CSA in Chemistry Meaning

The CSA meaning in Chemistry terms is "Chkral Solvating Agent". There are 13 related meanings of the CSA Chemistry abbreviation.

CSA on Chemistry Full Forms

  1. Chkral Solvating Agent
  2. Coupled Static Approxn. (in Scattering Calcns.)
  3. Coupled Static Approxn.
  4. Coupled States Approxn.
  5. Coupled States Approxn.
  6. Chiral Solvating Agent
  7. Coupled-Subshell Approxn.
  8. Chemical-shift Anisotropy
  9. Camphorsulfonic Acid
  10. Charge Sensitivity Analysis
  11. Centrifugal Sudden Approxn. (in Scattering Calcns.)
  12. Coupled-subshell Approxn. (in Calcns. On Inner-shell Ionization Collisions)
  13. Canadian Standards Authority

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CSA stand for Chemistry?

    CSA stands for Centrifugal Sudden Approxn. (in Scattering Calcns.) in Chemistry terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Coupled-Subshell Approxn. in Chemistry?

    The short form of "Coupled-Subshell Approxn." is CSA for Chemistry.


CSA in Chemistry. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 21). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/csa-meaning-in-chemistry/

Last updated