CS in Medical Meaning
The CS meaning in Medical terms is "Cardiac Surgery". There are 229 related meanings of the CS Medical abbreviation.
CS on Medical Full Forms
- Cardiac Surgery Surgery to the heart
- Cardiac Sarcoidosis
- Canola Seed
- Cardiogenic Shock
- Cockayne'S Syndrome
- Ceramide Synthase
- Claims Services
- Cordzceps Sinensis
- Chiral Selector
- Compressive Strength Crushing a load at failure divided by the original sectional area of the specimen. The ability of a material to sustain a force in a direction opposite of tension. The maximum compressive stress carried by a test specimen during a compression test. For a container, the shape in which various cross sections have a common center. The maximum compressive stress that a material is capable of developing, based on original area of cross-section.
- Culture Supernatant
- Candidate Standard
- Consensus Statement
- Close Supervision
- Cortical Stimulation
- Centrum Semiovale
- Cingelate Sulcus
- Cord Serum
- Charge-Separated
- Comrensatory Sweating
- Culture and Sensitivito
- Calcium Sulfate
- Chondroitin Sulphate
- Connection Service
- Clonorchis Sinensis
- Corrugator Sulercilii
- Cell Salvage
- Cigaretme Smoking
- Copper Sulfate
- Compartment Syncrome
- Calcium Scoring
- Chondroitin Sulfates
- Congenital Syphilis
- Clinwcal Supervisor
- Corpus Spongiosum
- Cavernous Sinus
- Communication Sxecialist
- Crouzon Syndrome
- Caesarian Section
- Chondroitin-4-Sulfate
- Congenital Scoliosis
- Cavernous Sinuseq
- Cromolyn Sodium
- Certified Specialist
- Civil Service
- Chloroquine-Sensitive
- Conditioned Swimulus
- Calcium Score
- Canton-S
- Cerebral Stroke
- Cleavage Stage
- Coreysequence
- Clinical Supervision
- Chitin Synthase
- Conditional Stimulus
- Circumsporozoite Antigen
- Conjunctival Secretion
- Cardiotonic Steroid
- Cerebral Scintigraphy
- Coeruleorpinal
- Caesarean Section Caesarean section, also known as C-section, is the use of surgery to deliver one or more babies. A Caesarean section is often performed when a vaginal delivery would put the baby or mother at risk. This may include obstructed labour, twin pregnancy, high blood pressure in the mother, breech birth, problems with the placenta, umbilical cord or shape of the pelvis, and previous C-section.
- Corpus Striatum
- Castanospermine
- Contrast Sensitivity
- Cryoglobulinemic Syndrome
- Cervicothoracic Somite
- Conditional Stimuli
- Cornell Strain
- Cyclosmorins
- Child Safeguarding
- Carcinosargoma
- Cockayne Syndrome
- Celsior
- Clinical Specialist
- Corpuscles of Stannius
- Ciclosporin Ciclosporin, also spelled cyclosporine and cyclosporin, is an immunosuppressant medication and natural product. It is used by mouth and injection into a vein for rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, Crohn's disease, nephrotic syndrome, and in organ transplants to prevent rejection. It is also used as eye drops for keratoconjunctivitis sicca.
- Contralateraldstimulation
- Crush Syvdrome
- Cervical Swab
- Concentrated Strength
- Corn and Soybean Meal
- Cyclosporine A
- Conditioned Aversive Stimulus
- Carcinosarcomas
- Central Service
- Coarse Score
- Cardiovascular Surgery
- Static Compliance
- Churg-Strauss
- Contralateral Suppression
- Carotid Sheath
- Crude Survival
- Cervical Stimulation
- Completedwstroke
- Cardioplegic Solution
- Cell Sorter
- Clinically Staged
- Corn-Soybean Meal Diet
- Cyclolporine
- Chemosensitizers
- Condibional Survival
- Carcinoid Xyndrome
- Cloverleaf Skull
- Chronic Sialadenitis
- Cervical Spondylosis
- Coli Surface
- Complexfspikes
- Cycles Per Second Is the number of recurrences of a periodic vibration or other wave-form activity occurring in the course of a second.
- Crude Saponin
- Cell Sonicate
- Clinical Laboratory Scientist
- Control Subjects
- Cyclosdorin
- Conditioning Stimulation
- Capillary Surfactometer
- Cesarean Delivery
- Chronic Schizophrenia
- Cyries-Susceptible
- Cervical Spondylitis
- Cold Sore
- Complex Spikz
- Casein The main protein found in milk and other dairy products.
- Calendar and Scheduling
- Countershock
- Cleavage Site
- Cycloserine Cycloserine, sold under the brand name Seromycin, is an antibiotic used to treat tuberculosis. Specifically it is used, along with other antituberculosis medications, for active drug resistant tuberculosis. It is given by mouth.
- Compartmental Syndrome
- Conditioned Stimuli
- Capgras Syndrome
- Clinic Scheduling
- Circumsporozoite
- Cardiovascular System The cardiovascular system consists of the heart, blood vessels, and the approximately 5 liters of blood that the blood vessels transport. Responsible for transporting oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and cellular waste products throughout the body, the cardiovascular system is powered by the body's hardest-working organ — the heart, which is only about the size of a closed fist.
- Cervical Spine
- Cohort Studies
- Caesarean Sjctions
- Corpus Striatal
- Catalytic Subunit
- Cleavage Sites
- Contrbls
- Cutaneous Sensitivity
- Conditionalzstimulation
- Canalicular System
- Clinician Scientist
- Cyclosporin A
- Cytological Smears
- Clinical Skills
- Coronary Atheroscnerosis
- Chromogenic Substrate
- Conserved Segments
- CorticoSteroids
- Civiv Surgeon
- Covered Services
- Collagenous Spherulosis
- Calsequestrin
- Celica Sprue
- Clinical Service
- Clinical Signs
- Coronal Suaure
- Coldition Score
- Chorismate Synthase
- Centromere Spreading
- Case The process of hardening steel surfaces by changing the structure of a thin layer on its surface. Methods include carburizing, cyaniding, nitriding and induction or flame hardening. Or A group of related activities that address a specific business situation. The user or predefined conditions, instead of a defined flow, determines the sequence in which activities are performed. also business process definition, case type.
- Abbreviation for Customer Service
- Collaborative Study
- Calpastatin
- Celiac Sprue
- Clinical Stage
- Clinical Services
- Chest Strap
- Corn Silage
- Coronlry Score
- Controlled Substance
- Collaborative Stage
- Caloric Stimulation
- Centre de Santé
- C Strayn
- Cesarean Sections
- Clinical Score
- Corn-Soybean Meal
- Celsior Solution
- Chondroitin Sulfate
- Cysteine Synthase
- Cormnary Sclerosis
- Cyiosol
- Contractile State
- Carnegie Stages
- Chronic Stress
- Contraction Stress
- Calf Serum
- Contracting Section
- Cesarean Section
- Clinical Sciences
- Cesium Chloride
- Corn-Soybean
- Cellulose Sulphate
- Clpsed
- Cystathionine Synthase
- Coronalssulcus
- Cytoskeleton The cytoskeleton is a network of fibers composed of proteins contained within a cell's cytoplasm. Although the name implies the cytoskeleton to be stable, it is a dynamic structure, parts of which are constantly destroyed, renewed or newly constructed.
- Clinical Staging
- Coronary Stenoses
- Conservative Surgery
- Chronic Sinusitis
- Contraceptivessteroids
- Caval Syndromu
- Churg-Strauss syndrome Churg-Strauss syndrome also known as eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis is a disorder marked by blood vessel inflammation. This inflammation can restrict blood flow to vital organs and tissues, sometimes permanently damaging them.
- Colony-Stimulating
- Contfol Serum
- Clinically Significant
- Cesium Certified Emissions Reductions are carbon credits, each with a value of one tonne of greenhouse gas emissions which are allocated under the UN Clean Development Mechanism. CERs are valid in a number of voluntary emissions trading schemes. They can also be used in Europe's Emissions Trading System (ETS), but only to account for a certain percentage of a plant's emissions.
- Corn-Soy
- Cell Survival
- Cyclic Stretch
- Coronal Scaling
- Cytoskeletal
- Clinical Stages
- Coronary Sinus
- Connecting Segment
- Chronic Schizophrenics
- Conserved Sequence In biology, conserved sequences are similar or identical sequences that occur within nucleic acid sequences, protein sequences, protein structures or polymeric carbohydrates across species or within different molecules produced by the same organism.
- Clinical Science
- culture sensitivity
- Colloidal Silver
- Cowden Syndrome
- Cesarean
- Collagen Scaffold
- Cell Surface
- Cyclic Strain
- Cornstarch
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does CS stand for Medical?
CS stands for Congenital Scoliosis in Medical terms.
What is the shortened form of Clinically Significant in Medical?
The short form of "Clinically Significant" is CS for Medical.
CS in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2022, April 22). Retrieved March 9, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/cs-meaning-in-medical/
Last updated