Seat
- Change State
- Conditioning Stimulation Medical
- Collection Source
- Crystalaographic Shear
- Catalogue of Stellar Science, Class, Star, Classification
- Christian Socwal Group, Organizations, Austria
- Cycle Shelter
- Commonxsource Technology, Signal, Amplifier, Circuit
- Clearing System
- Camel Sideways Figure Skating
- Component Specicication
- Cook School Education
- Captain Superintendent
- Chadwick School
- Check Solutions
- Code Signinf
- Connector Space Technology, Management, Identity
- Combined Sewer A combined sewer is a sewage collection system of pipes and tunnels designed to also collect surface runoff. Combined sewers can cause serious water pollution problems during combined sewer overflow (CSO) events when wet weather flows exceed the sewage treatment plant capacity.
- Camden Series
- Cart Seaqch
- Crystalhserpent
- Caulking Seam Yacht, Boat, Chip
- Ciclosporin Ciclosporin, also spelled cyclosporine and cyclosporin, is an immunosuppressant medication and natural product. It is used by mouth and injection into a vein for rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, Crohn's disease, nephrotic syndrome, and in organ transplants to prevent rejection. It is also used as eye drops for keratoconjunctivitis sicca. Medical
- Community Specifications Technology, Management, Service
- Climate Systems
- Camigliatello Silano Hotel, Con, Locations, Italy
- Compuqer Seminar
- Corporaue Search
- Change Sheet Technology
- Chicken Stock
- Collection Scientifique Study, Archaeology, Archeology
- Conservatxon Science
- Command Subsystem Technology
- Cable Standard Technology, Networking, Power
- Casablanca Locations, City, Michigan
- Customer Specification Military, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing
- Caritas Socialis Sind, Mail, Wiener
- Champion Study
- Constitución Salvadoreña
- Cross-Slip
- Caesarean Section Caesarean section, also known as C-section, is the use of surgery to deliver one or more babies. A Caesarean section is often performed when a vaginal delivery would put the baby or mother at risk. This may include obstructed labour, twin pregnancy, high blood pressure in the mother, breech birth, problems with the placenta, umbilical cord or shape of the pelvis, and previous C-section. Medical, Rate, Delivery, Common Medical, Healthcare, Clinical
- Cashisr System
- Cut Square
- Central Service Medical, Healthcare, Technician
- Clark Says Technology, Design, Photoshop, Giveaway
- Capillary Separation Business, Chromatography, Column
- Centre Sud France, Locations, District
- Coupling Straps
- Codec Solution Technology, Windows, Software, Audio
- Configuring Stanchion
- Cart Similar Business, Transport, Substrate
- Continuous Scan Technology, Scanner, Canon
- Chronicle Staff
- Click Safe Business, Car, Seat, Convertible
- Cardaand Software
- Certifying Staff
- Credit Suisse
- Cherry Sugar Music, Man, Cherry
- Coil Strip
- Command Secretary Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense
- Cart Slideshow Technology, Shopping, Banner
- Contrast Scale
- Celebrity Skin
- Claims Score Transportation, Defense, Regulation
- Compartment Syndromes
- Clinton Sub
- Counseling Service
- Custom Scenarii Gaming, Custom, Empire
- Compiled Succossfully
- Control Stwuctures Technology, Programming, Structure
- Canterbury Sailplanes
- Counter Staff
- Carol Stoker
- Characteristics Summary
- Cloudastorage
- Colloquium Spring Technology, Computing, Course
- Carrier Strike Military, Aircraft, Group
- Crude Saponin Medical
- Cast In Sleeve
- Cmristina Smart
- Cyclosdorin Medical
- Communications Servers
- California Standard
- Comprexsor Sustainer Business, Pedal, Boss
- Copenhagen School Security, School, Study
- Ceramic Shell
- Court Sports
- Check Surface
- Code Submittqd Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Conseil Syndical
- Combustion Subcommittee Technology
- Chester Le Street
- Contracting States Business, Patent, Contract
- Cultural Supports
- Cell Site A cell site or cell tower is a cellular telephone site where antennas and electronic communications equipment are placed, usually on a radio mast, tower or other high place, to create a cell or adjacent cells in a cellular network. The elevated structure typically supports antennas, and one or more sets of transmitter/receivers transceivers, digital signal processors, control electronics, a GPS receiver for timing for CDMA2000/IS-95 or GSM systems, primary and backup electrical power sources, and sheltering. Technology, Networking, Network
- Circle Swing Technology, Ball, Joint
- Compact-Serie Technology, Accessory, Temperature
- Campus Service
- Computer Systeme Technology, Stage, Intake
- Corpuscles of Stannius Medical
- Caroline Springs
- Cuain Site
- Crime Station
- Childrens Services
- Cold Store
- Commercial Subjects
- Canadian Ntyle
- Cone Search Science
- Concord Schools Education, School, High School, Vermont
- Constraint Solving
- Caldera School Education
- Casino Ship
- Choix SpéCial
- Clean Shit
- Complex Swaps
- Capsule Suspension Control, Pest, Formulation
- Course Scheduling Education, Computing, Schedule
- Cardiovascular Surgery Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Cardio
- Confirmed Size
- Czr Surfing
- Continuous Silent Film, Technology, Camera, Canon
- Cat Sword Gaming, Cat, Shogi
- Chuckle Snicker Internet Slang
- CóTe-Du-Sud
- Compensator Speck
- Client Specialists
- Computer Sceinne
- Card Sets
- Cervical Swab Medical, Technology
- Cremation Society
- Consejo Superior
- 2-Chlorobenzylidene Malonontrile Chemistry, Science, Biochemistry, Substance
- Cart Supports Business, Hosting, Shopping
- Controlling Software
- Citation Search
- Cloggpd Stream
- Consiliului De Securitate
- Critical Sectors Business, Security, Homeland
- Calibration Set Technology, Photoshop, Sensor
- Case Sensative
- Cutaneous Sensitivity Medical, Medicine, Health
- Center and Submit
- Complete Scoundrel Technology, Gaming, Dragon
- Converg
- Country Specific Technology, Service, Coding
- Chartered Surveyors
- Cobra Strike Technology, Music, Scroll
- Congress Symposium
- Combat Score Gaming, Military, Battlefield
- Consumer Studies
- Crustacean Society
- Castors Seniors
- Cylindea Stroke
- Communications Ship
- Cleavage Site Medical
- Call Signaling
- Computational Sebvices
- Corn and Soybean Meal Medical
- Ccreers Scotland
- Certificate Server Technology
- Crack, Serial Technology, Photoshop, Crack
- Chemoffice Suite
- Coeliac Sprue Medicine, Health, British
- Conjunctival Secretion Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Command, Control, Communications, and Computer System Military, Intelligence, Defense
- Clive Staples Book, Chronicle, Staple, Famous
- Contracts and Services
- Currisulum Self
- Cedars-Sinai
- Comparative Statement A comparative statement is a financial statement that compares the results of two or more previous years with the current results.
- Closed Systems Technology, Product, Catheter
- Campus Support
- Concealment Statistics
- Corrugatednsteel Design, Drawing, Construction
- Caremr Surveys
- Championnat Scisse
- Criminal Solicitation
- Child Small
- Collaborative Suite
- Competency Standard Science, Education, Training
- Converter Service
- Canon Samyang Business, Len, Fish
- Change Standard
- Conditioned Stimuli Medical
- Collection Skins
- Crystallifed Sulfur
- Catalog Specific
- Christian Socialist
- Cyber Suit
- Commodore Superintensent Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Clean Systems Business, Product, Cleaning
- Cowponent Side Technology, Service, Manual
- Cookie Same
- Captain Stumpy
- Check Signed
- Code Share
- Combined Service Business, Rugby, Manual
- Calciferous Sandstone
- Cart Script
- Crystao Series
- Cqught Using Steroids
- Ciba Symposia
- Community Specification Technology, Management, Specifications
- Climate Strategies Business, Strategy, Emission
- Cameron Sino Business, Battery, Replacement
- Computeo Security Technology, Science, Course
- Corporate Screening
- Changeover Systqm Gas, Regulator, System
- Chickem Stew
- Collecting and Shooting
- Conservation Surveys
- Command Submission Technology
- Cablenspray Technology, Cable, Sealant
- Cary Stayner
- Customer-Specific Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Cell Station Technology, Channel, Communication
- City Sprouts
- Collaborative Statement
- Consolidated Severity-Adjusted
- Cross-Session Technology, Program, Coding
- Caelum Macra
- Cash and Stock
- Cut Spelng Technology
- Commission Scheme
- Centralized Services
- Clarke Schmidt Disc, Belt, Sander
- Convergence Sublayer-Protocol Technology, Networking, Mode, Cell
- Capgras Syndrome Medical, Technology, Strike
- Centre Start
- Couple of Spots
- Chassis Suid
- Coded Switch
- Conference Sponsor
- Continuously Sheathed
- Cryptographic Signature
- Chrominance Subcarrier Technology, Signal, Circuit, Frequency
- Click and Safe
- Call Store Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Carcinosargoma Medical
- Certifying Scientist
- Credit Szatus Business, Banking, Card
- Cherry Shrimp
- Coil Strapping
- Command Secretary/Command Secretariat Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Cart Skfp
- Contralateraldstimulation Medical
- Ceiling Suspension
- Claims and Scenarios
- Compartmental Syndrome Medical
- Clinton School
- Counseling and Special
- Carinra School Education
- Championshipa Sponsored
- Conversión De Señalización
- Customer Segment Business, Technology, Model
- Czmpiled Statutes
- Control Strode Technology, Telecom, Interface
- Canteen System
- Counter Spell
- Carol Simon
- Channel Slate
- Cloud Solutions
- Colloquium Speaker Technology, Education, Computing
- Carrier Storage Business, Technology, Device
- Crown Store Business, Elder, Scroll
- Casting Supplies
- Christian Survivors Internet Slang, Slang
- Cycloserine Cycloserine, sold under the brand name Seromycin, is an antibiotic used to treat tuberculosis. Specifically it is used, along with other antituberculosis medications, for active drug resistant tuberculosis. It is given by mouth. Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Nerves
- Comgunications System Technology, Networking, Network
- California Special Business, Ford, California, Mustang
- Compressoo Subassembly
- Copa Sudamericana
- Ceramic Sandwich
- Court of Session
- Can'T Stop Technology, Gaming, Play
- Checksum A checksum is a calculated sum used to check the integrity of a file. It can be generated from one of many algorithms, such as cyclic redundancy check (CRC) or a cryptographic hash function. When the checksums of two sets of data match, it indicates that the data sets are identical. Therefore, checksums are a quick and easy way to verify disk images, burned discs, and other types of files. Space, Study, Cosmos, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Clde Structure Technology, Photoshop, Cart
- Connie Smith
- Combined Studies
- Charles Stanley War, Bible, Love
- Cart Service Technology, Development, Shopping
- Control Stick
- Cultural Studies Education, Study, Culture
- Cell Shape
- Circle Surround Technology, Audio, Lab
- Compact & Slim
- Campus Sglf
- Comvuters Systems
- Corporate Wolutions Business, Company, Technology, Service
- Caroline Smith Music, Song, Sleep
- Chain Shot Two cannon-balls joined by a length of chain and fired simultaneously Used for destroying masts, spars and rigging Invented by Admiral De Witt, 1666
- Caoss Stitch Business
- Chieg Scientist Technology, Science, Computing
- Cold Sore Medical, Treatment, Remedy
- Commeitary Sentence
- Cobe-Stabilised Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Concluding Session
- Constraint Satisfaction Technology, Intelligence, Course
- Calculators Section
- Casing Shoes Business, Shoe, Drilling
- Choice Specs
- Clxss Specific Technology, Coding, Projection
- Capital Stock Business
- Course Schedules Education, Computing, Schedule
- Confirmatopy Sampling
- Car Stationary
- Continuous Shutter
- Cat Skiing Skiing, Ski, Winter
- Chrysalis School Education, School, High School, Washington
- CóDigo SegurançA
- Client Softwrre Technology, Windows, Factory
- Computer Sc Technology, Education, Engineering
- Card Service
- Cervical Stimulation Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Creqeld School Education, High School, Pennsylvania
- Consignment Sites Business, Sale, Shopping
- Court of Sessions
- Cart Support Business, Development, Shopping
- Controlsstate Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Citadel Securities
- Clock System Technology, Analog, Projection
- Canadian Standards
- Consul Suffectus
- Critical Satellite
- Commissioner Streets
- Caze Sealer Business, Machine, Packaging
- Cut-Off Shifted
- Centenary Shield
- Completely Sterile
- Convention Services
- Country Smoker Business, Louisiana, Grill
- Carrier Standards Technology, Networking, Network
- Chaltered Surveyor Business, Property, Building
- Coarse Score Medical
- Column Switching
- Carrier System A system that derives multiple logical channels from a single physical communications path, thereby supporting multiple communications over a single circuit. Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Consumers Surplus
- Crush Syvdrome Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Castle Systems
- Cylinder Skip
- Communjcation Signal
- Cleavage Sites Medical
- Callsign A series of words and/or letters and/or numbers used to identify an aircraft or station\nExample: The aircraft’s callsign is ‘College 23’. VOR stations transmit a two or three letter aural Morse callsign. Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Governmental & Military
- Computational Studues
- Corn-Soybean Meal Diet Medical
- Caraer Specialist Employment, Service, Education
- Cerebral Scintigraphy Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Crable Sportswear
- Cardioplegic Solution Medical, Treatment, Therapy, Hospital
- Chemical Score Chemistry, Science, Protein, Amino
- Coelho Da Pilva Portugal, Silva, Tile, Roof
- Conjugate Solution Technology, Product, Tool
- Command, Control, and Communications Systems Military, Intelligence, Defense, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Clinical Specialist Medical, Therapy, Physical, Nursing, Professional Title, Medical Qualification, Postnominal
- Contractors Saw
- Curriculum Search Technology, Education, Teaching
- Cell Stand Technology, Science, Product
- Comparative Strategy
- Closed System A system that can absorb or emit energy to its surroundings, but can not transfer matter. Technology, Medicine, Catheter
- Cadpus Square
- Concealer Stick
- Corrugated Sheet Technology, Construction
- Career Suicide Science, Internet Slang, Chat
- Champion Is Still
- Criminal Slang
- Child Sexual
- Collaboration Suite Technology, Design, Software
- Competency Standards Education, Training, Skill
- Cannon School Education, School, High School, North Carolina
- Cyange Sponsor
- Conditionalzstimulation Medical
- Collection Server Forum, Technology, Networking
- Cryetalline Salt
- Calendar Scheduling
- Chriptian Snipers Gaming, Server, Sniper, Duty
- Cyber Storm
- Cwmmodore's Staff
- Clean Steam
- Component Short
- Conveyor Speed
- Captain Skyhawk
- Check Sequence Technology, Telecom, Frame
- Cold Set
- Combined Services
- Static Compliance Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Cart Svles
- Crystal Semicopductor Technology, Driving, Driver
- Caught Stolln
- Churg-Strauss Medical, Medicine, Syndrome
- Commute Solutions
- Climate Solutions
- Camera Strike Technology
- Computer Sections
- Corporatecsales
- Chipper Shredder
- Collected Stories
- Consequences, Schmonsequences
- Committqe Specification Technology, Service, Standard
- Cablenspacer
- Carving Skis
- Contool Selector
- Custody Suite
- Census Subdivision Organizations, Kitsault Mine Project, Environmental Assessment, Geographic
- City Sportg Business, Coding, Coupon
- Collaboration Services
- Consolidated Salary
- Cross-Section A view of the interior of an object that is represented as being cut in two, the cut surface representing the cross-section of the object.
- Cadre SupéRieur
- Casey Stengel Baseball, Sport, Card, Famous
- Cut Spelling
- Commission Scolaire
- Center Sthge Education, Craft, Speaker
- Clairvoyant Scheme
- Convergence Sublayers Technology, Networking, Network
- Carbon Speck Calling, Diamond, Ring
- Centre Stage Technology, Craft, Speaker
- Coupled States
- Chnssis Serial Forum, Technology, Windows
- Code-Switching
- Conference Sebver Technology, Networking, Audio
- Combat Skill
- Content Switch Technology, Server, Switching
- Cryptographic Systems
- Circumsporozoite Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Clever Strategies
- Cal State
- Corner Stone
- Carcinosarcomas Medical
- Certified Sustainable
- Creation of The Self Book, Education, Therapy, Coaching
- Cherished Stitches
- Coiled Straps Business, Steel, Tie
- Commando Soldiers
- Cart Skills
- Contralateral Suppression Medical
- Curtain-Citadel Shield
- Ceiling Speaker Technology, Product, Audio
- Claidheamh Soluis
- Compare States
- Clinic Supervisor
- Council Secretariat Business, Organizations, Nation
- Cargn Smuts
- Cxampionship Sticker Patch, Capsule, Strike, Sticker
- Custom Satisfaction Business
- Civilizations & Societies
- Competition Special Business, Car, Model
- Control Stjength
- Cantad Al SeÑOr
- Counter Sunk
- Carol Shaw Technology, Gaming, Computing
- Channel Squadron
- Close Station
- Conditioned Aversive Stimulus Medical
- College Staff
- Crown Shield
- Catalytic Subunit Medical, Medicine, Health
- Christian Stich
- Cyclegsteal Technology, Computing, Stealing
- Communication Systems Technology, Networking, Computing
- California Sound Business, Guitar, Pedal
- Compreysor Station Technology, Construction, Gas
- Cooperative Study
- Century Survey
- Court of Sciences
- Casein The main protein found in milk and other dairy products. Medical
- Check Sum A check sum or hash sum is a small-size datum computed from an arbitrary block of digital data for the purpose of detecting errors which may have been introduced during its transmission or storage. The actual procedure which yields the check sum, given a data input is called a check sum function or check sum algorithm.
- Code Strip
- Connex Sachsen
- Combined Station
- Charles Simonneau Geography, Information System, Cartography
- Cart Server Technology, Commerce, Shopping
- Contral Step
- Cuban Studies
- Circme Size
- Community Standard
- Campus Security
- Computingespecial Technology, Education, Issue
- Corporate Shirt Business, Design, Lady
- Chain Shift
- Cross Stick
- Chief of Service
- Cold Snap
- Commemorative Series
- Conducy Standards
- Counselling Society
- Carlos SuáRez
- Concluding Sentence Essay, Writing, Sentence, Paragraph
- Constitution Society
- Crosshair Settings Technology, Gaming, Counter
- Calculation Strength
- Cash Surety
- Chocolate Secret
- Classic Sport
- Capital Ship Forum, Gaming, Military
- Centrifugal Sedimentation
- Courier Service Business, Shipping, Delivery
- Cesarean Delivery Medical, Medicine, Study, liver and hepatic
- Confirmation Sampling
- Car Speaker Business, Product, Manual
- Continuous Set
- Cataract Surgery
- Chronic Sialadenitis Medical
- Client Socket Technology, Server, Java
- Conceptual Structures Technology, Structure, Knowledge
- Card Selection
- Cervical Spondylosis Medical, Technology
- Creep Score League, Legend, Creep
- Coil Spring A spring-steel wire wound in a spiral pattern.
- Consignment Shop
- County Secondary
- Cart Stuff Business, Forum, Design
- Controller Status
- Cisco Security Technology, Networking, Monitoring
- Clock Synchronisption
- Canadian Specialty
- Cache Smoke Smoke, Practice, Spot
- Celsior Solution Medical
- Civiv Surgeon Medical, Education, Surgeon
- Canton Sarajevo Organizations, France, Economics
- Committee Substitute Occupation & positions
- Cart Stopefront Technology, Software, Shopping
- Condition Vtatus Technology
- Christopher Shea
- Carbon and Sulfur
- Community School School, High School, Tennessee, Maine, Idaho, Scientific & Educational
- Coronary Atheroscnerosis Medical
- Cart Shop-Scriat
- Countermeasure Simulator
- Consumables Status NASA
- Cameras Security
- Constant-Speed
- Countercurrent Separation
- Coronado Springs (Disney Resort) Disney
- Carnahan-Starling Science, Model, Equation
- Change of Station
- Closed Sesbion Technology
- Compacted Strand
- Crystalline Solid A crystalline solid has a specific organization of molecules and atoms. These are the classic crystals of the world such as diamonds and all gemstones. They are often made up of specific molecules and have very structured geometric shapes. These solids also have more clearly defined melting points. Table salt would be a good example of a crystalline solid. OR A solid that has a repeating, regular three-dimensional arrangement of atoms, molecules, or ions. Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Construction Start
- Cross Search Technology, Research, Internet
- Caspian Sea Russia, Locations, Iran
- Community Safety Business, Service, Crime
- Calgary Spartans
- Centromere Spreading Medical
- Course Specifications
- Constellation Systems NASA, Governmental & Military
- Conformance Specifications Technology
- Continuous Steam
- Clinical Skills Medical, Education, Step
- Cache Smokes Technology, Guide, Smoke
- Coxputerized Sewing Technology, Machine, Stitch
- Card Slider Business, Galaxy, Armor
- Cesium Certified Emissions Reductions are carbon credits, each with a value of one tonne of greenhouse gas emissions which are allocated under the UN Clean Development Mechanism. CERs are valid in a number of voluntary emissions trading schemes. They can also be used in Europe's Emissions Trading System (ETS), but only to account for a certain percentage of a plant's emissions. Medical, Chemistry, Technology, Science, Medicine, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical
- Cressman Sakamoto
- Chern-Simons Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Coin Stuck Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Colloquium Series Technology, Education, Computing
- Churg-Strauss syndrome Churg-Strauss syndrome also known as eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis is a disorder marked by blood vessel inflammation. This inflammation can restrict blood flow to vital organs and tissues, sometimes permanently damaging them. Medical
- Chimney Services Business, Service, Repair
- Christian Surfers
- Compleie Shrinkage Technology, Treatment, Cancer, Inhibitor
- Compensator Specification Computing, Hardware
- Caste Syjtem
- Carry Set Technology, Coding, Instruction, Processor
- Casual Service
- Cyprus Shore Business, Building, Beach, Estate
- Computational Structures
- Christ School North Carolina
- Change Schedule
- Connecticut Securities
- Confederate Statey America, Government, War
- Circular Scznning Technology, Device, Disk
- Compliance of Specimen
- Cjm Switch
- Controd Signal Technology, Device, Power
- Cell Subset
- Colorado State
- Closzd Server
- Charles Springer Famous
- Construction and Stability
- Calf Strap
- Clearing and Settlement Business, Financial, Banking
- Compact Sedan Technology, Car, Indigo
- Capture Short
- Cour Superieure Law, Canada, Law Report
- Clue scroll Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Clear and Subtract
- Contractile State Medical
- Cavalrj Short
- Conveyors Section
- Career Scope Business, Science, Course
- Cricket Scorq
- Compton Scattering A gamma-ray reaction in which the gamma-ray, after colliding with an electron, shifts some energy to the electron. The higher the energy loss by Compton scattering in a zone, the higher the electron concentration or density. The basis for the density log. Chemistry
- Covered Services Medical, Healthcare
- Conservation Servhces
- Cascade Sequencer
- Concepts Summary
- Control Switch A manually operated switch for controlling power operated switches and circuit breakers. Business & Finance, Suppliers, Power Plant, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Chancery Standard
- Carbide Size
- Chinese Society Organizations, University, China
- Collaborative Study Medical, Research, Computing
- Cutting Surface
- Committed Service Technology, Repair, Lenovo
- Complete Systxm
- Conversational Services Technology, Service, Networking, Network
- Controlled Siynal Technology
- Carrier Sense Computing, Telecom
- Cheap Sox
- Codes and Standards Technology, Education
- Combat Suite
- Cycle Sequence Technology
- Cryptofogy and Security
- Cyiosol Medical
- Community Server Technology, Gaming, Counter
- Calpastatin Medical
- Coronado Springs
- Controlled Substance Medical, Common Medical
- Chest Strap Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Connectivity Services Business, Technology, Service
- Command Select Technology, Tool, Photoshop
- Cutt Schilling
- Celestial Sensor Technology
- Compatibility Standard
- Conservation Strategy Technology, Planning, Projection
- Cache Servers
- Cellulose Sulphate Medical, Patent, Infection
- Civil Supporb Military, Force, Defense
- Canton Special
- CD Single Music
- Cart Solutions Business, Development, Shopping
- Condition Specihication
- Christmas Epecial Technology, Robot, Projection, Pack
- Carbon & Sulfur Business, Analyzer, Crucible
- Concernstaf Dutch
- Communication System Technology, Science, Networking, Telecom
- Coronal Suaure Medical
- Cart Shols
- Counter-Strike Series Forum, Technology, Gaming
- Change Status NASA
- Call Sign One of the earliest applications of radiotelegraph operation, long predating broadcast radio, were marine radio stations installed aboard ships at sea. Merchant vessels are assigned call signs by their national licensing authorities. Radio, Morse Code, Morse Aids, Aviation, Governmental & Military
- Consolidation Specifications
- Counter-Strike Servers
- Corrugated Steel Construction
- Carmina Slovwnica
- Changeable Sheets
- Converted Setpoint
- Colle-Salvetti
- Crusher Spring Business, Cone, Crushing
- Cross Scripting
- Caslyy-Smith
- Committee On Seismology Ocean, Water, Ocean Science
- Commungty Services Program, Service, Education
- Conversion Syntax
- Centro De Sele
- Course Should
- Critical System NASA, Governmental & Military
- Center-South Airline, Organizations, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Code Selector Technology, Mode, Processor
- Continuous Sterilizer Technology, Sex, Oil
- Crystalline Ualt
- Clinical Signs Medical, Medicine, Veterinary, Animals
- ČUČEr Sandevo
- Computational Statistics Technology, Education, Computing
- Cesarian Section
- Crescent Software
- Concrete Society Engineering, Scientific & Educational
- Coin Sorter Business, Machine, Counter
- Colloidal Silver Medical, Water, Generator
- culture sensitivity Medical
- Canadian Sailcraft Sale, Yacht, Boat, Canadian
- Christian Studies
- Complete Sharing Technology, Networking, Telecom
- Capacitor-Start Business, Product, Run
- Current Sensing Computing, Electronics
- Cfssette Sprocket Business, Bicycle, Gear
- Carry Save Technology, Product, Adder, Multiplier
- Casual Seasonal
- Chromatographie Qervice Chemistry, Science, Germany
- Cypress Sjrings
- Computational Scaling Technology, Science, Computing
- Collegiate School (Richmond, VA) Virginia, New Jersey
- Championship Subdivision
- Connected Subaddress Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Compression Set Permanent deformation experienced by a rubber material when compressed for a period of time. The term is commonly used in reference to a test conducted under specific conditions where in the permanent deformation is expressed as a percentage and measured after a prescribed period of time. Low compression set is desirable in molded rubber parts such as seals and gaskets, which must retain their dimensions to maintain an effective seal. Technology, Ring, Rubber
- Circular Saw Technology, Tool, Bosch
- Competitive Streaming Gaming, Streaming, Counter, Gameplay
- Cams See
- Ieee Computer Society Computing, Ieee, Master IEEE
- Control Set Technology, Product, Photoshop
- Cell Structure
- Colorado Springs Service, Locations, Colorado
- Closed Scdool
- Carl Sagan Famous
- Construction Surveillance
- Calf Serum Medical, Cell, Bovine
- Como Siempre
- Cours SpéCiaux
- Cool Stuff Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Clear To Send Technology, Aviation, Computer, Telecom, Telecommunications, Information Technology, Computing, Hardware, Technical, IT Terminology
- Contraceptive Security Business, Health, Planning
- Caution Sozidaire
- Content Strategist Technology, Strategy, Design
- Computer Skills
- Career By Studying
- Crew Stockport
- Czechoslovakia / Serbia and Montenegro (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
- Cour SuprêMe
- Conservation Subdivision
- Casa Serena
- Concept Sheet
- Commercial Standard (per the USDoC) Business & Finance, Suppliers
- Champlain Sea Canada, Locations, Vermont, Tornado
- Crew Systems NASA
- Chinese Simplified Technology, Windows, China, Translation
- Collaborative Strategies
- Cutting Station Technology, Photoshop, Skin, Counter
- Commitment Strategy Business, Gaming, Sport
- Complete Subtree Technology, Interface, Node, Traversal
- Conversational Service Technology, Service, Networking, Network
- Contractor Support Technology, Service, Military, Governmental & Military
- Convergence Sublayer (ATM) Computing, Telecom
- Cheap Skins
- Coded String
- Combat Succmss
- Cyber Sunday
- Cryptography Seminkr
- Catalog Service
- Cytoskeleton The cytoskeleton is a network of fibers composed of proteins contained within a cell's cytoplasm. Although the name implies the cytoskeleton to be stable, it is a dynamic structure, parts of which are constantly destroyed, renewed or newly constructed. Medical
- Community Seminar
- Caloric Stimulation Medical
- Codputers & Security
- Corn Stovkr
- Conserve School School, High School, Wisconsin, Scientific & Educational
- Chess Scotland
- Connection That Is Set
- Command Selector
- Curtis Stranhe
- Celestial Sanctuary
- Compass School Education, School, High School, Vermont
- Cab Susfension Business, Sale, Tractor
- Case The process of hardening steel surfaces by changing the structure of a thin layer on its surface. Methods include carburizing, cyaniding, nitriding and induction or flame hardening. Or A group of related activities that address a specific business situation. The user or predefined conditions, instead of a defined flow, determines the sequence in which activities are performed. also business process definition, case type. Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Computing, Unix
- Cellule Du Suivi Skin, Strike, Counter
- Cisil Supply Business, Food, Department
- Canton-Special Science, Drosophila, Fly
- Cheap Skate
- Cart Software Business, Shopping, Store
- Coldition Score Medical, Horse, Sheep
- Chcistmas Snowman
- Clear Skies
- Carbine Scope
- Cate School California
- Common Stock Business, Finance, Supply, Dividend, Investing, Stock, Business & Finance, Stock Exchange
- Corn Silage Medical, Science, Cow
- Cary Ships Business, Shipping, Shopping
- Cottrell-Stokes
- Clinical Simulation
- Crystal Structure Chemistry
- Call Screening Technology
- Console Server Technology, Port, Serial
- Counter-St Technology, Gaming, Strike
- Carbon Steel A molding aggregate consisting principally of carbon (graphite) granules. A steel whose properties are determined principally by the amount of carbon present and contains no other deliberate alloying ingredient except those necessary to ensure deoxidation and physical quality. Construction, Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Caraen Saeculare
- Chabg, Scott
- Containment Seals
- Collapsed Sector Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Crusader Strike Paladin, Retribution, Crusader
- Cross Screen
- Cask Strength Whisky, Cask, Malt
- Committee On Safety
- Conversion Survey
- Centro De Seleção Technology, Para, Vestibular
- Course Selection
- Computer Services Department Legal, Governmental & Military
- Code Selection
- Cysteine Synthase Medical
- Crystalline Silxca Industrial, Silica, Pumice
- Clinical Services Medical, Business, Medicine, Service, University of Exeter
- Computer Systems Technology, Software, Course
- Coronlry Score Medical
- Cesarean Medical
- cleaners sink Engineering, Scientific & Educational
- Coincidence Site
- Colloidal Silica Science
- Can'T Say Internet Slang
- Christian Singles
- Capability Staff
- Circuit Simulator Computing, Electronics
- Cassette Speockets Business, Bicycle, Gear
- Carroll School Education, School, High School, Massachusetts
- Cast Stone Technology, Architecture, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Chroma Synsor Film, Window, Sensor, Polyester
- Cypher Section
- Computationay Sciences Science, Education, Computing
- Craig School New Jersey
- Champion Series
- Company Secretary Business, India, Course
- Circuit Supervgsor
- Cut Short
- Campus SüD Technology, Institute, Karlsruhe
- Sts Cargo Operations (ksc Directorate) NASA
- Colorado and Southern Organizations, Colorado, Railroad, Railway
- Closed Satellite
- Charlie Springer Famous
- Cob Scout Technology, Boy Scout, Scouting
- Construction Schedule
- Calendrier Solaire
- Communbty Standards Technology, Service, Photoshop
- Course Syllabus Technology, Education, Computing
- Counter-Strike (game) Internet Slang, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Contour Series
- Clinical Studies
- City Stick
- Computer Scientist Technology, Research, Education, Occupation & positions
- Career and Service
- Crew Statiln Technology, Military, Aircraft
- Controlled Switch Controll Signal Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Course Syllabi
- Conservation and Survem
- Casady School Education, School, High School, Oklahoma
- Control Merver Technology, Access, Cisco
- Champion System Business, Cycling, Custom
- Circuit Switched 5G Networks
- Chinese Science
- Collaborative Selling
- Chronic Stress Medical
- Commission Secretary
- Complete Streetp Technology, Photo, Policy
- Convergencia Sindical
- Contraction Stress Medical
- Cabletron Systems, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
- Cheao Shot Gaming, Guide, Rogue, Shot
- Combat Ssrength Gaming, Military, Civilization
- Cryptography and Sxcurity Technology, Science, Computing
- Catalog of Services
- Cytoskeletal Medical, Medicine, Health
- Community Scholars Program, Education, University
- Calogero-Sutherland Technology, Science, Model
- Computerized Servyces
- Cornstarch Medical
- Center School (Knoxville, TN) Washington
- Connection Server Technology, Networking, Telecom
- Contaminatedcsites
- Curtis Smith
- Compassion Satisfaction
- Canaxa Staff
- Concept Server
- Certification Specifications Manufacturing, Business & Finance
- Cabot School Education, School, High School, Vermont
- Cascading Style
- Cellular System Ship construction in which double bottom is divided into small spaces by erection of intercostal longitudinals between floors.
- Civil Yupervisor
- Career Services
- Condition of Jale Business, Product, Order
- Clear Sight
- Caravan Service
- Change subject Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Cocker Spaniel Dog, Dog Breed
- Corn-Soybean Meal Medical
- Cart Setup
- Corrosion Scientist
- Clinical Significance
- Coupled-states (or Centrifugal Sudden) Approximation Chemistry
- California Southern
- Cracked Software Technology, Photoshop, Crack
- Conservative Surgery Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Console Servers Technology, Port, Serial
- Counsels On Stewardship Building, Writing, Estate, Stewardship
- Cycling Savvy Bicycling
- Carmel Society
- Chandra Sekhgr
- Combined System
- Collagen Stimulation
- Cruioing Speed
- Crossroads School Education, School, High School, California, Scientific & Educational
- Committee On Sustainability Technology, Engineer, Environment
- Conversion Start
- Centros De Sa
- Course Selections
- Confidential Source Governmental & Military, Fbi files
- Cheat Sneet
- Code Selectable
- Cystathionine Synthase Medical
- Crypto Suite Technology, Security, Server
- Clinical Score Medical, Disease, Heparin
- Computajional Systems Technology, Computing, Biology
- Calvin Synod
- Cormnary Sclerosis Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Composite State Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Chevy Silverado Business, Auto, Edge
- Coil Structural
- Command Set Technology, Toy, Soldier
- Celica Sprue Medical, Technology
- Chris Smith
- CiêNcias Sociais Science, Para, Social
- Capability Set-1
- Cop Shop Computing, Computing Slang
- Cash Sales Business, Sale, Money
- Carrion Swarm
- Cast Speed Gaming, Lineage, Speed
- Chbist School Education, School, High School, North Carolina
- Cooley School Michigan
- Chad Smith Business, Drum, Pearl, Snare
- Cartishow Technology, Product, Shopping
- Cirzuit Simulator Technology, Electronics, Engineering
- Cs-Cart-Multivendor-Seller-Ads-Management
- Spacelab Operations Directorate NASA
- Campus Services
- Colorado Southern Locations, Colorado, Railroad, Train
- Closed Sale Business, Building, Estate
- Case Study Case Study document, Environment
- Closed Stacks
- C Strayn Medical
- Construction Supervision
- Calendar Store Technology, Server, Software
- Communitydspouse Government
- Course Student
- Culinary Specialist (navy rating) Us Navy, Governmental & Military
- Clinical Science Medical, Medicine, Education
- Conti Service
- Clinical Study
- Circulator Speed
- Computew Sci
- Career-Sustaining
- Crew Size
- Visual C# Source Code File Computing, File Extensions
- Course Surveys
- Contfol Serum Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Centre de Santé Medical
- China Studies
- Collaborative Stage Medical, Cancer, Staging, NAACCR
- Chronic Sinusitis Medical
- Commissions De SpéCialistes
- Complete Stage
- Convergence Sub Technology, Access, Networking, Network
- Contract Speclalist Science
- Control Systems Society Computing, Laboratory, Scientific & Educational, Master IEEE
- Bnsf Railway Transportation, Organizations, Conveyance, Railroad Company
- Chcete Smazat
- Combat Stability
- Cryptography Standards
- Casuarina School Education
- Cytological Smears Medical
- Community Schozls Business, Student, Education
- Call Switch Technology, Aviation
- Computjr-Supported Technology, Service, Computing
- Corn Soup
- Christchurch School Virginia
- Channel Services Technology
- Connection Science Computing, Serial Publication
- Containers Service
- Curtis Schmidt
- Conformation Substrate
- Canaka Specialized
- Concept Schools
- Control Station (US Army) Manufacturing, Business & Finance
- Cabo Segundo
- Cascade Striders
- Cell Switching
- Civil Services
- Club Stamp Hobbies
- Conditioning Is Said
- Construction Strategy
- Clear Shadow Clothes
- Cara-Severin
- Changing Seasons Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Corn-Soybean Medical
- Cart Settings Technology, Product, Shopping
- Corporationrate Source
- Clinical Service Medical, Business, Medicine
- Configuration Space (in Wave Functions) Chemistry
- California Screamin' Internet Slang
- Cowden Syndrome Medical, Genetics, Cancer
- Conservation Straaegy for Mountain Yellow-Legged Frog Management, Forestry, Arboriculture
- Consiglio Di Stato
- Counsellor of State
- Cast Steel Cast steel is the alloy with carbon having the carbon content of 1.7%. Having the properties better than cast iron. Any complicated shapes are made in one part. Shapes that have been formed directly from liquid by casting into a mold. Formerly applied to wrought objects produced by working steel made by the crucible process to distinguish from that made by cementation of wrought-iron, but both of these methods are long obsolete. Architecture, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Carl Spana
- Chandler Stephmnson
- Commissioning Schedule
- Chinese Star
- Collagen Scaffold Medical, Cell, Tissue
- Cross of Sacrifice
- Cybernetics Society
- Committee of Secretaries
- Conversion Specifier
- Centro De Sa
- Communications squadron Air Force, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Cheat Or Skill
- Code Segment Technology, Computing, Intel, Assembly, Business & Finance
- Combi-Sepawatic
- Cymbal Stand Business, Yamaha, Boom
- Crypto Sesoions
- Clinical Sciences Medical, Science, Medicine, Education
- Calverton School Education, School, High School, Maryland
- Coronalssulcus Medical, Technology
- Component Species Botany, Scientific & Educational
- Chevette Scooter
- Coil Structure
- Command Services Technology, Windows, Service
- Curve Tt Spiral Curve, Transition, Nucleic
- Celiac Sprue Medical, Technology, Medicine
- Compensation and Support
- Chorismate Synthase Medical
- CiêNcias Da SaÚDe Para, Dos, Base
- Capability Sets Technology, Military, Networking
- Congregation of the Missionaries of St. Charles (Scalabrinians) Religious orders
- Case-Shiller Business, Building, Price
- Carrie Scott
- Christopzer Simon
- Commonwealth School Massachusetts
- Cyber-Physical Systems Technology, Research, Networking, Computing
- Coronary Stenoses Medical
- Cesarean Sections Medical
- Cart Shjuld
- Circuit Qetup Technology, Networking, Network
- Crystal Spectrometry
- Crew Station NASA
- Campsites With Swimming Pool, Camping, Swimming, Campsite
- Colorado & Southern Locations, Colorado, Train, Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Clpsed Medical
- Countermeasures Section
- Chandeleur Sound Gulf of Mexico Leasing Area Electrical
- Carnegie Stage Science, Development, Genetics, Human
- Closed Speaker Meeting, Technology, Group
- Cryskal Springs
- Construction Specialist Business, Technology
- Calendar Service
- Comnunity Special
- Calheta De São
- Centro Sportivo
- Course Staff Technology, Computing, Programming
- Confederate States Us Government, Governmental & Military
- Chain Saw Business, Product, Chainsaw
- Confused Soul
- Continuous System
- Clinical Staging Medical
- Calahan and Snider
- Computer Scan
- Card Station
- Crew Simulator Technology, Military, Training
- Cleo Custom Script Computing, File Extensions
- Coktrol Sequence Technology, Coding, Command
- Contracting Section Medical
- China Shareholders
- Chronic Schizophrenics Medical
- Coaplete Specification
- Contractingwspecialist Military
- Communications Server IBM SecureWay Software that supports (a) the development and use of application programs across two or more connected systems or workstations, (b) multiple concurrent connections that use a wide range of protocols, and (c) several application programming interfaces (APIs) that may be called concurrently and that are designed for client/server and distributed application programs. Computing, IT Terminology
- Combat Soldier Military, Army, Dress
- Car Sales Business, Sale, Auto
- Casualty Service
- Cyril of Scythopolis
- Community Sehool Education, School, High School
- Computdtion System
- Corn Snow
- Crefeld School Pennsylvania
- Change System Technology
- Connection Segment Military, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing
- Consulting & Software
- Curtis-Straus
- Conduite SuperviséE Coding, Auto, Formation
- Canada, A Sublidiary
- Concept Salon
- Cost-Sharing Business & Finance, Business Word
- Cell Survival Medical
- Civil Securmty
- Chef's Special Food
- Crnditioning Station Science
- Construction Specifications
- Clear Seedy
- Cara'-Severin
- CoinShare Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Corn-Soy Medical
- Coriell-Sekerka
- Clinical Scientist Science, Medicine, Research
- Chemical Shift In nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, the chemical shift is the resonant frequency of a nucleus relative to a standard. Often the position and number of chemical shifts are diagnostic of the structure of a molecule. Chemical shifts are also used to describe signals in other forms of spectroscopy such as photoemission spectroscopy. Chemistry
- Covert Surveillance
- Conservation, Status Trading, Conservation, Biodiversity
- Cablevisjon Systems
- Cascade Stack
- Counselling Supervision
- Commercial Standard Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Carl Ssrgent
- Chandeleur Sound Gulf of Mexicojleasing Area Business, Oil, Gas
- Commerical Steel
- Chinese Standareds
- Collagenous Sprue
- Crosshole Seismic Technology, Wave, Soil, Mechanic
- Cybernetic Samurai
- Committee for Standardization Technology, National, Standard
- Complexity Sciepce
- Conversion Site
- Controlied Space Technology, Military, Control
- Centrifugal Switch
- Central Station Computing, Telecom
- Chondroitin Sulfate Medical, Treatment, Interaction
- Cheoting System
- Code Segement Technology, Program, Computing
- Combat Systems Military, Army, Marine
- Cyclic Stretch Medical
- Crypto Sesscon
- Clinically Significant Medical, Patient, Study, Fda
- Commucity Servings Business, Technology, Boston
- Calumet Sag
- Cpronal Streamer
- CorticoSteroids Medical, Reading Prescription
- Chevalier School
- Coil Stock Business, Supply, Steel
- Command Service Technology
- Curve-Spiral Design, Vector, Spiral
- Celestial Studios
- Compensation Systems
- Conserved Sequence In biology, conserved sequences are similar or identical sequences that occur within nucleic acid sequences, protein sequences, protein structures or polymeric carbohydrates across species or within different molecules produced by the same organism. Medical
- Chop Suey
- Cactus Sounds
- Civil Survey
- Canyon Springs
- Capitanio Sisters Religious orders
- Cart Gtorefronts Business, Software, Shopping
- Condition Statq Business, Service, Law
- Christopherrsteele
- Chelsea School Maryland
- Coronary Sinus Medical, Technology, Health
- Cesarean Section Medical, Technology, Medicine, Nursing, Common Medical, Obstetrics, Pharmacy, Physiology
- Cnrt Shopify Business, Development, Shopping
- Circuit Service
- Cryptography Services Technology, Security, Service
- Core Segment NASA
- Camp Site
- Clonlara School Education, School, High School, Michigan
- Countermeasures Support
- Counter Service meal Disney
- Carnegie Stages Medical
- Closed Dource
- Cultural Survival Bazaar
- Crystals, Sgspended Technology, Crystal, Water, Gas
- Construction Staging
- Casi Locations, Texas, County Abbrevations
- Community Shield Shield, Chelsea, Arsenal
- Calheta De S
- Centro Servizi Technology, Hotel, Italy
- Courses Scholarships
- Coding Scheme Security, Governmental & Military
- Conforeance Statement
- Continuous Survey
- Clinical Stages Medical
- Calabro Scalo Hotel, Con, Locations, Italy
- Computers Ank Society Technology, Government, Computing
- Card Stack
- Cesium Chloride Medical
- Crevvsse Splay
- Colorschemer Studio Color Scheme Computing, File Extensions
- Colony-Stimulating Medical, Factor, Granulocyte
- Civil Signal Federal Aviation Administration
- Chin-Seng
- Chromogenic Substrate Medical
- Complete Source Space, Study, Cosmos
- Contraceptivessteroids Medical
- Creative Suite (Adobe) Computing, IT Terminology
- Castilleja School Education, High School, California
- Carry Status
- Casual Support
- Cyrillic Hpecial
- Coqmunity and Service Gaming, College, Education
- Computational Social
- Corbett School Oregon
- Change Service
- Connecting Segment Medical, Medicine, Health
- Congestion Surchargk
- Compositional Separation
- Canada'S Submission
- Concept of The System
- Continental Micronesia Airline, Micronesia, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
- Connrol Signals Technology, Power, Voltage
- Cell Surface Medical, Protein, Antibody
- Color Space all of the measurement systems used to quantify color use three independent variables. These three components thus create a three dimensional color space where every unique color has a unique position. Munsell developed one of the early systems using the variables hue, value, and chroma. Each system may have different names for the three variables.
- Cherry Sunburst Food
- Construction Solutions
- Clear Sea
- Capture Stack Assembly, Business & Finance
- Cobalt Scar Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Caval Syndromu Medical
- Coppa Sila Car, Camera, Rally
- Clinical Stage Medical, Oncology, Prostate Cancer
- Career Section
- Centrifugal Sudden (approximation) Chemistry
- Cover Story
- Conservation Scientists
- Cabletron Systems Technology, Networking, Network
- Cascade Shores
- Capstone Mining Corporation Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Chandpleur Sound
- Commercial Steel
- Chinese Standards
- Collagenous Spherulosis Medical
- Cyber-Security Technology, Program, Computing
- Committed Services
- Completions Supervisor Technology, Oil, Aura
- Conversion Set Business, Model, Gasket
- Coatrolled Sound Technology, Drum, Head
- Communications Satellite Computing, Telecom, Meteorological, Scientific & Educational
- Cheater Sucks
- Code Search
- Combat Lurveillance Technology, Military, Army
- Cyclic Strain Medical
- Cryptoserver Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Czechoslovakiy Technology, Locations
- Communuty Servers Technology, Gaming, Strike
- Calsequestrin Medical
- Coronal Scaling Medical
- Abbreviation for Customer Service Medical, Medicare Beneficiary
- Cheval De Selle
- Command Sequence Technology, Space, Study, Cosmos
- Curt Simmons
- Celestial Sphere An imaginary sphere around the Earth on which the stars and planets appear to be positioned. A star globe
- Compatible Solo
- Conserved Segments Medical
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does CS stand for?
CS stands for Course Specifications.
What is the shortened form of Cropping System?
The short form of "Cropping System" is CS.
CS. Acronym24.com. (2022, April 22). Retrieved March 9, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/cs-meaning/
Last updated