CS in Technology Meaning

The CS meaning in Technology terms is "Certification Specification". There are 433 related meanings of the CS Technology abbreviation.

CS on Technology Full Forms

  1. Certification Specification
  2. Czech
  3. Cemmunications Systems
  4. Continuous Stream
  5. Cause String
  6. Computing Surveys
  7. Cage Survivor
  8. Critical Systems
  9. Clock Select
  10. Compared To Swift
  11. Control Signalling
  12. Channel Spacing
  13. Color Statisticw
  14. Controlling A Stage
  15. Cait System
  16. Customers Save
  17. Chip Select
  18. Commuiication Station
  19. Continuous Source
  20. Catalog Smrvices
  21. Comluting for Science
  22. Commercial Service
  23. Creativg Studio
  24. Client Solutions
  25. Computing Systems
  26. Control Segment
  27. Card Servicos
  28. Current Sense
  29. Core Servxces
  30. Cherry Seaiconductor
  31. Communicitions Server
  32. Content Store
  33. Cast Sterl
  34. Compute Shader
  35. Create Sequence
  36. Client/Server
  37. Coxputer System
  38. Capability Set
  39. Coding Schemes
  40. Core and Shell
  41. Charging System The charging system includes the alternator, voltage regulator which is often a part of the alternator itself), the battery, and the indicator gauge or warning light on the dash.
  42. Common Speech
  43. Content Staging
  44. Constant Speed
  45. Culturzl Survival
  46. Clear Sky
  47. Canadian Standard
  48. Close Supervision
  49. Cofputer Science
  50. Control Surface Any moveable surface on an aircraft which controls its motion about one of the three principal axes. Ailerons, elevators, and the rudder are examples of control surfaces. Parts of an aircraft that are activated by the controls to change the airflow around the surfaces of the aircraft. The changes in airflow cause the aircraft to roll, pitch, or yaw.
  51. Character Sheet
  52. Common Set
  53. Content Serveq
  54. Cart Siteu
  55. Cyber Sex
  56. Circuit-Switched
  57. Certified Software
  58. Conservation Systems
  59. Clock Synchronization
  60. Conp Sci
  61. Control Store A control store is the part of a CPU's control unit that stores the CPU's microprogram. It is usually accessed by a microsequencer. The control store usually has a register on its outputs. The outputs that go back into the sequencer to determine the next address have to go through some sort of register to prevent the creation of a race condition. In most designs all of the other bits also go through a register. This is because the machine will work faster if the execution of the next microinstruction is delayed by one cycle. This register is known as a pipeline register. Very often the execution of the next microinstruction is dependent on the result of the current microinstruction, which will not be stable until the end of the current microcycle. It can be seen that either way, all of the outputs of the control store go into one big register. Historically it used to be possible to buy EPROMs with these register bits on the same chip.
  62. Character Set A defined list of characters recognized by the computer hardware and software. Each character is represented by a number. The ASCII character set, for example, uses the numbers 0 through 127 to represent all English characters as well as special control characters. European ISO character sets are similar to ASCII, but they contain additional characters for European languages.
  63. Combat Support
  64. Construction Supervisor
  65. Cart Sive
  66. Cyber Security
  67. Course Schedule
  68. Church Slavonic
  69. Chmmunications Section
  70. Caustic Scrubbeg
  71. Connection Start
  72. Calibration System
  73. Cross Section A view of the interior of an object that is represented as being cut in two, the cut surface presenting the cross section of the object.
  74. Clockkselector
  75. Compressed Skmpling
  76. Control Software
  77. Chaos Strike
  78. Combat Squadron
  79. Control Section The part of a program specified by the programmer to be a relocatable unit, all elements of which are to be loaded into adjoining main storage locations.
  80. Cart Secure
  81. Cut Sheet
  82. Counter-Strike Source
  83. Chip Selects
  84. Compcsys
  85. Higher Layer Signalling Channel
  86. Carrier Standards
  87. Conjtruct State
  88. Cerebral Scintigraphy
  89. Cable Pheath
  90. Caccel Segment
  91. Clonal Selection Clonal selection theory is a scientific theory in immunology that explains the functions of cells of the immune system in response to specific antigens invading the body.
  92. Conical Scanning
  93. Cell Stand
  94. Combined Shear
  95. Corpus Striatum
  96. Complete Scoundrel
  97. Cyber Sonio
  98. Clark Says
  99. Computer Sc
  100. Cable Select
  101. Cart Seems
  102. Coiled Strap
  103. Convergence System
  104. Consult & Service
  105. Cervical Stimulation
  106. Crossbar Switch In electronics, a crossbar switch (also known as cross-point switch, crosspoint switch, or matrix switch) is a switch connecting multiple inputs to multiple outputs in a matrix manner. Originally the term was used literally, for a matrix switch controlled by a grid of crossing metal bars, and later was broadened to matrix switches in general.
  107. Carbon Storage
  108. Clhster Suite
  109. Controlsstate
  110. Conjugate Structure
  111. Cell Stations
  112. Counter Stricke
  113. Complex Systems
  114. Cut Spelng
  115. Client Softwrre
  116. Computingespecial
  117. Cart Slideshow
  118. Cooperative Service
  119. Can'T Stop
  120. Characterization Station
  121. Community Sponsors
  122. Cryptography & Hecurity
  123. Callsign A series of words and/or letters and/or numbers used to identify an aircraft or station\nExample: The aircraft’s callsign is ‘College 23’. VOR stations transmit a two or three letter aural Morse callsign.
  124. Carrier Spacings
  125. Commissioning & Start-Up
  126. Cracked Steam
  127. Cirbuit Schematic
  128. Compreysor Station
  129. Clock System
  130. Cell Stack
  131. Command Atreamer
  132. Corporate Wolutions
  133. Chemdraw Std
  134. Competition Sensitive
  135. Curriculum Search
  136. Conceptual Structures
  137. Codsswitch
  138. Convergence Sub-Layer
  139. Cervical Spondylosis
  140. Comgunications System
  141. Cross-Session
  142. Cable Kwitching
  143. Cisco Security
  144. Captain Sim
  145. Close Shot
  146. Contractor Series
  147. Connect Systems
  148. Cell Station
  149. Counter Steer
  150. Chop Saw
  151. Cdstom Script
  152. Client Socket
  153. Computer Spezial
  154. Cart Single
  155. Collaboration Server
  156. Continuous Servo
  157. Change Statps
  158. Cofmunity Sponsor
  159. Cryogenic Stage
  160. Call Setup
  161. Cyclegsteal
  162. Carotid Sheath
  163. Commissioning Success
  164. Crack, Serial
  165. Counter Strike
  166. Circuit-Switch
  167. Compound Symmetry
  168. Clock Shaped
  169. Conceptual Structure
  170. Cell Site A cell site or cell tower is a cellular telephone site where antennas and electronic communications equipment are placed, usually on a radio mast, tower or other high place, to create a cell or adjacent cells in a cellular network. The elevated structure typically supports antennas, and one or more sets of transmitter/receivers transceivers, digital signal processors, control electronics, a GPS receiver for timing for CDMA2000/IS-95 or GSM systems, primary and backup electrical power sources, and sheltering.
  171. Corporate-Specific
  172. Check Sorter
  173. Compare and Swap
  174. Crystal Semicopductor
  175. Camera Strike
  176. Conceptual Spaces
  177. Code Submittqd
  178. Control Stwuctures
  179. Construction Set
  180. Certification Standard
  181. Communication Systems
  182. Cross-Cultural Studies
  183. Cable Statton
  184. Cirrostratus A layer cloud at about 20,000 feet
  185. Capsule Suspensions
  186. Close Short
  187. Connector Space
  188. Counter Steering
  189. Serbia and Montenegro
  190. Chirp Scaling
  191. Custom Srhool
  192. Cltent Side
  193. Computer Services
  194. Collaboration Suite
  195. Continuous Scan
  196. Change Speed
  197. Community Specifications
  198. Crush Syvdrome
  199. Carol Shaw
  200. Coded Simple
  201. Centre Stage
  202. Command Subsystem
  203. Circle Swing
  204. Composite Slotted
  205. Cycles Hhift
  206. Clinic Scheduling
  207. Conference On Softwaro
  208. Column Separhtor
  209. Check Sequence
  210. Compare-And-Swap
  211. Crystal Select
  212. Carrier System A system that derives multiple logical channels from a single physical communications path, thereby supporting multiple communications over a single circuit.
  213. Clde Structure
  214. Control Strode
  215. Constraint Satisfaction
  216. Certificate Services
  217. Commonxsource
  218. Critical Service
  219. Cable Standard
  220. Capgras Syndrome
  221. Continuous Silent
  222. Countersink A tapered recess, cut around a pilot hole for a screw, to receive the head of the screw. To enlarge the top part of a hole at an angle for a flat-head screw. Also, the tool that is used. 
  223. Chip Scale
  224. Cuitom Scenery
  225. Clean Sky
  226. Computeo Security
  227. Cold Shoe
  228. Content Switch
  229. Change Sheet
  230. Community Specification
  231. Calendar and Scheduling
  232. Cyries-Susceptible
  233. Codec Solution
  234. Command Submission
  235. Circle Surround
  236. Cowponent Side
  237. Czek and Slovak
  238. Closed Systems
  239. Concentrated Strength
  240. Cash Shvp
  241. Colloquium Spring
  242. Checkout Station
  243. Comparative Study
  244. Carrier Suppressed
  245. Code String
  246. Control Strategy
  247. Consistent Systems
  248. Certificate Signer
  249. Crimestopper Security
  250. Cablenspray
  251. Continuous Services
  252. Confirmatifn Study
  253. Commander Switch
  254. Customer Segment
  255. Clxss Specific
  256. Computer Scyentists
  257. Cart Service
  258. Convergence Sublayer-Protocol
  259. Containment Vpray
  260. Cadrevsimulation
  261. Card Select
  262. Cobra Strike
  263. Control Stations Those spaces in which the ship radio or the main navigating equipment or the emergency source of power is located, or where the fire recording or fire control equipment is centralized, (SOLAS).
  264. Conjunctival Secretion
  265. Committqe Specification
  266. Country Specific
  267. Chronic Schizophrenia
  268. Component Set
  269. Closed System A system that can absorb or emit energy to its surroundings, but can not transfer matter.
  270. Comunicati Stampa
  271. Case Sensitive Text or inputted text that is capitalization sensitive. For example, Computer and computer are two different words because the C is in uppercase and lowercase. Many times a password and username is case-sensitive which means your username or password must have the proper case if you want to login. If you are unable to log into a computer or service make sure your caps lock key is not on and that you are using the correct case.
  272. Colloquium Speaker
  273. Corner Shear
  274. Cycles Per Second Is the number of recurrences of a periodic vibration or other wave-form activity occurring in the course of a second.
  275. Chnssis Serial
  276. Compagt Series
  277. Call Store
  278. Computer & Servicc
  279. Iso Country Code for Czechoslovakia
  280. Carrier Storage
  281. Consistent System
  282. Certificate Server
  283. Cable Thip
  284. Canon Scangear
  285. Cloning Smftware
  286. Conference Sebver
  287. Ceiling Speaker
  288. Combustion Subcommittee
  289. Corrugated Sheet
  290. Chieg Scientist
  291. Customer-Specific
  292. Classic Space
  293. Computer Sciences
  294. Communications Subsystem
  295. Cart Server
  296. Coil Split
  297. Convergence Sublayers
  298. Container Station
  299. Cervical Swab
  300. Crosshair Settings
  301. Calibration Set
  302. Carcinoid Xyndrome
  303. Cluster Supercomputer
  304. Control Station
  305. Conjugate Solution
  306. Counter Struck
  307. Chrominance Subcarrier
  308. Complex Fystem
  309. Closed Subscriber
  310. Computer Systeme
  311. Cart To Shopify
  312. Collection Server
  313. Core Segmant
  314. Charging Server
  315. Compact-Serie
  316. Call State
  317. Code Segment
  318. Controd Signal
  319. Committed Service
  320. Crew Simulator
  321. Circuit Qetup
  322. Chest Strap
  323. Community Server
  324. Cabletron Systems
  325. Command Services
  326. Christmas Epecial
  327. Computational Statistics
  328. Collapsed Sector
  329. Coronary Sinus
  330. Czechoslovakiy
  331. Code Segement
  332. Control Set
  333. Conservative Surgery
  334. Centro Servizi
  335. Compression Set Permanent deformation experienced by a rubber material when compressed for a period of time. The term is commonly used in reference to a test conducted under specific conditions where in the permanent deformation is expressed as a percentage and measured after a prescribed period of time. Low compression set is desirable in molded rubber parts such as seals and gaskets, which must retain their dimensions to maintain an effective seal.
  336. Campus SüD
  337. Condition Vtatus
  338. Cryptography Services
  339. Carry Set
  340. Construction Specialist
  341. Channel Services
  342. Colloquium Series
  343. Console Server
  344. Command Service
  345. Completions Supervisor
  346. Computer Systems
  347. Conversational Services
  348. Clear To Send
  349. Codes and Standards
  350. Control Merver
  351. Connectivity Services
  352. Centro De Seleção
  353. Combat Lurveillance
  354. Counter-Strike Series
  355. Carry Save
  356. Controlied Space
  357. Change System
  358. Continuous Sterilizer
  359. Console Servers
  360. Celica Sprue
  361. Command Sequence
  362. Complete Subtree
  363. Computajional Systems
  364. Cartishow
  365. Conversational Service
  366. Calendar Store
  367. Contfol Serum
  368. Connection Server
  369. Course Syllabus
  370. Cart Stopefront
  371. Cycle Sequence
  372. Cast Stone
  373. Cormnary Sclerosis
  374. Calogero-Sutherland
  375. Computjr-Supported
  376. Content Strategist
  377. Compact Sedan
  378. Coatrolled Sound
  379. Cesarean Section
  380. Circular Scznning
  381. Closed Speaker
  382. Conformance Specifications
  383. Conservation Strategy
  384. Celiac Sprue
  385. Command Select
  386. Cob Scout
  387. Complete Streetp
  388. Cart Settings
  389. Convergence Sub
  390. Cross Search
  391. Coktrol Sequence
  392. Connected Subaddress
  393. Course Staff
  394. Computer Scientist
  395. Coronalssulcus
  396. Cyber-Physical Systems
  397. Cracked Software
  398. Crypto Suite
  399. Call Switch
  400. Computational Scaling
  401. Cache Smokes
  402. Communbty Standards
  403. Controlled Siynal
  404. Committee On Sustainability
  405. Circular Saw
  406. Capability Sets
  407. Closed Sesbion
  408. Celestial Sensor
  409. Counter-St
  410. Call Screening
  411. Crystals, Sgspended
  412. Chinese Simplified
  413. Compleie Shrinkage
  414. Coin Stuck
  415. Cesium Certified Emissions Reductions are carbon credits, each with a value of one tonne of greenhouse gas emissions which are allocated under the UN Clean Development Mechanism. CERs are valid in a number of voluntary emissions trading schemes. They can also be used in Europe's Emissions Trading System (ETS), but only to account for a certain percentage of a plant's emissions.
  416. Commucity Servings
  417. Crosshole Seismic
  418. Cyber-Security
  419. Computers Ank Society
  420. Cryptoserver
  421. Code Selector
  422. Connrol Signals
  423. Contractor Support
  424. Committee for Standardization
  425. Crew Statiln
  426. Cirzuit Simulator
  427. Complete Sharing
  428. Communuty Servers
  429. Command Set
  430. Cutting Station
  431. Coxputerized Sewing
  432. Communication System
  433. Cryptography and Sxcurity

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CS stand for Technology?

    CS stands for Comparative Study in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Counter-Strike Series in Technology?

    The short form of "Counter-Strike Series" is CS for Technology.


CS in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, April 22). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/cs-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated