CS in Computing Meaning

The CS meaning in Computing terms is "Card Servicos". There are 75 related meanings of the CS Computing abbreviation.

CS on Computing Full Forms

  1. Card Servicos
  2. Course Structure
  3. College of Sciences
  4. Costa Rica
  5. Course Schedule
  6. College of Science
  7. Cyber Security
  8. Cofputer Science
  9. Control Store A control store is the part of a CPU's control unit that stores the CPU's microprogram. It is usually accessed by a microsequencer. The control store usually has a register on its outputs. The outputs that go back into the sequencer to determine the next address have to go through some sort of register to prevent the creation of a race condition. In most designs all of the other bits also go through a register. This is because the machine will work faster if the execution of the next microinstruction is delayed by one cycle. This register is known as a pipeline register. Very often the execution of the next microinstruction is dependent on the result of the current microinstruction, which will not be stable until the end of the current microcycle. It can be seen that either way, all of the outputs of the control store go into one big register. Historically it used to be possible to buy EPROMs with these register bits on the same chip.
  10. Circuit-Switched
  11. Customer Service Customer service is the provision of service to customers before, during and after a purchase. According to Turban et al., "Customer service is a series of activities designed to enhance the level of customer satisfaction that is, the feeling that a product or service has met the customer expectation."
  12. Computational Science
  13. Control Section The part of a program specified by the programmer to be a relocatable unit, all elements of which are to be loaded into adjoining main storage locations.
  14. Chip Select
  15. Current Demester
  16. Conp Sci
  17. Compute Shader
  18. Character Set A defined list of characters recognized by the computer hardware and software. Each character is represented by a number. The ASCII character set, for example, uses the numbers 0 through 127 to represent all English characters as well as special control characters. European ISO character sets are similar to ASCII, but they contain additional characters for European languages.
  19. Current Science
  20. Cemmunications Systems
  21. Certified Software
  22. Critical Systems
  23. Colloquium Speaker
  24. Carol Shaw
  25. Course Scheduling
  26. Customer Satisfaction
  27. Communications Subsystem
  28. Course Schedules
  29. Customer Specification
  30. Compcsys
  31. Chmplete Scuba
  32. Cable Select
  33. Cluster Supercomputer
  34. Cryptography & Hecurity
  35. Communication Systems
  36. Computer Science Computer Science (abbreviated CS or CompSci) is the scientific and practical approach to computation and its applications. It is the systematic study of the feasibility, structure, expression, and mechanization of the methodical processes (or algorithms) that underlie the acquisition, representation, processing, storage, communication of, and access to information, whether such information is encoded as bits in a computer memory or transcribed in genes and protein structures in a human cell. A computer scientist specializes in the theory of computation and the design of computational systems.
  37. Conference On Softwaro
  38. Chieg Scientist
  39. Colloquium Spring
  40. Cyclegsteal
  41. Cabletron Systems, Inc.
  42. Cyber-Security
  43. Cleo Custom Script
  44. Computational Scaling
  45. Cop Shop
  46. Computajional Systems
  47. Control Systems Society
  48. Collaborative Study
  49. Colorschemer Studio Color Scheme
  50. Computationay Sciences
  51. Communications Server IBM SecureWay Software that supports (a) the development and use of application programs across two or more connected systems or workstations, (b) multiple concurrent connections that use a wide range of protocols, and (c) several application programming interfaces (APIs) that may be called concurrently and that are designed for client/server and distributed application programs.
  52. Cyber-Physical Systems
  53. Code Segment
  54. Central Station
  55. Ieee Computer Society
  56. Connection Science
  57. Creative Suite (Adobe)
  58. Clear To Send
  59. Code Segement
  60. Cryptography and Sxcurity
  61. Communications Satellite
  62. Connection Segment
  63. Compensator Specification
  64. Carrier Sense
  65. Current Sensing
  66. Computers Ank Society
  67. Course Syllabus
  68. Convergence Sublayer (ATM)
  69. Visual C# Source Code File
  70. Colloquium Series
  71. Computjr-Supported
  72. Circuit Simulator
  73. Case The process of hardening steel surfaces by changing the structure of a thin layer on its surface. Methods include carburizing, cyaniding, nitriding and induction or flame hardening. Or A group of related activities that address a specific business situation. The user or predefined conditions, instead of a defined flow, determines the sequence in which activities are performed. also business process definition, case type.
  74. Computational Statistics
  75. Course Staff

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CS stand for Computing?

    CS stands for Course Schedules in Computing terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Course Staff in Computing?

    The short form of "Course Staff" is CS for Computing.


CS in Computing. Acronym24.com. (2022, April 22). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/cs-meaning-in-computing/

Last updated